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Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 1:30 pm
by TK
Well how shall I start this report Image

Ah I know, I’ll start at the end for a change…………… Image

Having packed up, I wandered down to MrV two pegs away and said ‘I dunno, if this is what fishing has come to, I’m taking up golf’

MrV’s retort was ‘Well I aint fishing the next un, Alan Rounds running some matches on the Trent - I’m going to fish that instead’

‘Think I’ll come along too’. I replied.

‘You can’t you’re top of the aggregate’

‘Spose so’ I mused ‘but next season I’m going to pick and choose my matches like some others do - I’m just doing the cuts and rivers, sod the commies next year’

Note - I would add at this point that I have nothing derogatory to state about the fishery - it’s seemingly well run, no ridiculous rules in force (just two nets and barbless) - perhaps it was just my state of mind having experienced another Image on a commie, which most readers will recognise are not my first love, possibly coupled with a bereavement in the family during the week……….. but enjoy myself I did not Image

Rewind some nearly 6 hours earlier………

I was originally looking forward to this one to some degree - my appetite was whetted by news from Big Baz that he’d ‘bagged’ there on Thursday - loads of skimmers on the pellet at 8 mtrs, and the margins were heaving for the last hour where he’d done 50lb plus in that last hour of tench, skimmers, carp and a 4lb barbel. :o

‘It’s a mixed fishery - absolutely stuffed, but you will need carp to win it’

Well I wasn’t bothered about ‘winning it’ - a decent day on a commie for a change, a day when I might enjoy myself for a change

The draw made and I found myself left on peg 14, almost in the middle of the one side of this triangular shaped pool.

Gazing across I, amongst others on our bank were of the opinion that the ‘end pegs - nos 1 & 26 where going to be difficult to beat today. Not only was the wind blowing into that ‘corner’ but Zorro on 1 and Mancub on 26 appeared to have ‘acres’ of the pool to themselves…… ..well perhaps not acres, but it looked like a a fair bit more of the pool to ‘go at’ than most. :o

What made things worse - from a treasurer’s perspective - was that Mancub had drawn the elected golden peg 26. But being a ‘visitor’ he wasn’t eligible to enter it so the designated GP as usual ‘moved’ up one to the next member - and with no peg 27 in the bag, that meant peg 1 with commie crack Zorro on it. Image

Big Baz had given me ‘all the gen’ - what to feed, how to feed it and what to expect…………… Image

So 5 rigs were set up to suit - or so I thought Image

The off and lines fed………..

FK opposite is soon into skimmers whilst my pellet - yep pellet Image appears untouched by any of the resident fish. Now I know what you sceptics are probably thinking - ‘It’s no wonder TK’s pellet remained untouched, he aint got a clue about pellets, probably prepared em all wrong’ :D

Well I hadn’t Image - I was using a selection prepared for me by Big Baz

Big Geoff to my right had had a couple of skimmers too, presumably on his beloved worm, before my float dipped I struck and a skimmer was on………………only trouble was I was just about to net it and the hook pulled. Image

‘Great I thought, that’s 6oz that aint hit the safety of the keep net’ :'(

Skimmer no 2 did and then 20 mins in I hook a ‘proper un’ :o After a few minutes playing it on my top 3, the fish is ready for netting. It’s bigger than I was expecting - Big Baz had said carp to 4lb, this ones going 6lb plus :o …………….I’ve got his head up, Image he’s had a few gasps of air, Image the net is ready as I steer him towards it Image………………….

And then the bloody hook pulls Image ………..the fish just lies there for a second or two as I have a stab at it with the net but it’s just a few inches out of reach Image Image Image

Aghhhhh - what a great start - three bites and 6lb odd so far not gone into the keep net. Image

Some half hour later (I think), Big Geoffs chop is starting to work as he’s put a couple of 2-3lb fish in the net and I hit another - however this time its successfully netted Image

This is followed 10 mins later by a crucian/hybrid around the lb mark, but I’m way behind Geoff. Cotti to my right is having a grueller though and is still dry. :o

I’m fishing pretty ‘tidy’ or so I think to myself as I hook my next lump, but it screams off and snaps me - tidy that is apart from I aint putting owt in the net. Image

Bite no5 and it’s an awkward fight - I’m playing it on my top 3 but having some difficulty with it. ‘I reckon this is foul hooked’ I say to Cotty and a minute or two later I pull out of it as it powers off to my left and all I’m left with is a scale on the hook - my suspicions appeared to be right. Image

Two hours in and Cotti is still dry, :o :o I’m struggling for a bite, Image but Big Geoff is powering ahead with ‘manageable’ fish in the 2-3lb bracket……. Image

I say manageable because as the day progressed I hit another fish that sees me off as soon as I hit them ‘ You aint gunna stop them when they go off like that’ is Cotti’s observation to the fleeting glimpse he’s caught of my lackie screaming out and bottoming out.

