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Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: July 28th, 2011, 10:59 pm
by bill yards
Looks like Stoke are going to conquer the whole of Europe now Image Image Image Image Image

Suppose it's better that signing up every other crappity smack that plays there Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 7:46 am
by red_herb
would'nt have far to go bill to watch the rest of the european players  Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

there all at city training with the kids Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 9:58 am
by Dodge
Stoke 1-0 Bannana Split

The world holds its breath ! Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 10:13 am
by joffmiester
Madrid coming to the ping pong stadium saturday Image Image Imagecan't wait to see man cities up and coming signings Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 10:54 am
by bill yards
Stoke 1-0 Bannana Split

The world holds its breath !


Tremendous bite Image Image Image Image Image

Missed the crappity smack through laughing Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Barcelona couldn't score against them Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 12:57 pm
by Dodge
Stoke 1-0 Bannana Split

The world holds its breath !


Tremendous bite Image Image Image Image Image

Missed the crappity smacker through laughing Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Barcelona couldn't score against them Image Image Image Image

Image Image Image Image

Stoke in europe ...... keep falling off me chair !  Image Image Image Image Image  i hope them stoke fans realise the away leg is abroad ! Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 3:39 pm
by bill yards
i hope them stoke fans realise the away leg is abroad !

Someone told me you turn left at Cardiff Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 6:02 pm
by joffmiester
Stoke 1-0 Bannana Split

The world holds its breath !


Tremendous bite Image Image Image Image Image

Missed the crappity smacker through laughing Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Stoke in europe ...... keep falling off me chair !  Image Image Image Image Image  i hope them stoke fans realise the away leg is abroad ! Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Image Image Image Image Image Image ImageNICE ONE Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 4th, 2011, 7:53 pm
by bill yards
The PRIDE of Europe......................................

We salute thee Image Image Image Image Image

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 4th, 2011, 9:24 pm
by Dodge
Well done Stoke ..... top result Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 5th, 2011, 9:18 am
by joffmiester
who scored the goal Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 5th, 2011, 7:02 pm
by red_herb
first class bill happy for u mate. Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

i think weve got the chavs in a micky mouse cup match sunday and already there argie lame ducks are injured Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 5th, 2011, 10:14 pm
by bill yards
think weve got the chavs in a micky mouse cup match sunday and already there argie lame ducks

Shouldn't that be Donald Duck Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 19th, 2011, 8:09 am
by bill yards
Can't see all this European stuff being any good for any crappity smack.

Can't any crappity smack score against Stoke City.

Even a team of Ruskis couldn't score against us on Sunday Image Image Image Image Image Image

Why does EVERY team that plays obvious class, shut up shop, bottle it and play TEN defenders.

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 19th, 2011, 8:11 am
by bill yards
Bites to my last post on a post card please Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 19th, 2011, 7:17 pm
by Drynet
Fair play Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 4:59 pm
by pakmei
Well last night they failed to conquer even the whole of Norwich even with 12 men

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 26th, 2011, 7:15 am
by bill yards
This 'ere FOURopa League is getting a bit boring now.

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Europe and Stoke City FC

Posted: August 26th, 2011, 8:06 pm
by pakmei
This 'ere FOURopa League is getting a bit boring now.

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