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2011 / 12 Football Fixtures

Posted: June 18th, 2011, 12:48 pm
by joffmiester
dodge any chance you could put the fixture list up matey  Imageto see who plays who

2011 / 12 Football Fixtures

Posted: June 18th, 2011, 12:50 pm
by Dodge
Will do mate after this afternoons horse racing has finished Image

2011 / 12 Football Fixtures

Posted: June 18th, 2011, 2:22 pm
by me
any chance you could put the fixture list up

Barclays Premier League

Blackburn Wolverhampton Saturday 13 August 2011
Fulham Aston Villa Saturday 13 August 2011
Liverpool Sunderland Saturday 13 August 2011
Man City Swansea Saturday 13 August 2011
Newcastle Arsenal Saturday 13 August 2011
QPR Bolton Saturday 13 August 2011
Stoke Chelsea Saturday 13 August 2011
Tottenham Everton Saturday 13 August 2011
West Brom Man Utd Saturday 13 August 2011
Wigan Norwich Saturday 13 August 2011
Arsenal Liverpool Saturday 20 August 2011
Aston Villa Blackburn Saturday 20 August 2011
Bolton Man City Saturday 20 August 2011
Chelsea West Brom Saturday 20 August 2011
Everton QPR Saturday 20 August 2011
Man Utd Tottenham Saturday 20 August 2011
Norwich Stoke Saturday 20 August 2011
Sunderland Newcastle Saturday 20 August 2011
Swansea Wigan Saturday 20 August 2011
Wolverhampton Fulham Saturday 20 August 2011
Aston Villa Wolverhampton Saturday 27 August 2011
Blackburn Everton Saturday 27 August 2011
Chelsea Norwich Saturday 27 August 2011
Liverpool Bolton Saturday 27 August 2011
Man Utd Arsenal Saturday 27 August 2011
Newcastle Fulham Saturday 27 August 2011
Swansea Sunderland Saturday 27 August 2011
Tottenham Man City Saturday 27 August 2011
West Brom Stoke Saturday 27 August 2011
Wigan QPR Saturday 27 August 2011
Arsenal Swansea Saturday 10 September 2011
Bolton Man Utd Saturday 10 September 2011
Everton Aston Villa Saturday 10 September 2011
Fulham Blackburn Saturday 10 September 2011
Man City Wigan Saturday 10 September 2011
Norwich West Brom Saturday 10 September 2011
QPR Newcastle Saturday 10 September 2011
Stoke Liverpool Saturday 10 September 2011
Sunderland Chelsea Saturday 10 September 2011
Wolverhampton Tottenham Saturday 10 September 2011
Aston Villa Newcastle Saturday 17 September 2011
Blackburn Arsenal Saturday 17 September 2011
Bolton Norwich Saturday 17 September 2011
Everton Wigan Saturday 17 September 2011
Fulham Man City Saturday 17 September 2011
Man Utd Chelsea Saturday 17 September 2011
Sunderland Stoke Saturday 17 September 2011
Swansea West Brom Saturday 17 September 2011
Tottenham Liverpool Saturday 17 September 2011
Wolverhampton QPR Saturday 17 September 2011
Arsenal Bolton Saturday 24 September 2011
Chelsea Swansea Saturday 24 September 2011
Liverpool Wolverhampton Saturday 24 September 2011
Man City Everton Saturday 24 September 2011
Newcastle Blackburn Saturday 24 September 2011
Norwich Sunderland Saturday 24 September 2011
QPR Aston Villa Saturday 24 September 2011
Stoke Man Utd Saturday 24 September 2011
West Brom Fulham Saturday 24 September 2011
Wigan Tottenham Saturday 24 September 2011
Aston Villa Wigan Saturday 1 October 2011
Blackburn Man City Saturday 1 October 2011
Bolton Chelsea Saturday 1 October 2011
Everton Liverpool Saturday 1 October 2011
Fulham QPR Saturday 1 October 2011
Man Utd Norwich Saturday 1 October 2011
Sunderland West Brom Saturday 1 October 2011
Swansea Stoke Saturday 1 October 2011
Tottenham Arsenal Saturday 1 October 2011
Wolverhampton Newcastle Saturday 1 October 2011
Arsenal Sunderland Saturday 15 October 2011
Chelsea Everton Saturday 15 October 2011
Liverpool Man Utd Saturday 15 October 2011
Man City Aston Villa Saturday 15 October 2011
Newcastle Tottenham Saturday 15 October 2011
Norwich Swansea Saturday 15 October 2011
QPR Blackburn Saturday 15 October 2011
Stoke Fulham Saturday 15 October 2011
West Brom Wolverhampton Saturday 15 October 2011
Wigan Bolton Saturday 15 October 2011
Arsenal Stoke Saturday 22 October 2011
Aston Villa West Brom Saturday 22 October 2011
Blackburn Tottenham Saturday 22 October 2011
Bolton Sunderland Saturday 22 October 2011
Fulham Everton Saturday 22 October 2011
Liverpool Norwich Saturday 22 October 2011
Man Utd Man City Saturday 22 October 2011
Newcastle Wigan Saturday 22 October 2011
QPR Chelsea Saturday 22 October 2011
Wolverhampton Swansea Saturday 22 October 2011
Chelsea Arsenal Saturday 29 October 2011
Everton Man Utd Saturday 29 October 2011
Man City Wolverhampton Saturday 29 October 2011
Norwich Blackburn Saturday 29 October 2011
Stoke Newcastle Saturday 29 October 2011
Sunderland Aston Villa Saturday 29 October 2011
