And by a quirk of fate - I missed it
Wandered where MrV had got to at 8.30am as he hadnt materialised in sunny Gt Wyrley at 8.15am as arranged
'Better give him a bell to check all is aok' I thought to myself.
Picked up the dog and bone and low and behold I'd gorra a text (sent the night before) from him - MrsV wasnt well and he'd gorra miss it.
With the nip still in possesion of my 'other' wheels I was scooby dood.........
So I rang Tricast to tell him to tell Blues4eva/Big Col to carry out pegging, do the draw etc and I'd drop em off the beamies later in the morning.
And come 11am when I wondered down the towpath, what was I greeted with...............
The half dozen pegged in the pound heading back to Bhills central were all having plenty of bites on the punch - only 1/2 oz fish, but bites a plenty
I stopped for half hour or so, but despite my utmost reassurances that he'd empty it if he stuck another no10 shot on I couldnt convince Cotti to do so.............his peepers must be knacked
With a dickey knee I didnt venture down to the other renegrades pegged (out of sight) in a pound heading towards Clayhanger
Result to follow..............