May I say I didn't draw the peg I had the last one in the bag n to be honest didn't want that draw ,too much boat traffic

. Had 2 cross overs just before the whistle one of which stopped in front of me churning my inside line to ribbons

Lines fed n all I could catch was little wasp roach,ashame to catch them actually . Then another boat comes through and a family boarding one outside marina mouth,(would they come my way)?finally things settle down n I manage to trickle a few out from down the track with a couple of bonus perch. Nervs settled but struggling have to go on my far lines earlier than would have liked as we have more boats but the castar line produces some stamp roach around the 10 to 12oz Mark (great)
Then that boat outside the marina mouth reverses straight into Phil's swim then pulls forward n then reverses straight over my far swim stools n churns it up as it pulls forward. I asked him nicely wat he was playing at but typically they couldn't give a dam.
Over lines fed again n finally a bit of calm n a few more stamp roach followed to my amazement ,then it goes quiet is that it? Hear we go big carp hooked as it slowly sulks off down the cut,(by-by) luckily leaving my rig in tact back in n I hook a bream around 4lb which flipped over the line n gone (gutted).
Back down the track n a few small perch follow then into two good perch both ov which spit it out at the net,(could it get any worse)?
Back over n snared a few more nice roach n the odd skimmer.
In all can't complain I managed to keep em coming throughout the day but could ov been so much better

Nice write up col just a couple of observations,
"You didn't want to draw there"

seem to recall you singing and dancing all round the car park and to your peg
"Had two cross overs before the whistle"
Next time send them to me will ya so I can catch like you

"Your Castar line"

Is this a posh caster line

"I asked him nicely wat he was playing at"
Was that nicely like the canoeist the other day or the chap on the Trent and Mersey that was going a little too fast for you.

"(Could it get any worse)?
YES you could have drawn my peg

"The day could ov been so much better "
Double the weight of second place and still not happy
Good write up other wise mate
Note to myself must ask treasurer to purchase plastic draw discs

Those magnetic implants you've got in your fingers are working to well
Ps did you get email?