Swansea Bolton Saturday 29 October 2011
Tottenham QPR Saturday 29 October 2011
West Brom Liverpool Saturday 29 October 2011
Wigan Fulham Saturday 29 October 2011
Arsenal West Brom Saturday 5 November 2011
Aston Villa Norwich Saturday 5 November 2011
Blackburn Chelsea Saturday 5 November 2011
Bolton Stoke Saturday 5 November 2011
Fulham Tottenham Saturday 5 November 2011
Liverpool Swansea Saturday 5 November 2011
Man Utd Sunderland Saturday 5 November 2011
Newcastle Everton Saturday 5 November 2011
QPR Man City Saturday 5 November 2011
Wolverhampton Wigan Saturday 5 November 2011
Chelsea Liverpool Saturday 19 November 2011
Everton Wolverhampton Saturday 19 November 2011
Man City Newcastle Saturday 19 November 2011
Norwich Arsenal Saturday 19 November 2011
Stoke QPR Saturday 19 November 2011
Sunderland Fulham Saturday 19 November 2011
Swansea Man Utd Saturday 19 November 2011
Tottenham Aston Villa Saturday 19 November 2011
West Brom Bolton Saturday 19 November 2011
Wigan Blackburn Saturday 19 November 2011
Arsenal Fulham Saturday 26 November 2011
Bolton Everton Saturday 26 November 2011
Chelsea Wolverhampton Saturday 26 November 2011
Liverpool Man City Saturday 26 November 2011
Man Utd Newcastle Saturday 26 November 2011
Norwich QPR Saturday 26 November 2011
Stoke Blackburn Saturday 26 November 2011
Sunderland Wigan Saturday 26 November 2011
Swansea Aston Villa Saturday 26 November 2011
West Brom Tottenham Saturday 26 November 2011
Aston Villa Man Utd Saturday 3 December 2011
Blackburn Swansea Saturday 3 December 2011
Everton Stoke Saturday 3 December 2011
Fulham Liverpool Saturday 3 December 2011
Man City Norwich Saturday 3 December 2011
Newcastle Chelsea Saturday 3 December 2011
QPR West Brom Saturday 3 December 2011
Tottenham Bolton Saturday 3 December 2011
Wigan Arsenal Saturday 3 December 2011
Wolverhampton Sunderland Saturday 3 December 2011
Arsenal Everton Saturday 10 December 2011
Bolton Aston Villa Saturday 10 December 2011
Chelsea Man City Saturday 10 December 2011
Liverpool QPR Saturday 10 December 2011
Man Utd Wolverhampton Saturday 10 December 2011
Norwich Newcastle Saturday 10 December 2011
Stoke Tottenham Saturday 10 December 2011
Sunderland Blackburn Saturday 10 December 2011
Swansea Fulham Saturday 10 December 2011
West Brom Wigan Saturday 10 December 2011
Aston Villa Liverpool Saturday 17 December 2011
Blackburn West Brom Saturday 17 December 2011
Everton Norwich Saturday 17 December 2011
Fulham Bolton Saturday 17 December 2011
Man City Arsenal Saturday 17 December 2011
Newcastle Swansea Saturday 17 December 2011
QPR Man Utd Saturday 17 December 2011
Tottenham Sunderland Saturday 17 December 2011
Wigan Chelsea Saturday 17 December 2011
Wolverhampton Stoke Saturday 17 December 2011
QPR Sunderland Tuesday 20 December 2011
Tottenham Chelsea Tuesday 20 December 2011
Wigan Liverpool Tuesday 20 December 2011
Wolverhampton Norwich Tuesday 20 December 2011
Aston Villa Arsenal Wednesday 21 December 2011
Blackburn Bolton Wednesday 21 December 2011
Everton Swansea Wednesday 21 December 2011
Fulham Man Utd Wednesday 21 December 2011
Man City Stoke Wednesday 21 December 2011
Newcastle West Brom Wednesday 21 December 2011
Arsenal Wolverhampton Monday 26 December 2011
Bolton Newcastle Monday 26 December 2011
Chelsea Fulham Monday 26 December 2011
Liverpool Blackburn Monday 26 December 2011
Man Utd Wigan Monday 26 December 2011
Norwich Tottenham Monday 26 December 2011
Stoke Aston Villa Monday 26 December 2011
Sunderland Everton Monday 26 December 2011
Swansea QPR Monday 26 December 2011
West Brom Man City Monday 26 December 2011
Arsenal QPR Saturday 31 December 2011
Bolton Wolverhampton Saturday 31 December 2011
Chelsea Aston Villa Saturday 31 December 2011
Liverpool Newcastle Saturday 31 December 2011
Man Utd Blackburn Saturday 31 December 2011
Norwich Fulham Saturday 31 December 2011
Stoke Wigan Saturday 31 December 2011
Sunderland Man City Saturday 31 December 2011
Swansea Tottenham Saturday 31 December 2011
West Brom Everton Saturday 31 December 2011
Aston Villa Swansea Monday 2 January 2012
Blackburn Stoke Monday 2 January 2012
Everton Bolton Monday 2 January 2012
Fulham Arsenal Monday 2 January 2012
Man City Liverpool Monday 2 January 2012
Newcastle Man Utd Monday 2 January 2012
QPR Norwich Monday 2 January 2012
Tottenham West Brom Monday 2 January 2012
Wigan Sunderland Monday 2 January 2012
Wolverhampton Chelsea Monday 2 January 2012
Aston Villa Everton Saturday 14 January 2012
Blackburn Fulham Saturday 14 January 2012
Chelsea Sunderland Saturday 14 January 2012
Liverpool Stoke Saturday 14 January 2012