Still fishing tidy, apart from ‘dumping it’ twice in an attempt to stimulate some action, Image the good news is that I net another two carp. Big Geoff is out of sight now whilst Cotti snares a couple of carp in that second half of the match to go with a tinca or two, plus skimmers from his margin swims

My margin swims Image

Produced zilch. Nowt. Sweet FA. Not a bite Image Image Image

Heinzer calls the all out at 3pm. Image Image Image

Cotty reels in his bomb and snaps off his hook length. I’ve shipped back, cheered ‘Thank god for that’, chucked the top kit up the bank and I’m just taking my landing net apart as Big Baz ‘advises’ that we are fishing til’ 3.30pm because the fishery are weighing us in. Image

‘Bloody hell’ I wanna pack up and go home and have my tea………..but reluctantly ‘start again’

Well not a lot happened in that extra half hour either………….well not for me anyway, but having been battered by the chop to my right, Cotti to my left now took me apart, Image finishing with a flurry of 3 carp (or was it 4?) in that last half hour as they found his meat on the bomb

I’m really down in the mouth as I pack away, haven’t enjoyed myself at all, been battered both sides and presumably from all around the pool…………….bombed out big style, got visions of being in the bottom 2 or three. :'(

In fact I’ve been that bored and brassed off waiting for bites Image I just couldn’t be bothered throughout proceedings to get the camera out of the box to take a picture or two - sorry Joffie

To conclude, rewind to the start of this report and the conversation continues ‘What ya got MrV?’

‘Bout 8lb tops - you?’

‘Might do double figures if I’m lucky’

Well lets just say MrV, that wasn’t a bad 8lb after all ;)……………….as here’s the tale of the scales

1 ZORRO 19.7.0
2 BIG BAZ 18.14.0
4 DEAD PEG 47.5.0
5 HEINZER 10.6.0
6 HOTLIPS 9.5.0
8 MGB 4.0.0
10 RICH C 12.9.0
11 YAMO 14.8.0
12 MRV 11.10.0
13 COTTI 24.3.0
14 TK 19.2.0
15 BIG GEOFF 44.3.0
16 MICK KENN 1.8.0
18 HAHA 16.13.0
21 KOD 18.10.0
22 FATTY K 7.7.0
23 MILLIE 17.6.0
26 MANCUB 21.13.0

Well that’s yet another trophy that will see a new name on it this year - well done DeadPeg Image - see you at the presentation night Image……………..that’s on the presumption we bother to have one this year - attendances have been well down and to be brutally frank ‘poor’ this year - if we cant get club members on the bank for matches - what chance have we got of getting them out to a presentation evening I ask myself :-/ :(

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 2:41 pm
by joffmiester
i fished a tidy match  Image Image Image Image TK that's brilliant  Image Imagethere was fu#k all in your net  Image Image Image
ha TK as long as your out on the bank its a great day  just look at those's 98 familys in Norway and what they are having to deal with [sorry to of your loss] fishing ain't that bad unless your fishing the new junction  Image Image Image Image Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 3:22 pm
by Mugger
Fistly let me say that I'm sorry to hear about the bereavement in the family. It sounds as if your mind wasn't really on fishing the match, and if you're struggling it just compounds the lack of enjoyment.

Sounds as if you might of reached one of those crossroads points, I had this about 15 years ago, having done a lot of team fishing I realised I wasn't enjoying it any more and walked away from it. I didn't fish a single match for 3 years after, just days out, weekends away doing what I wanted to do fishing wise. It did me a power of good. You seem to be very much a cuts and rivers man, and commies, despite what people think aren't just a matter of arriving and bagging up, they're a whole different ball game, especially in a match.

Sounds like we'll have to send the boys up and drag you down south, kicking and screaming to guest on a couple of Marsh matches. Image Image Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 5:51 pm
by TK
Mugger and Joffie - looking back at the weights, I daint fare as bad as a quite a few others.......

I know this commercial caper is a different ball game and I'm trying to get my head around it, but I'm seriously struggling to work out what's happening under the water - or what to do with they aint a patch picturesque wise on the (rural) canals and rivers. To me that still counts for a, awful lot - I'd rather do 2lb of bits in a 'pleasant' setting, taking in all that nature has to offer, rather than sitting like a garden gnome 5 yards apart.......

When I say 'fished tidy' I mean rigidly stuck to a supposed feeding regime that had worked for Big Baz the other day and didnt splatter feed all over the place during the 5 hours.

Dumping wasnt the way to go supposedly - although I admit to doing it twice in hours 3 & 4 just to try and stimulate or make something happen

Going back to the weights - yep DeadPeg on the feeder or bomb (I think) along with Big Geoff romped it - but third place Cotti only got there in extra time with those 3 carp (after the whistle) Image or he'd probably have been another 10-15lb weight - and Harry had just the 5 fish for his 20lb

It's the long periods of inactivity - fishing for a bite - that does my head in. I'm absolutely bored rigid. Yep Ive tried to discipline myself in the past - working out I only need two fish an hour - and despite that discipline, it's never worked out that way.

