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Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 23rd, 2010, 7:05 pm
by Nursey
Add to that the 'Match Catch', 'Might Catch' or Can't Catch'  teams and this is turning into something out of an Airplane movie!!! Image Image

Pegged it out this afternoon with the Oake's and Paul Taylor.
Couple of pegs with cat ice at Kilby Bridge (nothing you couldn't clear with your landing net), but other than that its ice free and a nice colour.

Fingers crossed it fishes well.

Adam :)

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 11:23 am
by joffmiester
Image Imagewell done adam good start

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 5:45 pm
by Nursey
Dear All,
At long last, the Wigston A.S. Teams of Four winter league got underway and a big thank you to all concerned for slotting-in some alternative dates, so we could avoid the big feeze!!

Despite the water being very cold from the recent thaw, overall it fisheed very well with plenty of small fish for most as well as some better skimmers and perch for some. Image

Individual winner from the Kilby Bridge section was Roger Marlow (Leic Sensas Silver) with a 8lb 13oz net of skimmers and roach on breadpunch.

Runner-up Paul Wood (Match Catch) was at the next peg and ran Roger close with 7lb 9 1/2 oz again on breadpunch.

At the other end of the Kilby Bridge section was 3rd placed Rob Wootton (Oadby Angling) with a  7lb 7oz net of roach on breadpunch and hemp.

4th Pete Marlow (leic Sensa Gold) 4lb 15oz
5th (jnt) Joe Oakes (Oadby Angling A) and Ron Scales (Notts AA) both 4lb 13 1/2 oz.

On the team front, Oadby Angling (42pts) A pipped Leic Sensas Silver by 1 point to take the team honours on the day ahead of Leic Sensa Gold (37) and Notts AA on 37.

League after one round as follows:

Oadby Angling A 42pts
Leic Sensa Silver 41pts
Leic Sensas Gold 37pts
Notts AA 35pts
Oadby Angling B 32pts
Spro Blue Arc 32pts
Devisotter 26pts
Leic Sensas Bronze 26pts
Spro Red Arc 23pts
Wigston Blue 22pts
Match Catch 18pts
Might Catch 16pts
Wigston Red 15pts

Next match in 2 weeks time.

Sections, will be confirmed in due course, once we have had chance to study the weights etc.
We have spare sections at Blaby/Glen Parva, The Manor and Crow Mills, so the access points are pretty much the same.


Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 9:52 pm
by colly
Well done yesterday mate it was good to finally get the league started!  Well organised, good breakfast, good pub - looks like it will be a friendly league. 

Shame we had such a bad team result, could be difficult to make that up :( 2010 is not going well so far - Terrible start at Wigston and lost ground to Blackhorse in the Northampton League too!

My peg looked great, plumbed up even better, but the roach just didnt want to play.  I had my first one after 4 hours right on the edge of the next peg, but they soon disappeared again  :'( My section was definately better than I thought it would be though and most people caught 100+ roach. Most people said the same thing and there was certainly more good pegs than bad in all of the sections.

I suppose the Hankat result made up for it though! Image

Looking forward to the next round.

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 26th, 2010, 10:33 am
by joffmiester
colly that was a great result in the hankat league lee phoned me your lads took all the money well done
matey thing will change on this league its only the first round nobody told me about hemp but i think you have to be on fish to catch on that you can't win off bad pegs
my section was very fare mate 3lb12oz winning it and 10th was 2lb its winter fishing proper but some of our anglers caught nothing until the last 20minutes

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 27th, 2010, 6:09 pm
by hammo
joff you wouldn't be saying it was a fair section if you had been on the first 2 pegs. I only caught 5 roach on the punch all day, if it wasn't for the few rudd in the weeds i would of had ounces, it always seems good when your amongst the fish. T.he first 2pegs were devoid of roach Image Image

