16 members visited a lovely fishery at Monkhall to fish Swallow and Kingfisher pools.
All credit to the gaffer down there, who gave us the use of the 2 pools, even though we had only booked Swallow. On arrival, several members were already tucking in to the cafes ample breakfasts. Although the weather forecast was pretty grim, it was nice and sunny....but would it last

Yamo went and sorted the pegging out, and after drawing peg 14 as the GP, the members duly drew their pegs. 10 of us were on Swallow, with the other 6 on Kingfisher, giving us all plenty of room. Fishery pellets were purchased, and I must say they were very well priced compared to other fisheries.
I was on peg 6 on Swallow, which meant naff all to me, and had Bullah on 8 and Cotti on 4 for company. The 5 hours flew by, and plenty of fish were had by all. Although the weights weren't massive, I think everyone enjoyed the day. The weather held all day, and I heard lots of positive comments afterwards about the fishery, and have a funny feeling we may be back there in the future
A couple of tales from the day: Daz drew favoured peg 1 on our pool and after the match went off to weigh with KOD. While he was gone, a pair of "Yorkshire Barstewards" as he called them, switched one of his nets for an empty one

Also, apparently Yamo was so far in front with an hour to go, he decided to make it a fairer match and kicked all his bait into the pool......top sportsmanship

Tricast drew his usual end peg. You can tell he's from Bradford.....there's lots of corner shops up there

OBI got threatened with the cane by the lady serving the breakfasts.....his little eyes lit up

Anyway, the result:
1st. Yamo. 43-8-0
2nd. Dennis 42-2-0
3rd. Abuman. 37-6-0
4th. Bullah. 36-10-0
5th. Dark Hoss. 34-10-0
6th. Mick E. 32-6-0
7th. Trev B. 31-14-0
8th. KOD. 30-0-0
9th. TK. 28-10-0
10th. MrV. 26-10-0
11th. OBI. 23-8-0
12th. Daz. 22-2-0
13th. Tricast. 21-0-0
14th. Cotti. 18-8-0
15th. Heinzer. 12-10-0
16th. Rob D. 11-0-0
Well done Yamo on back to back wins