Man Utd Bolton Saturday 14 January 2012
Newcastle QPR Saturday 14 January 2012
Swansea Arsenal Saturday 14 January 2012
Tottenham Wolverhampton Saturday 14 January 2012
West Brom Norwich Saturday 14 January 2012
Wigan Man City Saturday 14 January 2012
Arsenal Man Utd Saturday 21 January 2012
Bolton Liverpool Saturday 21 January 2012
Everton Blackburn Saturday 21 January 2012
Fulham Newcastle Saturday 21 January 2012
Man City Tottenham Saturday 21 January 2012
Norwich Chelsea Saturday 21 January 2012
QPR Wigan Saturday 21 January 2012
Stoke West Brom Saturday 21 January 2012
Sunderland Swansea Saturday 21 January 2012
Wolverhampton Aston Villa Saturday 21 January 2012
Bolton Arsenal Tuesday 31 January 2012
Man Utd Stoke Tuesday 31 January 2012
Sunderland Norwich Tuesday 31 January 2012
Swansea Chelsea Tuesday 31 January 2012
Tottenham Wigan Tuesday 31 January 2012
Wolverhampton Liverpool Tuesday 31 January 2012
Aston Villa QPR Wednesday 1 February 2012
Blackburn Newcastle Wednesday 1 February 2012
Everton Man City Wednesday 1 February 2012
Fulham West Brom Wednesday 1 February 2012
Arsenal Blackburn Saturday 4 February 2012
Chelsea Man Utd Saturday 4 February 2012
Liverpool Tottenham Saturday 4 February 2012
Man City Fulham Saturday 4 February 2012
Newcastle Aston Villa Saturday 4 February 2012
Norwich Bolton Saturday 4 February 2012
QPR Wolverhampton Saturday 4 February 2012
Stoke Sunderland Saturday 4 February 2012
West Brom Swansea Saturday 4 February 2012
Wigan Everton Saturday 4 February 2012
Aston Villa Man City Saturday 11 February 2012
Blackburn QPR Saturday 11 February 2012
Bolton Wigan Saturday 11 February 2012
Everton Chelsea Saturday 11 February 2012
Fulham Stoke Saturday 11 February 2012
Man Utd Liverpool Saturday 11 February 2012
Sunderland Arsenal Saturday 11 February 2012
Swansea Norwich Saturday 11 February 2012
Tottenham Newcastle Saturday 11 February 2012
Wolverhampton West Brom Saturday 11 February 2012
Arsenal Tottenham Saturday 25 February 2012
Chelsea Bolton Saturday 25 February 2012
Liverpool Everton Saturday 25 February 2012
Man City Blackburn Saturday 25 February 2012
Newcastle Wolverhampton Saturday 25 February 2012
Norwich Man Utd Saturday 25 February 2012
QPR Fulham Saturday 25 February 2012
Stoke Swansea Saturday 25 February 2012
West Brom Sunderland Saturday 25 February 2012
Wigan Aston Villa Saturday 25 February 2012
Blackburn Aston Villa Saturday 3 March 2012
Fulham Wolverhampton Saturday 3 March 2012
Liverpool Arsenal Saturday 3 March 2012
Man City Bolton Saturday 3 March 2012
Newcastle Sunderland Saturday 3 March 2012
QPR Everton Saturday 3 March 2012
Stoke Norwich Saturday 3 March 2012
Tottenham Man Utd Saturday 3 March 2012
West Brom Chelsea Saturday 3 March 2012
Wigan Swansea Saturday 3 March 2012
Arsenal Newcastle Saturday 10 March 2012
Aston Villa Fulham Saturday 10 March 2012
Bolton QPR Saturday 10 March 2012
Chelsea Stoke Saturday 10 March 2012
Everton Tottenham Saturday 10 March 2012
Man Utd West Brom Saturday 10 March 2012
Norwich Wigan Saturday 10 March 2012
Sunderland Liverpool Saturday 10 March 2012
Swansea Man City Saturday 10 March 2012
Wolverhampton Blackburn Saturday 10 March 2012
Aston Villa Bolton Saturday 17 March 2012
Blackburn Sunderland Saturday 17 March 2012
Everton Arsenal Saturday 17 March 2012
Fulham Swansea Saturday 17 March 2012
Man City Chelsea Saturday 17 March 2012
Newcastle Norwich Saturday 17 March 2012
QPR Liverpool Saturday 17 March 2012
Tottenham Stoke Saturday 17 March 2012
Wigan West Brom Saturday 17 March 2012
Wolverhampton Man Utd Saturday 17 March 2012
Arsenal Aston Villa Saturday 24 March 2012
Bolton Blackburn Saturday 24 March 2012
Chelsea Tottenham Saturday 24 March 2012
Liverpool Wigan Saturday 24 March 2012
Man Utd Fulham Saturday 24 March 2012
Norwich Wolverhampton Saturday 24 March 2012
Stoke Man City Saturday 24 March 2012
Sunderland QPR Saturday 24 March 2012
Swansea Everton Saturday 24 March 2012
West Brom Newcastle Saturday 24 March 2012
Aston Villa Chelsea Saturday 31 March 2012
Blackburn Man Utd Saturday 31 March 2012
Everton West Brom Saturday 31 March 2012
Fulham Norwich Saturday 31 March 2012
Man City Sunderland Saturday 31 March 2012
Newcastle Liverpool Saturday 31 March 2012
QPR Arsenal Saturday 31 March 2012
Tottenham Swansea Saturday 31 March 2012
Wigan Stoke Saturday 31 March 2012
Wolverhampton Bolton Saturday 31 March 2012
Arsenal Man City Saturday 7 April 2012
Bolton Fulham Saturday 7 April 2012
Chelsea Wigan Saturday 7 April 2012
Liverpool Aston Villa Saturday 7 April 2012
Man Utd QPR Saturday 7 April 2012