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 28th, 2010, 9:30 am
by joffmiester
joff  you wouldn't be saying it was a fair section if you had been on the first 2 pegs. I only caught 5 roach on the punch all day, if it wasn't for the few rudd in the weeds i would of had ounces, it always seems good when your amongst the fish. T.he first 2pegs were devoid of roach  Image Image
i didn't know you were there mate it looked fishy nick moss was on peg 4 :Dthat looked nice but he did say if he hadn't of preserved with caster he'd of weighed nothing Imagei mmust say since sunday one or two have said the fish were in pockets in each section
the problem were you had drawn is the fact you don't know who's fished the day before as there were quite a few anglers down there on another day do you think you would catch there Image

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 28th, 2010, 7:30 pm
Heard that reverse gear slam in from Swad Joff !!!! Image Go on Hammo give it to him !! :D Image

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 28th, 2010, 10:00 pm
by Nursey
Dear All,
Steve Oakes will be finalising the sections for the second round during the course of next week.
The access points are pretty much the same for all sections,
so everyone should be okay getting to the sections even if there are some changes

I'm away on hols from tomorrow morning for a week Image Image (back for the 2nd match though!) so if you need any info for the second round, please call Steve Oakes on 07941 361753 or contact Pete Wootton at Oadby Angling.

On a final note, I've had some feedback that the last match scheduled for 21st March is proving to be a problem for some teams. I suggest that we get the team captains together after the 2nd match to discuss.

Adam 8-)

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 29th, 2010, 10:55 am
by joffmiester
[quote]Heard that reverse gear slam in from Swad Joff !!!!    

Image Imagewhat Image Image

i didn't see the weigh in at that end choppie to busy making a map of the section for next time  Image

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 29th, 2010, 5:05 pm
by joffmiester
is it a day ticket water choppie i think we are going up tomorrow Image

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 29th, 2010, 6:45 pm
Taking it a bit serious Joff !!!, could be Leicester's first trophy in years !!!! Image :D Image

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: January 30th, 2010, 7:31 pm
Were you yellow stream when you wrote that, Joff ?

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 11:50 am
by hammo
joff theres no need to practice on wigstons canal ive been fishing it for years . in all that time ive found no way of catching the roach , ive come to the conclusion that when there in your peg they are easy to catch on the bread and hemp if a large shoal. yet when not catching nothing works as i believe there are no roach about. i think this because when you just catch a few they always come quick and easy then for no reason no more bites i beleive these are just small pockets of fish no matter what you try nothing will build the swim. this canal has a bigger head of large fish than small fish but because of the cold will be very hard to catch.if it warms up i have found a lot of tricks of where and how to catch the larger fish in march and may ,i think this is possible because they are in most pegs but i will be keeping these to my self. Image

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 1:45 pm
by joffmiester
cheers matey that sounds about right i'm sure we can come to some agreement Image Imagein choices cafe  Imagebacon butty Imageor a cuppa
joking apart it does look like a big fish venue evan last sunday most were saying skimmers live here and theres tench on these pags :D :Di was just thinking of getting a bite last week Image Image

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: February 2nd, 2010, 6:55 pm
by vengloss
dear all, the sections for the second round this sunday will be the same as the first match. the only change will be pegs 1,2 and 3at county arms being moved into the basin. they were terrible last time. please post any queries or contact my dad steve on 07941361753. cheers... joe oakes

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: February 4th, 2010, 9:34 am
by joffmiester
if its only 3 pegs why both joe i would think this week the fish might be there i think dave clayton was there and after the match it could be competely different inthe next match  Imagebut far shout mate as long as the 3 you are putting in are better Image Imagesee you sunday Image

we caught well yesterday ;) ;)

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: February 4th, 2010, 11:06 am
by hammo
joff where did u catch well. what size were the roach were they feeding of the bottom ie did they want it falling or static,did the caster work. any sine of perch.

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: February 4th, 2010, 12:52 pm
by joffmiester
on the bottom but they were small tried caster but only had 2 bites one of them being a perch a pound Imagenothing on hemp and nothing on pinkie which i can't believe it looks like you should bag on squatt  :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/but you just don't seam to get a bite Image Image
casters the gamble mate as i had to wait a long time normally if there is one there it will have it i think it will fish a bit better as plenty of small roach or rudd were topping later on

Wigston A.S. Teams of Four Winter League

Posted: February 4th, 2010, 6:19 pm
by vengloss
where did u fish joff?