I might have just gone for the silvers (as usual) and said sod it and 'enjoyed' myself the best I could

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 6:33 pm
by joffmiester
TK i know what you mean it comes second nature to a lot of anglers chrisV is doing well in the uk champs and he will be just as hard to beat at evesham and i dare say the national on the junky.
i think it back to basic's finding your own strong points and use them to your best strengths pick amethod that you can comand along with a chosen bait don't over load your bait tray listen to anglers yet don't be ruled commercial baits are quite seasonal keep your ears open to the baits that are winning Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 6:34 pm
by joffmiester
bye the way the weights are ok Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 8:50 pm
by Drynet
sorry to hear about the bereavement TK good report mate as usual.
It's the long periods of inactivity - fishing for a bite - that does my head in. I'm absolutely bored rigid. Yep Ive tried to discipline myself in the past - working out I only need two fish an hour - and despite that discipline, it's never worked out that way.

No what you mean drives you nuts sometimes dont it >:( :)

I'm struggling to get motivated myself been on my own all weekend just couldn't be arsed to go fishing Ive considered packing it up over the last few weeks

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 8:53 pm
by TK
Dont get doing that Dave - I look forward to those Shrubbery reports Image

If you are doing nowt on Sept 10th come and join us doing battle with Larry Teepots gang if you fancy a change with it being on the cut ;) Plenty of banter usually flowing Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 9:17 pm
by Drynet
If you are doing nowt on Sept 10th come and join us doing battle with Larry Teepots gang if you fancy a change with it being on the cut Plenty of banter usually flowing

What to get minxed Image Image :D

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 9:22 pm
by Drynet
Dont get doing that Dave - I look forward to those Shrubbery reports


Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 9:23 pm
by Dodge
Sorry to hear about your bereavement TK and well done to get on the bank Image Image

Angling is full of ups and downs just like life itself mate .... its always good to be out fishing with a bunch of mates Image Image

Dave Wall is depressed coz he supports the Villa ! Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image :D Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 9:26 pm
by Drynet
Dave Wall is depressed coz he supports the Villa

Yep its a real bummer Image :'( :)

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 9:44 pm
by TK
Cheers for those words Mugger,Joffie and Dodge - but perhaps I shouldnt have really added that bit of info here - it's just me clutching at straws as to why I was really brassed off on Saturday,

After all events/work etc you should be out trying to 'enjoy' yourself, with some 'quality' time rather than wishing you hadnt bothered.......certainly be interesting to hear what MrV has to say as he appeared to echo my sentiments

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 9:56 pm
TK only nad 2 crap on the feeder,caught on the pellet waggla most of match.I was under the same opinion as you,the way that wind was blowing jn that corner,thought Zorrow and Mancub were going to be really busy Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 10:28 pm
by Drynet
Well done Dead peg. Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 10:33 pm
Cheers Dave Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 10:45 pm
by me
how do you think i feel. I wasn't even near your venue but as i passed you on the turf island you flicked the Imageon me and i had a total sh1te day, well so did everyone else on the pool Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 26th, 2011, 7:05 am
by Bullah
I think we all have periods when we get disillusioned and lose our "mojo".... likewise TK Im having a similar thing.... struggling with F**ked up knees and just sometime thinking " do I wanna put myself through this" etc. Must admit to feeling a tad guilty for joining then not fishing all the matches but I do think Cashmores are a great bunch of lads, and I love the banter. PS if you find the secret to cracking commies.... be a pal TK and share it please Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 26th, 2011, 9:42 am
by joffmiester
After all events/work etc you should be out trying to 'enjoy' yourself, with some 'quality' time rather than wishing you hadnt bothered.......certainly be interesting to hear what MrV has to say as he appeared to echo my sentiments [/quote]

we all feel like that TK your not aloan mate its not just the fishing now-er days its all the crap that goes with theses times Image Image Image

Cashmores match 10 2011 - rolling onto Ryecroft

Posted: July 26th, 2011, 11:29 am
by craftytafty
yeah, we all get a bit down about it all, but it's just nice to be out on the bank. my outlook is that guys like Tooney would love to be out on the bank, even if they were rapless, so a bad day for me aint that bad really.

Recently I've been doing a lot of silver's fishing and I'm enjoying myself again. I got bored with the same old carp, carp carp. nothing against carp, but it was too much all the time. I see too many fishing commies that just have to win money and don't even look at the fish they catch as they just consider them " units to win money". They should pack up.
anyway, I've been going on the river at Shardlow, catching roach on hemp and tares, Woodseats at JCB catching skimmers, roach, tench, Crucians etc, south lake, bream and Tench and Codnor park, skimmers. been brilliant. ( the fishing, not me!!!! :D :D )

I've also met up with guys I haven't seen for years.
I'd still fish for carp, but never exclusively like I did before.

it feels like I can enjoy my fishing again.