Norwich Everton Saturday 7 April 2012
Stoke Wolverhampton Saturday 7 April 2012
Sunderland Tottenham Saturday 7 April 2012
Swansea Newcastle Saturday 7 April 2012
West Brom Blackburn Saturday 7 April 2012
Aston Villa Stoke Monday 9 April 2012
Blackburn Liverpool Monday 9 April 2012
Everton Sunderland Monday 9 April 2012
Fulham Chelsea Monday 9 April 2012
Man City West Brom Monday 9 April 2012
Newcastle Bolton Monday 9 April 2012
QPR Swansea Monday 9 April 2012
Tottenham Norwich Monday 9 April 2012
Wigan Man Utd Monday 9 April 2012
Wolverhampton Arsenal Monday 9 April 2012
Arsenal Wigan Saturday 14 April 2012
Bolton Tottenham Saturday 14 April 2012
Chelsea Newcastle Saturday 14 April 2012
Liverpool Fulham Saturday 14 April 2012
Man Utd Aston Villa Saturday 14 April 2012
Norwich Man City Saturday 14 April 2012
Stoke Everton Saturday 14 April 2012
Sunderland Wolverhampton Saturday 14 April 2012
Swansea Blackburn Saturday 14 April 2012
West Brom QPR Saturday 14 April 2012
Arsenal Chelsea Saturday 21 April 2012
Aston Villa Sunderland Saturday 21 April 2012
Blackburn Norwich Saturday 21 April 2012
Bolton Swansea Saturday 21 April 2012
Fulham Wigan Saturday 21 April 2012
Liverpool West Brom Saturday 21 April 2012
Man Utd Everton Saturday 21 April 2012
Newcastle Stoke Saturday 21 April 2012
QPR Tottenham Saturday 21 April 2012
Wolverhampton Man City Saturday 21 April 2012
Chelsea QPR Saturday 28 April 2012
Everton Fulham Saturday 28 April 2012
Man City Man Utd Saturday 28 April 2012
Norwich Liverpool Saturday 28 April 2012
Stoke Arsenal Saturday 28 April 2012
Sunderland Bolton Saturday 28 April 2012
Swansea Wolverhampton Saturday 28 April 2012
Tottenham Blackburn Saturday 28 April 2012
West Brom Aston Villa Saturday 28 April 2012
Wigan Newcastle Saturday 28 April 2012
Arsenal Norwich Saturday 5 May 2012
Aston Villa Tottenham Saturday 5 May 2012
Blackburn Wigan Saturday 5 May 2012
Bolton West Brom Saturday 5 May 2012
Fulham Sunderland Saturday 5 May 2012
Liverpool Chelsea Saturday 5 May 2012
Man Utd Swansea Saturday 5 May 2012
Newcastle Man City Saturday 5 May 2012
QPR Stoke Saturday 5 May 2012
Wolverhampton Everton Saturday 5 May 2012
Chelsea Blackburn Sunday 13 May 2012
Everton Newcastle Sunday 13 May 2012
Man City QPR Sunday 13 May 2012
Norwich Aston Villa Sunday 13 May 2012
Stoke Bolton Sunday 13 May 2012
Sunderland Man Utd Sunday 13 May 2012
Swansea Liverpool Sunday 13 May 2012
Tottenham Fulham Sunday 13 May 2012
West Brom Arsenal Sunday 13 May 2012
Wigan Wolverhampton Sunday 13 May 2012

2011 / 12 Football Fixtures

Posted: June 18th, 2011, 2:28 pm
by me

Saturday, 6 August 2011
Brighton v Doncaster, 15:00
Bristol City v Ipswich, 15:00
Burnley v Watford, 15:00
Coventry v Leicester, 15:00
Derby v Birmingham, 15:00
Hull v Blackpool, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Portsmouth, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Barnsley, 15:00
Peterborough v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Reading v Millwall, 15:00
Southampton v Leeds, 15:00
West Ham v Cardiff, 15:00
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Barnsley v Southampton, 15:00
Birmingham v Coventry, 15:00
Blackpool v Peterborough, 15:00
Cardiff v Bristol City, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Burnley, 15:00
Doncaster v West Ham, 15:00
Ipswich v Hull, 15:00
Leeds v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Leicester v Reading, 15:00
Millwall v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Portsmouth v Brighton, 15:00
Watford v Derby, 15:00
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Barnsley v Middlesbrough, 19:45
Birmingham v Burnley, 19:45
Blackpool v Derby, 19:45
Cardiff v Brighton, 19:45
Crystal Palace v Coventry, 19:45
Doncaster v Nott'm Forest, 19:45
Ipswich v Southampton, 19:45
Leeds v Hull, 19:45
Leicester v Bristol City, 19:45
Millwall v Peterborough, 19:45
Portsmouth v Reading, 19:45
Watford v West Ham, 19:45
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Brighton v Blackpool, 15:00
Bristol City v Portsmouth, 15:00
Burnley v Cardiff, 15:00
Coventry v Watford, 15:00
Derby v Doncaster, 15:00
Hull v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Birmingham, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Leicester, 15:00
Peterborough v Ipswich, 15:00
Reading v Barnsley, 15:00
Southampton v Millwall, 15:00
West Ham v Leeds, 15:00
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Brighton v Peterborough, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Blackpool, 15:00
Derby v Burnley, 15:00
Doncaster v Bristol City, 15:00
