a good point mate

i wonder how many commercials are actual members of the Angling trust

in the past i won't of said any of them would of given the A/Tr the time of day ,where as most of the clubs on natural venues are members and members support the trust
as choppy said its nice that a sponsor has come into take on the winter league [our own fault the angling times has pulled out]but the bigger picture that i can see is
1 partridge lakes is a commercial [or business]so what better way to fill your pegs up at a time of year were the pleasure anglers doesn't bother much and the die hard match angler will fish right through the winter
2 the competition might now create more leagues on commercials knowing that the final is on a commercial
3 how much is the sponsorship worth and over how long if its a one off that will be the end of the competition as i can see natural venue leagues not bothering this year as it is
4 team size's will be decreased for a commercial final so again less anglers on the bank
team fishing has to change but i'm not sure if this change is too hasty

perhaps its time we looked at teams themselves as we all know the top teams pull the best anglers perhaps teams should be regional and anglers fishing within that team should only come from that region creating a A,B,C,D teams so the A team would fish against Ateams of other regions and so on going down the line on a dedicated league format
one thing is for sure unless we do something soon we can all kiss team fishing bye bye