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Hi all,
Some news, Maria and I are moving up North to just outside Barnsley next week, so I very much doubt that I'll be fishing anymore Marsh matches.
I'd like to take the opportunity to say what a pleasure it's been to fish with all of you, times I'll always treasure along with the friendships made.
I will keep in touch and I'm sure I'll catch up with some of you at various MD's events and suchlike in the future.
Hope you and the missus settle in quick and all the best for the future.
Thx's for all your advice and help and hopefully we will see you soon on some of the matches.
Hopefully you will master the waters up there soon, good luck.
Wow. Mugger going up north
Peter mate they don't wash up there mate are you sure you've thought this through
Pee-taking aside good luck mate you will be missed you and the chairman are probably the reason I started fishing again as a grown up.
You'll defo come out on a marsh match you can crash on my sofa
Good luck mate you and the Mrs deserve it.
Good luck Pete. I'm sure this will be a great move for you.
Couple of tips to help you get into the lingo:
Minus 10 and a howling gale is referred to as a "mild spring zephyr"
Suspend all use of the word 'while' until you have had intensive language training