Hull v Reading, 15:00
Ipswich v Leeds, 15:00
Leicester v Southampton, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Coventry, 15:00
Millwall v Barnsley, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v West Ham, 15:00
Portsmouth v Cardiff, 15:00
Watford v Birmingham, 15:00
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Barnsley v Leicester, 15:00
Birmingham v Millwall, 15:00
Blackpool v Ipswich, 15:00
Bristol City v Brighton, 15:00
Burnley v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Cardiff v Doncaster, 15:00
Coventry v Derby, 15:00
Leeds v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Peterborough v Hull, 15:00
Reading v Watford, 15:00
Southampton v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
West Ham v Portsmouth, 15:00
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Barnsley v Watford, 15:00
Blackpool v Cardiff, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Hull v Portsmouth, 15:00
Ipswich v Coventry, 15:00
Leeds v Bristol City, 15:00
Leicester v Brighton, 15:00
Millwall v West Ham, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Derby, 15:00
Peterborough v Burnley, 15:00
Reading v Doncaster, 15:00
Southampton v Birmingham, 15:00
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Birmingham v Barnsley, 15:00
Brighton v Leeds, 15:00
Bristol City v Hull, 15:00
Burnley v Southampton, 15:00
Cardiff v Leicester, 15:00
Coventry v Reading, 15:00
Derby v Millwall, 15:00
Doncaster v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Ipswich, 15:00
Portsmouth v Blackpool, 15:00
Watford v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
West Ham v Peterborough, 15:00
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Birmingham v Leeds, 19:45
Brighton v Crystal Palace, 19:45
Bristol City v Reading, 19:45
Burnley v Nott'm Forest, 19:45
Cardiff v Southampton, 19:45
Coventry v Blackpool, 19:45
Derby v Barnsley, 19:45
Doncaster v Hull, 19:45
Middlesbrough v Leicester, 19:45
Portsmouth v Peterborough, 19:45
Watford v Millwall, 19:45
West Ham v Ipswich, 19:45
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Barnsley v Coventry, 15:00
Blackpool v Bristol City, 15:00
Crystal Palace v West Ham, 15:00
Hull v Cardiff, 15:00
Ipswich v Brighton, 15:00
Leeds v Portsmouth, 15:00
Leicester v Derby, 15:00
Millwall v Burnley, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Birmingham, 15:00
Peterborough v Doncaster, 15:00
Reading v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Southampton v Watford, 15:00
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Birmingham v Leicester, 15:00
Brighton v Hull, 15:00
Bristol City v Peterborough, 15:00
Burnley v Reading, 15:00
Cardiff v Ipswich, 15:00
Coventry v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Derby v Southampton, 15:00
Doncaster v Leeds, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Millwall, 15:00
Portsmouth v Barnsley, 15:00
Watford v Crystal Palace, 15:00
West Ham v Blackpool, 15:00
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Barnsley v Burnley, 19:45
Blackpool v Doncaster, 19:45
Crystal Palace v Bristol City, 19:45
Hull v Birmingham, 19:45
Ipswich v Portsmouth, 19:45
Leeds v Coventry, 19:45
Leicester v Watford, 19:45
Millwall v Brighton, 19:45
Nott'm Forest v Middlesbrough, 19:45
Peterborough v Cardiff, 19:45
Reading v Derby, 19:45
Southampton v West Ham, 19:45
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Blackpool v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Brighton v West Ham, 15:00
Bristol City v Birmingham, 15:00
Cardiff v Barnsley, 15:00
Coventry v Burnley, 15:00
Hull v Watford, 15:00
Ipswich v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Leicester v Millwall, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Derby, 15:00
Peterborough v Leeds, 15:00
Portsmouth v Doncaster, 15:00
Reading v Southampton, 15:00
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Barnsley v Bristol City, 15:00
Birmingham v Brighton, 15:00
Burnley v Blackpool, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Reading, 15:00
Derby v Portsmouth, 15:00
Doncaster v Coventry, 15:00
Leeds v Cardiff, 15:00
Millwall v Ipswich, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Hull, 15:00
Southampton v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Watford v Peterborough, 15:00
West Ham v Leicester, 15:00
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Barnsley v Hull, 19:45
Birmingham v Ipswich, 19:45
Burnley v Leicester, 19:45
Crystal Palace v Portsmouth, 19:45
Derby v Cardiff, 19:45
Doncaster v Middlesbrough, 19:45
Leeds v Blackpool, 19:45
Millwall v Coventry, 19:45
