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Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 28th, 2012, 1:46 pm
by Dave C
This was a trial match mainly to see if the members wanted to add it to our fixture list next year and to see how we would cope with the fishery weighing rules. it was also our last match of the year.
The lake certainly didnt fish as well as expected though mainly due to the recent frosts and conditions on the day. The
played a major part with strong northerly wind heavy showers and hailstones.
fortunately the owner allowed us to change banks so instead of most of us having the freezing wind in our faces most were able to get some shelter from it.
Still there are not many fisheries that would throw up 5 tons and an average of 67lb a man in those conditions.
Well done to Al on becoming Club Champion. I will be putting up the points and weights tables on a seperate thread later in the week.
Finally thanks to everyone for their help this year especially those who do the weighing in. I
Must be off now as I have a number of fisheries to ring for bookings for next year.
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 28th, 2012, 1:50 pm
by Simple
Well done Si.
Really close at the top there with the framers
Good to see Al not first for a change
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 28th, 2012, 1:54 pm
by Dave C
He will try to tell you that according to the local experts he was in one of the worst 3 pegs on the lake. Dont believe a word of it.
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 28th, 2012, 5:19 pm
by john_holdsworth
Well Done Si
Well done Al being this years champ
Thanks Dave for all your HARD work you have put in this year in organising and putting all our matches together.
it's greatly appreciated.
And thanks Glad for letting him do it
also thanks from Martin & Zack
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 28th, 2012, 5:41 pm
by SiDev
Cheers Guys
....I too extend my thanks to Dave C for another great season of matches and banter, and well done's to the piking months, and next year
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 28th, 2012, 6:12 pm
by Clive
He will try to tell you that according to the local experts he was in one of the worst 3 pegs on the lake. Dont believe a word of it.
It's OK Dave I asked Lol to tell Al he was on the worse peg on the lake just to wind him up
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 29th, 2012, 7:51 am
by keith
Well done Si on your win.
Al, what can we say. Your record this year has been great, a well deserved club champion.
Thanks to Dave for organising the matches this year. The weather has not been the best on a lot of them and I think this has affected some of the results throughout the year.
A couple of new venues fished and were good, definates for a return look.
Thanks also to Mick for putting up with me throughout the series, bad enough at work let alone fishing.
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 29th, 2012, 8:38 am
by Spamwham
Big thankyou to Dave for all your efforts on our behalf this season - well done mate cos I know it can be hard going for you at times
Well done Simon - an excellent result given the unpleasant conditions on the day
and commiserations to the other 'tonners'
Well done to Al on a great season's performance - you've certainly come on a bundle this year
Bit of a mixed year for me with health probs still getting in the way
- hope I can sort it out over the coming months and have a better one next year ::)
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 29th, 2012, 5:06 pm
by grahammanning
Dave, many thanks for once again organising the matches and running the club - much appreciated. When I first got into fishing I never thought I would enjoy match fishing, but now I've been fishing the Marsh matches for a few years I find myself enjoying the experience more and more and what with the banter before during and after the matches find that my fishing seems to have improved over the years too. Well done to Al for winning this year.
Simon - let me know if you want anyone to keep you company on any of your piking expeditions (Cuton Lakes?). I have pike gear but have never managed to catch one - guidance needed methinks!
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 30th, 2012, 8:47 am
by SiDev
Sure thing mate...I know Al and Kev fancy braving the elements too so maybe a Marsh piking day....I'll post something up here and we can sort a day out, probably at Cuton lakes, and probably January when the carp anglers peter out
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 30th, 2012, 9:02 am
by grahammanning
Fantastic! I'll keep checking the website - perhaps we could get a few more interested too? Should I miss your post my mob. no. is 07910788834.
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 30th, 2012, 12:18 pm
by SiDev
Noted fella.....
Anyone else interested just let me said probably best in January as it gets a bit cold for the carp lads and more of the lake available....
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: October 31st, 2012, 4:14 pm
by mickyboy
Another good year comes to an end and well done to Dave for all the hard work. Also well done to all who have achieved new pb,s this season in what ever form this has taken. I just hope the finger is now far away from the big red ban button and look forward to seeing you all next season except for Keith who i will see at work tomorrow.
Arrans Lake Saturday 27th October
Posted: November 1st, 2012, 9:08 am
by Tel
As everyone has already said a big thank you for all the arranging and organising you do on our behalf
Well done Al on a great season and thanks to everyone else for the laughs, p*ss taking and advice
freely available.
Hope to see you all next year