teams on the day
1. mosella black country ................13pts
2. shakespeare.............................15
3. dams and lock...........................16
4. browning lifestyle 1....................18
5. four ashes.................................19
6.=browning west mids....................20
6.=eagles red.................................20
8. MMC.........................................22
9. MMF.........................................24
10=browning lifestyle 2....................25
10=browning lifestyle 3....................25
10=westy's 3..................................25
13 tipton red..................................30
14.tipton gold.................................42
teams overall
1. shakespeare................................63
2. browning lifestyle 2......................64
3. dams and lock.............................74
4. browning lifestyle 1......................79
5. browning lifestyle 3......................82
6. mosella black country...................89
7. browning west mids.....................91
8. MMC...........................................92
9. eagles red...................................96
11=westy's 3....................................109
11=four ashes...................................109
13 tipton red.....................................112
14 tipton gold....................................120
1. steve broome .......................6-5-2 peg 9
2. jason evans..........................5-15-0 8
3. mark hardman.......................5-0-8 50
4. darren massey.......................4-2-7 17
5. brent wilkes..........................3-9-6 2
6. simon nickless.......................3-6-10 38
A section
1. steve broome
2. jason evans
3. darren massey
4. brent wilkes
B section
1. jason cunningham
2. martin owen
3. bruce birch
4. ted yearby
C section
1. mark hardman
2. simon nickless
3. mal wood
4. dave sheaf
congratulations to shakespeare's team of jase cunningham, darren massey and daz lewis for winning the league....well done boys
and thanks to all who fished the league
hope to do another septemberfest if there is enough interest again
many thanks
marko and the black country boys