Somebody told me Sam is not getting any bait for that match, also another person told me that all the mosella lot went up last week and blanked !! I did actually speak To Alan Scotthorne at Thorne and He told me that the fishing was very, very poor (they were not His actual words !!).
I know the last sentence is a fact, however the other parts are not 100%, Has anybody got any info as it might be better to clear a few things up. I know that with a close season that will be force by the time the semi is on will probably make another natural venue impossible to find if the fishing is really, really poor. If this is the case and we have got wot we've got ! so to speak then obviously bloodworm and joker will be a major factor. It would seem very unfair to see teams without this bait and some with if the bloodworm is allowed. Obviously all teams will favour having the bait if it is availiable to all. If it is banned then We could really be looking forward to a grim day.
Any takers