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Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 8:27 pm
by TK
It was also a scorcher too..........

It’s a load easier knocking up these ‘results’ when you've got some form of ‘discipline’ in life – like lunch breaks :P but its nearly 8pm on a Wed night and if I don’t do it now, it wont get done.

So off to Woodland View with Back Deans and the causeway of Front Deans booked to ‘test’ the Cashmores Crew. Image

Arriving relatively early, courtesy of Golden Balls Image who picked up TK and Heinzer, the banter was soon in full flow..................mostly directed at you know who Image

The pegs were sorted, with Golden Balls being a venue crack securing an additional few more at the one end of front Deans to give a bit more space .

The draw - and I ended up on Back Deans which daint mean a lot to me, other than it wasn’t a corner peg which are often renowned by some as being the flyers at this venue. :-/

On the way to my peg I passed ME who had drawn a corner......... Image

‘On a corner peg then Si’ I quipped, ‘A flyer’


‘Wrong end though Si’ Image I added as a strong wind was blowing left to right down the pool. ‘They’ll all be down that end today Image

Well we’d see, wouldn’t we..........

Talking of those windy corner/end pegs as I gazed around having set up and could see Big Col and Mick Kenn occupying them on our back pool, with Heinzer and HaHa facing into the wind on front Deans. ‘Gorra stand a chance they have today’ I thought to myself, but there again no matter how ‘good’ a peg is yav still gotta do it off them...........

And so onto the off.............

Along with a few others I struggled and despite my best endeavours trying to tempt a bite on the pellet or sweetcorn I couldn’t.............god it was testing my patience as I sat like a garden gnome – albeit a somewhat more active garden gnome as I tried to find what depth would produce a bite.

Carefully nurturing the right hand margin (it was blowing too much of a hoolly to fish the left competently although I did feed that as well, just really to stop Brambles pinching any lone rangers that may stray into his peg) Image resulted in nowt, zilch, not a bite Image ............not even owt on the humble maggot as a change bait. :o

In fact I have to admit I struggled to put a silver net together as well – bites were very infrequent as I chased up and down in the water to find summat. Image

Anyway – enough of my wails of woe, :D lets get these results posted up, so here’s the tale of the scales

16 HAHA 77.2.0
18 HEINZER 71.4.0
21 MIKE ELCOCK 23.0.0
23 RICH C 42.4.0
25 KOD 27.8.0
26 SMART MART (FK) 15.6.0
28 YAMO 38.4.0
29 TOMMY COOPER 10.1.0
33 ZORRO 13.3.0
34 GLYN 15.4.0
36 PHIL B 2.14.0
38 BIG BAZ 41.4.0
42 D KENN 17.4.0
44 COTTI 16.14.0
46 TRICAST62 28.14.0
48 MICK KENN 31.14.0
49 BIG COL 83.11.0
51 HOTLIPS 23.12.0
53 TK 13.9.0
54 BRAMBLES 5.9.0
56 MR V 18.4.0
58 GOLDEN BALLS 43.12.0
60 BIG GEOFF 24.8.0
62 DAZ WILLIAMS 21.0.0
64 ME 7.14.0

So yep, after all, 3 of those 4 aforementioned pegs came up trumps, but hats off Image to Big Col, HaHa and Heinzer because as I said earlier, you’ve still gorra do the bizz when you are on them – and they certainly did that - well done guys Image Image Image

Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 9:39 pm
by Mugger
Thanks for the report TK.

Have to say that looking at the results, it appears to have been a bit of disappointing days fishing for more than a few on what I was given to believe was one of the better commercials up that way.

Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 10:23 pm
by TK
Depends how you interpret things Mugger

Even Golden Balls couldnt believe how hard it was - was it the  Image kicking in yet again        Image

Or was it just the fact that

a) we are just average club anglers - tbh I was fishing it blind, although tbh the scope/variety of bait is somewhat limited - I even wasted a bit of bish bosh on feed pellet  Image

b) are we pegged tighter than on the opens????? No disrespect to the fishery - we appeared to have more club anglers knocking about than those on the 'open' that day........

c) wrong pools, wrong day? as on the same day.......