Nott'm Forest v Reading, 19:45
Southampton v Peterborough, 19:45
Watford v Brighton, 19:45
West Ham v Bristol City, 19:45
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Blackpool v Millwall, 15:00
Brighton v Barnsley, 15:00
Bristol City v Burnley, 15:00
Cardiff v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Coventry v Southampton, 15:00
Hull v West Ham, 15:00
Ipswich v Doncaster, 15:00
Leicester v Leeds, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Watford, 15:00
Peterborough v Derby, 15:00
Portsmouth v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Reading v Birmingham, 15:00
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Barnsley v Doncaster, 15:00
Birmingham v Peterborough, 15:00
Burnley v Leeds, 15:00
Coventry v West Ham, 15:00
Derby v Hull, 15:00
Leicester v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Blackpool, 15:00
Millwall v Bristol City, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Ipswich, 15:00
Reading v Cardiff, 15:00
Southampton v Brighton, 15:00
Watford v Portsmouth, 15:00
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Blackpool v Birmingham, 15:00
Brighton v Coventry, 15:00
Bristol City v Southampton, 15:00
Cardiff v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Millwall, 15:00
Doncaster v Watford, 15:00
Hull v Burnley, 15:00
Ipswich v Reading, 15:00
Leeds v Barnsley, 15:00
Peterborough v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Portsmouth v Leicester, 15:00
West Ham v Derby, 15:00
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Barnsley v Crystal Palace, 19:45
Birmingham v Portsmouth, 19:45
Burnley v Ipswich, 19:45
Coventry v Cardiff, 19:45
Derby v Brighton, 19:45
Leicester v Blackpool, 19:45
Middlesbrough v West Ham, 19:45
Millwall v Doncaster, 19:45
Nott'm Forest v Leeds, 19:45
Reading v Peterborough, 19:45
Southampton v Hull, 19:45
Watford v Bristol City, 19:45
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Blackpool v Reading, 15:00
Brighton v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Bristol City v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Cardiff v Birmingham, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Derby, 15:00
Doncaster v Southampton, 15:00
Hull v Leicester, 15:00
Ipswich v Watford, 15:00
Leeds v Millwall, 15:00
Peterborough v Barnsley, 15:00
Portsmouth v Coventry, 15:00
West Ham v Burnley, 15:00
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Barnsley v Ipswich, 15:00
Birmingham v Doncaster, 15:00
Burnley v Portsmouth, 15:00
Coventry v Hull, 15:00
Derby v Bristol City, 15:00
Leicester v Peterborough, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Brighton, 15:00
Millwall v Cardiff, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Reading v West Ham, 15:00
Southampton v Blackpool, 15:00
Watford v Leeds, 15:00
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Blackpool v Watford, 15:00
Brighton v Burnley, 15:00
Bristol City v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Cardiff v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Birmingham, 15:00
Doncaster v Leicester, 15:00
Hull v Millwall, 15:00
Ipswich v Derby, 15:00
Leeds v Reading, 15:00
Peterborough v Coventry, 15:00
Portsmouth v Southampton, 15:00
West Ham v Barnsley, 15:00
Monday, 26 December 2011
Barnsley v Blackpool, 15:00
Birmingham v West Ham, 15:00
Burnley v Doncaster, 15:00
Coventry v Bristol City, 15:00
Derby v Leeds, 15:00
Leicester v Ipswich, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Hull, 15:00
Millwall v Portsmouth, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Peterborough, 15:00
Reading v Brighton, 15:00
Southampton v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Watford v Cardiff, 15:00
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Barnsley v Leeds, 15:00
Birmingham v Blackpool, 15:00
Burnley v Hull, 15:00
Coventry v Brighton, 15:00
Derby v West Ham, 15:00
Leicester v Portsmouth, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Peterborough, 15:00
Millwall v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Cardiff, 15:00
Reading v Ipswich, 15:00
Southampton v Bristol City, 15:00
Watford v Doncaster, 15:00
Monday, 2 January 2012
Blackpool v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Brighton v Southampton, 15:00
Bristol City v Millwall, 15:00
Cardiff v Reading, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Leicester, 15:00
Doncaster v Barnsley, 15:00
Hull v Derby, 15:00
Ipswich v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Leeds v Burnley, 15:00
Peterborough v Birmingham, 15:00
Portsmouth v Watford, 15:00
