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Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 4:28 pm
by joffmiester
After some great years with Leicester AS Home brewery and ultimately Leicester sensas i feel its time to step down as captain for the past 15 years when the late Ivan marks asked if i would consider the challenge to become captain of the great Leicester sensas i jumped at the chance and had some great times sad times but most of the time happy and laughter times amongst what i call the best anglers around. i feel i've done my best and need to concentrate more on my own fishing simply dropping myself for a quiet life has to stop .putting the team in front of my own family on numerous occasions and leaving holidays until the close season is how i considered the job in hand
I then found myself spending hours on the phone organising whether it was the team or organising matches it's all started to take its toll on my fishing.always trying to invent the perfect competition where everyone would be happy and ultimately trying to keep team fishing going .All this instead of taking my own fishing forward and looking into the future and not the past.
Ive spoken to past captains and all have said the same there becomes a time when enough is enough
Leicester sensas will always be in my blood its been my life and will never see the team short if needed. Its been a laugh and will miss them all the new faces as well as the old
It will be a new out look for me a new era where i can think of myself first go where i like and concentrate on winning and not on points if i draw crap its a early bath.I will wear my Leicester sensas clothing with pride i've had a long and in depth conversion with Trev and will still have the backing of Sensas perhaps more time keep everyone up to date on the website and newspapers its ten years since Ivan died this year and i'm sure he'd of said i'd given my best shot .
Natural venues are still my favourite whether its canals rivers or lakes some open water commercials still float my boat and feel i've missed out on a few selected matches either a league match or i've been running a match on the same day has always got in the way .Ireland is another so Tony if the offer still stands it could be Muckno next year
I would like to thank everyone for their support and advice and hope this will puts an end to the rumours
I wish all the the best to the New captain Nick moss and vice captain Roger Marlow i hope they can improve the squad and take them forward as i know the team is in good hands

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Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 5:18 pm
by MrWright
Wish you all the best pal Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 5:21 pm
by craftytafty
yeah, all the best. you did a cracking job.

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 7:25 pm
by MrV
Look forward to some top reports off you Joffie based around your individual exploits.......go enjoy yourself kiddo Image Image Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 9:48 pm
by big_cup
It seems an impossible decision at the time Joff but after a few months you will soon see your better for it Image Image Made the same decision myself 2 years ago, sadly our club folded as part of that but the time it free's up for you is quite frightening Image and in stead of sitting on the bank wondering how the team is getting on, what problems there is, who will come back with good / bad points, you can actually just sit down and concentrate on your own peg and how you want to approach it.

Good luck mate Image Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 10:17 pm
by Squatt Head
Yo Joffi
I can understand the rasons for giving up the Captains roll
but why leave the team . You can still get alot of satisfaction from team fishing

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 11th, 2013, 10:47 am
by joffmiester
Squatt head i will fill in if they need me but after running the team for as long as i have i need a fresh start individual fishing is completely different to be a captain and looking after others listening to the fallouts .I'm a winner i need to get up to speed without any distractions Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 11th, 2013, 1:53 pm
by Barrow21
Bit of a surprise to read that Joff. Pretty sure it will help your individual fishing. Mind didn,t look a lot wrong when I was watching a couple of weeks ago when you framed.

Does this mean your fantasy team will get more attention amd you will be shooting up the table.

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 11th, 2013, 2:13 pm
by Pedro
Good luck Boycie  Image Hopefully see  a little more of you up Norf in Gods County  ;)

Yorkshire adopted the Trent....  North of Stoke Bardolph Weir..........yas kno  :D :D :D

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 11th, 2013, 4:54 pm
by Dodge
Fair play and good luck Joff  Image

Something i have learnt from the past 18 months or so is ......

life is for living and "New Beginings" ..... its like a breath of fresh air once you get your head around it  ;)  8-)

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 11th, 2013, 7:19 pm
by Pedro
Joffmiester.............. .aka.............

"The Martini Man"

          :D                   :D                    :D

Enjoy the freedom. ......BOYCIE  Image Image Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 11th, 2013, 8:35 pm
by BenSharratt
All the best Joff Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 12th, 2013, 9:43 am
by joffmiester
Bit of a surprise to read that Joff.  Pretty sure it will help your individual fishing.  Mind didn,t look a lot wrong when I was watching a couple of weeks ago when you framed.

Does this mean your fantasy team will get more attention amd you will be shooting up the table.

Image Image Image i can't even get that team right barrow boy Image Image

but i am a tryer bill and myself have sent the team away for the week so they come back stronger next week Image Image Image
As for my fishing even the Tank commander remarked that i'd spent a lot of time on my kit this week LOOKS LIKE YOUR MOJO IS BACK WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE Image Image Image
at this point i made a cup of tea Image Image Image Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 12th, 2013, 9:59 am
by joffmiester
cheers Ben your a great young angler i remember you and dad that day on the sensas final at Barston probably the worst weather we have ever had on the first day you stuck it out Image i think i took a photo of you with your back to the lake with the wind and rain what a day kiddo

Dodge ive noticed the change in your write ups kiddo Image Image
The word MILF and BEER = Enjoyment Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 12th, 2013, 10:01 am
by joffmiester
Joffmiester.............. .aka.............

"The Martini Man"

          :D                   :D                    :D

Enjoy the freedom. ......BOYCIE  Image Image Image

Yes Pedro its a date Image Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 12th, 2013, 10:07 am
by joffmiester
yeah, all the best. you did a cracking job.
It seems an impossible decision at the time Joff but after a few months you will soon see your better for it  Image Image Made the same decision myself 2 years ago, sadly our club folded as part of that but the time it free's up for you is quite frightening  Image and in stead of sitting on the bank wondering how the team is getting on, what problems there is, who will come back with good / bad points, you can actually just sit down and concentrate on your own peg and how you want to approach it.

Good luck mate  Image Image
yeah, all the best. you did a cracking job.

Yes MrV i will be reporting and writing a few tales i can't wait to see one of Bills pegs again there normally fliers Image
Taff cheers pal might even get your photo in if you win one  Image Image Image
Big cup cheers mate strange to say the least and the phone has karmed down now just need to sort my own dircetion out now  Image Image Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 13th, 2013, 11:43 am
by joffmiester
Well big decision today fishing or stay in bed with sugar lady lumps !!! Easy really have you seen it out there Image Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 13th, 2013, 11:47 am
by joffmiester
Hook tying day me thinks Image

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 13th, 2013, 12:42 pm
by petebagup
Correct decision me thinks Image

Still drying out after getting a good dousing on the Hot Waters at Ilkeston yesterday..............Lee Morley won it with 4-15

Thought about nipping off to Kegworth to watch the winter league then I thought nah............. :D

Sad times for the Joffmiester

Posted: October 14th, 2013, 11:06 am
by obee1toby
All the best Joff, hope it goes well.