Posted: October 3rd, 2011, 3:37 pm
Well went on the old train great way to get to your peg fall off the train right on to the staging no long walks
Weather was a bit overcast and quite muggy but hardly a ripple on the pool so i managed to draw peg 4 and then told by the lady who runs the trains thats been winning everymatch
Nothing like adding a bit of extra pressure is there
Plumbed up no depth at all 6mtrs out about 20 inches of water first thought was this could be another TK
Started off at 6mtrs which we had all agreed on as you aint allowed to put your pole across the track (it might get cut off )
out went some 4mm pellets and chucked some corn down the two sides first 30 minutes a couple of small touches but no fish even thou there appeared to be plenty of small stuff mooching around
After roughly half hour tried three red maggots over the pellet straight away a small perch then another then another etc
Finally a small carp about 12 ozs went into the net then a cracking rudd over a pound easily things where looking up
Then quiet again so tried down the side with corn nothing but if i put maggots on small roach and perch so thought go for silvers as no one seemed to be catching
Tried a quick change of bait corn over where i'd been loose feeding maggots whooooooooooooosh away we went nice carp followed by a ghostie about 4lbs we where motoring
Anyway end of match weighed in just under 26lb which on the day gave me the win by about 4 lbs
Then waited for the train to come and fetch me
Overall even thou the fishing was a bit slow a thouroughly enjoyable day out with the lads from Hawkins AC thx fella's
Weather was a bit overcast and quite muggy but hardly a ripple on the pool so i managed to draw peg 4 and then told by the lady who runs the trains thats been winning everymatch
Nothing like adding a bit of extra pressure is there
Plumbed up no depth at all 6mtrs out about 20 inches of water first thought was this could be another TK
Started off at 6mtrs which we had all agreed on as you aint allowed to put your pole across the track (it might get cut off )
out went some 4mm pellets and chucked some corn down the two sides first 30 minutes a couple of small touches but no fish even thou there appeared to be plenty of small stuff mooching around
After roughly half hour tried three red maggots over the pellet straight away a small perch then another then another etc
Finally a small carp about 12 ozs went into the net then a cracking rudd over a pound easily things where looking up
Then quiet again so tried down the side with corn nothing but if i put maggots on small roach and perch so thought go for silvers as no one seemed to be catching
Tried a quick change of bait corn over where i'd been loose feeding maggots whooooooooooooosh away we went nice carp followed by a ghostie about 4lbs we where motoring
Anyway end of match weighed in just under 26lb which on the day gave me the win by about 4 lbs
Then waited for the train to come and fetch me
Overall even thou the fishing was a bit slow a thouroughly enjoyable day out with the lads from Hawkins AC thx fella's