West Ham v Coventry, 15:00
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Brighton v Bristol City, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Leeds, 15:00
Derby v Coventry, 15:00
Doncaster v Cardiff, 15:00
Hull v Peterborough, 15:00
Ipswich v Blackpool, 15:00
Leicester v Barnsley, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Burnley, 15:00
Millwall v Birmingham, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Southampton, 15:00
Portsmouth v West Ham, 15:00
Watford v Reading, 15:00
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Barnsley v Millwall, 15:00
Birmingham v Watford, 15:00
Blackpool v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Bristol City v Doncaster, 15:00
Burnley v Derby, 15:00
Cardiff v Portsmouth, 15:00
Coventry v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Leeds v Ipswich, 15:00
Peterborough v Brighton, 15:00
Reading v Hull, 15:00
Southampton v Leicester, 15:00
West Ham v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Barnsley v Derby, 19:45
Blackpool v Coventry, 19:45
Crystal Palace v Brighton, 19:45
Hull v Doncaster, 19:45
Ipswich v West Ham, 19:45
Leeds v Birmingham, 19:45
Leicester v Middlesbrough, 19:45
Millwall v Watford, 19:45
Nott'm Forest v Burnley, 19:45
Peterborough v Portsmouth, 19:45
Reading v Bristol City, 19:45
Southampton v Cardiff, 19:45
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Birmingham v Southampton, 15:00
Brighton v Leicester, 15:00
Bristol City v Leeds, 15:00
Burnley v Peterborough, 15:00
Cardiff v Blackpool, 15:00
Coventry v Ipswich, 15:00
Derby v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Doncaster v Reading, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Portsmouth v Hull, 15:00
Watford v Barnsley, 15:00
West Ham v Millwall, 15:00
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Barnsley v Birmingham, 15:00
Blackpool v Portsmouth, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Doncaster, 15:00
Hull v Bristol City, 15:00
Ipswich v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Leeds v Brighton, 15:00
Leicester v Cardiff, 15:00
Millwall v Derby, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Watford, 15:00
Peterborough v West Ham, 15:00
Reading v Coventry, 15:00
Southampton v Burnley, 15:00
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Birmingham v Hull, 19:45
Brighton v Millwall, 19:45
Bristol City v Crystal Palace, 19:45
Burnley v Barnsley, 19:45
Cardiff v Peterborough, 19:45
Coventry v Leeds, 19:45
Derby v Reading, 19:45
Doncaster v Blackpool, 19:45
Middlesbrough v Nott'm Forest, 19:45
Portsmouth v Ipswich, 19:45
Watford v Leicester, 19:45
West Ham v Southampton, 19:45
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Barnsley v Portsmouth, 15:00
Blackpool v West Ham, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Watford, 15:00
Hull v Brighton, 15:00
Ipswich v Cardiff, 15:00
Leeds v Doncaster, 15:00
Leicester v Birmingham, 15:00
Millwall v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Coventry, 15:00
Peterborough v Bristol City, 15:00
Reading v Burnley, 15:00
Southampton v Derby, 15:00
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Birmingham v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Brighton v Ipswich, 15:00
Bristol City v Blackpool, 15:00
Burnley v Millwall, 15:00
Cardiff v Hull, 15:00
Coventry v Barnsley, 15:00
Derby v Leicester, 15:00
Doncaster v Peterborough, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Reading, 15:00
Portsmouth v Leeds, 15:00
Watford v Southampton, 15:00
West Ham v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Barnsley v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Birmingham v Derby, 15:00
Blackpool v Hull, 15:00
Cardiff v West Ham, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Peterborough, 15:00
Doncaster v Brighton, 15:00
Ipswich v Bristol City, 15:00
Leeds v Southampton, 15:00
Leicester v Coventry, 15:00
Millwall v Reading, 15:00
Portsmouth v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Watford v Burnley, 15:00
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Brighton v Cardiff, 19:45
Bristol City v Leicester, 19:45
Burnley v Birmingham, 19:45
Coventry v Crystal Palace, 19:45
Derby v Blackpool, 19:45
Hull v Leeds, 19:45
Middlesbrough v Barnsley, 19:45
Nott'm Forest v Doncaster, 19:45
Peterborough v Millwall, 19:45
Reading v Portsmouth, 19:45
Southampton v Ipswich, 19:45
West Ham v Watford, 19:45
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Brighton v Portsmouth, 15:00
Bristol City v Cardiff, 15:00
Burnley v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Coventry v Birmingham, 15:00
