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Final Wednesday evening 3 hour sprint

Posted: August 11th, 2011, 9:53 am
by Paul_Murrin
Fished the final match in the Wolverhampton A.A Wednesday evening three hour sprint last night, ( well just sat there and had a lesson and severe neck ache) it still hurts now :-[
Not sure of the full result as i shot of home caus the rain had set in  Image ( my excuse anyway Image)
All the talk was who would draw the famous Otherton Marine mouth, as this had won on quite a few occasions  Image
Browning Lifestyles Martin Owen was the lucky Fellow and made no mistakes to put .............. Image45lb-0dr-0oz Image on the Scales ..............proper job Mate, not letting any come out the marine mouth and turn left up to me :-[ :'( :'( :'( Image

Final Wednesday evening 3 hour sprint

Posted: August 11th, 2011, 10:08 am
by joffmiester
WHOOPS Image Imagethats fishing Image Image

Final Wednesday evening 3 hour sprint

Posted: August 11th, 2011, 2:56 pm
by cheslynboy
Just wan't to say to everyone who fished this wednesday series ImageThankyou for your support and what a shame it pi""ed down on the last match
We will be doing the same thing next year and who knows someone might break the 50lb barrier in three hours Image
Arthur Match Sec WAA Image