carnt keep nowt quiet round here young uns for it
You can't blame young MBK for this you only have yasen to blame
Think back to our conversation Sunday.......heres a recap.....
Mr V...How ya getting on bruv.
TC...1 roach, did I tell you it was my bufday next Tuesday?
MrV. 1 roach, what you doing wrong?
TC. Dont know, must be cos its my Bufday on Tuesday
MrV..have you tried heavier rigs to combat the wind?
TC. Nah, dint bring any heavy rigs, must ave bin cos its my bufday on Tuesday!
MrV..So what you doing Tuesday.
TC....Oh its my Bufday, and I am decorating t'house. Its my Bufday as well so I might have a break from the decorating and celebrate. Did I tell you its my Bufday on Tuesday
See ya Saturday muxker