Sat. High Pool, 15. A. Farmer (Woodlands) 106-2-0, carp to 8 lb, poled sweetcorn and pellet, peg 7; Paul Foster (Starlets Veterans) 98-12-0; Chris Cameron (Middy) 93-3-0.

Dunno how big High is but yep just clocked 15 on that, 27 on ours........ :-/

d) Big Col. HaHa and Heinzer did it right on the day, we didnt......

Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 10:32 pm
good read TK Image and well done col lad Image

Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 10:37 pm
by TK
Kept me eye on you opposite me Tricast62 - thought you was the same as me struggling to put 3lb of bits together ...........

But then I clocked you wheedle a few out at the end ;) Image

Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: May 31st, 2012, 1:35 am
it were a struggle, fed pellet and corn down to me left about a meter from bank on 3+2 but did nowt of it just had the one misted bite so stuck it out on 4+2 straight out in front think first hour only had two bream but like you said thy picked a few more skimmers off and late on think it were five small carp but come end, I were talkin to mike who were on pool at back of me to me right when he said he had done 15lb or so i thought a up thy,s only done 10lb may be, but weighed in 20 odd thats brill for me on a commie. Most of all though were banter and company which made match for me so a big thanks to all the lads Image

Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: May 31st, 2012, 11:36 am
by MrV
Nice report TK. Well done to all the lads who took advantage of the windy corners  Image For myself, it was a bloody nightmare. After 2 hours, I had one skimmer in the net, but had lost at least half a dozen foulhooked fish, each time coming back with a scale on the hook  Image. Tried everything to hook them in the mouth, but they seemed to prefer sitting on the hook  ::).
Eventually sussed out a method for the last hour or so, feeding choppie and liberally loose feeding caster brought me 3 crap and half a dozen more skimmers, but 18lb was poor for the venue. I know Danny 2 pegs away was disappointed with the way it fished, and he resorted to "slapping" and catching up in the water for the last hour or so for most of his weight. Just shows how someone who knows the water can make something happen in his peg, well done danny  Image Did hear a rumour the fish in Heinzers peg were trying to get up the bank for 2 large meaty maggots on the bank.....turns out they were heinzers legs  Image Image Image

Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: June 1st, 2012, 5:16 pm
by joffmiester
good read TK no photos Image Imagestill its hard when the fishing is not so good
i fished JCB south lake Sunday it was hot but we had a lovely breeze on the lake which i might add was crystal clear and a beautiful lake .
but as usual i draw i drew the flat calm end  burn my little head off managed 2 bream and lost 2 two had tench swimming around the margins along with a few pike  :D :D :D don slaymaker won the match on the pole broke the record for the lake wind in his teeth 75lb bream and tench and all around that end 40s 30s and 20s i can't be bothered to get the camera out and thats not like me  Image Image Image match fishing can be cruel and i understand the likes of chopworm having a few weeks off  Image Image Image
the only thing i can take out of the last few weeks is the fact this run cant continue Image Image Image Image and the matches i've fished have been pretty small  Image Image Image Image Image
so this weekend is a non fishing browie point booster Image Image Image

Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: June 2nd, 2012, 4:19 pm
by TK
no photos

Joffie - although I did take the camera with me, on their website it states 'ANGLERS MUST NOT PHOTGRAPH FISH.'

So I thought better of it and left the camera in my box, so as to avoid any possible repercussions......

Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: June 2nd, 2012, 8:17 pm
by MarkV
It’s a load easier knocking up these ‘results’ when you've got some form of ‘discipline’ in life – like lunch breaks 

LOL - all the 'structure' out of the window now TK !

Curse match 6 2012 - Windy at Woodlands View

Posted: June 18th, 2012, 5:52 am
by me