This time last year we were scheduled to fish the same venue - The Trent at Handsacre/Armitage - and had experienced heavy rain resulting in a heavily swollen river and a switch on the morning to the T&M canal….
So we’d decided to give it another chance……..
On the Thursday night before the match I’m in Palma airport when I received a text from Heinzer advising that he’d had to switch the match from Armitage to Wolseley Bridge due to heavily weeded condition.
‘Hum’ I thought to myself……’the UK is having a heat wave, It’s been dry for ages, its gunna be low, clear and hot and sunny, aint sure I fancy that, wished he’d dropped it on one of our cuts instead’
More than a tad concerned I popped along Friday evening to have a gander……….and my fears were confirmed. Some of the middle section pegs were so low you could see the river bed across
(ps - click on the pictures to blow em up)
I secretly hoped that the next morning would see a consensus of opinion that we dropped on the T&M cut, running parallel with the river…………which appeared teeming with fish topping all over the place
Onto the next morning
Heinzer and MrV went and pegged out, although only armed with bronze and seed, again I was hoping that they’d return with news that they couldn’t get sufficient pegs in and we've have to go on the cut……….but it was not to be.
I wasn’t exactly sure where they’d pegged, other than it was a bit of a walk to the higher no’s which I knew from past visits here fished aok - I’d won one match
with 9-10lb roach at the back of the garden centre on our very first visit there - and the first couple of pegs were always favoured too.
A bit of banter at the draw and raucous laughter when it turned out that the pegger outers had drawn the two far end pegs
……………although Heinzer did have the added ‘bonus’ of being on one of the golden pegs, the other being peg 1.
As I jotted down the draw my worst fears were realised as I went and pulled out a ‘middle peg’
…………I wasn’t sure exactly where, but from my visit the previous day I knew it was going to be one of the pegs I just didn’t fancy and could see blanking
And so it came to pass - yep those worst fears were certainly realised as I ended on a shallow peg as I gazed from the top of the bank.
In fact I could walk across the river as I put my keep net in mid river where the level was still below my knee
I set up, plumbing up I couldn’t find any greater depth than 2.5 feet
and with banks of weed I had to shallow up further as I kept snagging up.
Swiftly set up I took a snap or two of a section of river that looked devoid of life
as there wasn’t any indication of fish movement - apologies for the quality of the photo’s the sun was still low, but extremely bright
Wished I was on the otherside of this bank fishing the cut
Out in the middle again.......
looking downstream in Zorros and KODs direction
And upstream but I cant spot MGB
The off and I flogged a particular line for 15 mins without the float looking like it was going to dip, :( whilst trickling in a few mags on another line . A switch to the second line……….nowt
30 mins in I was still dry and couldn’t see how I was going to buy a bite today.
The phone rang and it was JK asking how I was getting on
‘Crap, in fact I’m gunna pack up and fish the cut instead. I aint got a cat in hells chance of catching owt today off this peg’
‘You can’t do that’ she retorted ‘it aint fair on the others’. ‘Fair’ I thought to myself, ‘What’s fair? At least I’ve turned up today……..’
With that parting shot I went back to my original line, whilst I suddenly thought of an old red Indian trick…………….
‘Gotta be worth a try to get out of jail’ I mused
So, in desperation, I did
Now I dunno whether Zorro downstream next peg to me clocked it as the consequences of my actions may have drifted past him, but if he did, he didn’t mention it.
After another 10 mins a switch back to line 2 which had been subjected to that old red Indian ‘magic
And first run through…………….
2nd run through………
The float buries and I’m in
A carefully played minnow
is swung in and unhooked - that will do nicely - the dreaded DNW is avoided
- that’s sufficient points earned today to do the job I came to do
And it didn’t end there………
Whilst not exactly setting the world to light as both Zorro and KOD continued to be dry for ages and ages, I wheedled out about 40 minnows, complimented with 7 small kinver tigers and a solitary ounce roach
It was absolutely cooking standing out there in the middle of the river and I was glad to hear Heinzer blow up for the end. Packed up and off I trotted with MGB with the scales………as the tale of the scales will reveal, it did turn out to be a match of two halves, although Cotti did admit to loosing a good chub near the end
1 MICK KENN 0.6.0
2 COTTI 2.0.0
3 MGB 0.5.0
4 TK 1.0.0
5 ZORRO 0.2.0
6 KOD 0.10.0
7 YAMO 4.4.0
8 HEINZER 5.14.0
9 MRV 4.14.0
So another season done and dusted, concluded with Heinzer ‘tidying up’ the end of year accounts with a Golden Peg win of 90odd sovs…………top man too being as I’m in 50/50 shares with him