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plumbing up

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 4:27 pm
by pakmei
Hi all, Ive just started match fishing on commercials and need help with the above,
At the moment every venue for me is new so how do you
A; decide which area to plumb up
B; having got a mentel picture of the features decide where the fish will be
C; any other advice pleeeeze

plumbing up

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 5:18 pm
by Simple
Before you got to any match it often pays to do a bit of basic homework on the venue, i.e maximum depth, baits and tactics (shallow, on the deck, margins etc)
There are loads of forums including this one with info and dont be shy to ask also because there are a lot of people willing to offer advice.
Fish to how you feel comfy. Dont go doing something your not used to or are not comfy doing (depending on how bad you want to win :D Image )
The fish will often come to your feed unless there is an obvious fishing holding feature on the peg.

If one line is not producing dont be afraid to start up a new line this can often result in some fish you would have otherwise missed out on.

Once you catch a few fish you normally settle in to a nice rhythm after the nerves have settle. Thats is the norm for me anyway, fear of blanking avoided :D

Get as much advice about the venue before you go there, look on google maps (or google earth) as well. Bing maps has birds eye view which is very handy for having a look at the pool just so you have an idea on what the place looks like.

Good luck with it, match fishing with the right crowd is brilliant and when I started with Yale AC I had an superb laugh along with learning a lot of stuff at the same time. Image Image

plumbing up

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 5:23 pm
by pakmei
thanks for that advice, Ive been enjoying it immensly and to be fair have been reasonably competative its just that with the pole I tend to set myself up at about twelve metres plumb the depth and start fishing I dont really have a clue whats in front of me

plumbing up

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 5:31 pm
by Simple
The norm for me used to be a 5-6 meter line and a 11 meter shallow line and 11m deck line and 2 margin swims. That is pretty much what I used on every venue with the exception when you needed to set up rods as well. Thats for pools not cuts btw.

It was a nice routine I had and its just what I got used to doing but there was times when I had read things on the forums and tried those lines of attack as well.

It was what I was comfy doing and I liked my fishing to be a simple as possible Image During the match more often than not one of those lines would produce and if not I would just switch and swap about.

I dont think anyone knows whats in front of them when they set up on a venue for the first time, its just a matter of trying different stuff or copy what others are doing if you see them catching :D

plumbing up

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 7:44 pm
by me
I dont think anyone knows whats in front of them when they set up on a venue for the first time

I do and on EVERY venue........

I alwas have fcuk all in front of me Image

O apart from a gudgeon or 3 Image Image Image Image

plumbing up

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 8:16 pm
by joffmiester
I dont think anyone knows whats in front of them when they set up on a venue for the first time

I do and on EVERY venue........

I alwas have fcuk all in front of me  Image

O apart from a gudgeon or 3   Image Image Image Image

Image Image Image Image Imagebin there Image Image Image

plumbing up

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 8:17 pm
by joffmiester
i must be the only angler with a fish finder and all that does is direct me to the nearest golf course Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

plumbing up

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 10:18 pm
by bill yards
You're crappity smack lucky to get a crappity smack plummet in the crappity smack water.

I couldn't on Saturday with a crappity smack boat race going on :'( :'(

plumbing up

Posted: August 23rd, 2011, 12:03 am
by pakmei
The norm for me used to be a 5-6 meter line and a 11 meter shallow line and 11m deck line and 2 margin swims. That is pretty much what I used on every venue with the exception when you needed to set up rods as well. Thats for pools not cuts btw.

It was a nice routine I had and its just what I got used to doing but there was times when I had read things on the forums and tried those lines of attack as well.

It was what I was comfy doing and I liked my fishing to be a simple as possible  Image During the match more often than not one of those lines would produce and if not I would just switch and swap about.

I dont think anyone knows whats in front of them when they set up on a venue for the first time, its just a matter of trying different stuff or copy what others are doing if you see them catching  :D

cheers simple I shall try that very approach next week

plumbing up

Posted: August 23rd, 2011, 12:40 am
by grover
as a carp angler i plumb the whole lake!! of course this does take time, but take my word for it,if i see a fish top or fizzing,i know exactly where/what/why.. and in time you get to know where they are at certain times,where they feed and where they dont,but wind is imperitive to this,of course this dont really apply to commies,but its a usefull tool to have in your box,to a carp angler its an art in itself.