Derby v Watford, 15:00
Hull v Ipswich, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Leeds, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Millwall, 15:00
Peterborough v Blackpool, 15:00
Reading v Leicester, 15:00
Southampton v Barnsley, 15:00
West Ham v Doncaster, 15:00
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Barnsley v Reading, 15:00
Birmingham v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Blackpool v Brighton, 15:00
Cardiff v Burnley, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Hull, 15:00
Doncaster v Derby, 15:00
Ipswich v Peterborough, 15:00
Leeds v West Ham, 15:00
Leicester v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Millwall v Southampton, 15:00
Portsmouth v Bristol City, 15:00
Watford v Coventry, 15:00
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Blackpool v Leicester, 19:45
Brighton v Derby, 19:45
Bristol City v Watford, 19:45
Cardiff v Coventry, 19:45
Crystal Palace v Barnsley, 19:45
Doncaster v Millwall, 19:45
Hull v Southampton, 19:45
Ipswich v Burnley, 19:45
Leeds v Nott'm Forest, 19:45
Peterborough v Reading, 19:45
Portsmouth v Birmingham, 19:45
West Ham v Middlesbrough, 19:45
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Barnsley v Peterborough, 15:00
Birmingham v Cardiff, 15:00
Burnley v West Ham, 15:00
Coventry v Portsmouth, 15:00
Derby v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Leicester v Hull, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Bristol City, 15:00
Millwall v Leeds, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Brighton, 15:00
Reading v Blackpool, 15:00
Southampton v Doncaster, 15:00
Watford v Ipswich, 15:00
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Blackpool v Southampton, 15:00
Brighton v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Bristol City v Derby, 15:00
Cardiff v Millwall, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Doncaster v Birmingham, 15:00
Hull v Coventry, 15:00
Ipswich v Barnsley, 15:00
Leeds v Watford, 15:00
Peterborough v Leicester, 15:00
Portsmouth v Burnley, 15:00
West Ham v Reading, 15:00
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Barnsley v West Ham, 15:00
Birmingham v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Burnley v Brighton, 15:00
Coventry v Peterborough, 15:00
Derby v Ipswich, 15:00
Leicester v Doncaster, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Cardiff, 15:00
Millwall v Hull, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Bristol City, 15:00
Reading v Leeds, 15:00
Southampton v Portsmouth, 15:00
Watford v Blackpool, 15:00
Monday, 9 April 2012
Blackpool v Barnsley, 15:00
Brighton v Reading, 15:00
Bristol City v Coventry, 15:00
Cardiff v Watford, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Southampton, 15:00
Doncaster v Burnley, 15:00
Hull v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Ipswich v Leicester, 15:00
Leeds v Derby, 15:00
Peterborough v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Portsmouth v Millwall, 15:00
West Ham v Birmingham, 15:00
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Barnsley v Cardiff, 15:00
Birmingham v Bristol City, 15:00
Burnley v Coventry, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Ipswich, 15:00
Derby v Middlesbrough, 15:00
Doncaster v Portsmouth, 15:00
Leeds v Peterborough, 15:00
Millwall v Leicester, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Blackpool, 15:00
Southampton v Reading, 15:00
Watford v Hull, 15:00
West Ham v Brighton, 15:00
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Blackpool v Leeds, 19:45
Brighton v Watford, 19:45
Bristol City v West Ham, 19:45
Cardiff v Derby, 19:45
Coventry v Millwall, 19:45
Hull v Barnsley, 19:45
Ipswich v Birmingham, 19:45
Leicester v Burnley, 19:45
Middlesbrough v Doncaster, 19:45
Peterborough v Southampton, 19:45
Portsmouth v Crystal Palace, 19:45
Reading v Nott'm Forest, 19:45
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Blackpool v Burnley, 15:00
Brighton v Birmingham, 15:00
Bristol City v Barnsley, 15:00
Cardiff v Leeds, 15:00
Coventry v Doncaster, 15:00
Hull v Nott'm Forest, 15:00
Ipswich v Millwall, 15:00
Leicester v West Ham, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Southampton, 15:00
Peterborough v Watford, 15:00
Portsmouth v Derby, 15:00
Reading v Crystal Palace, 15:00
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Barnsley v Brighton, 15:00
Birmingham v Reading, 15:00
Burnley v Bristol City, 15:00
Crystal Palace v Cardiff, 15:00
Derby v Peterborough, 15:00
Doncaster v Ipswich, 15:00
Leeds v Leicester, 15:00
Millwall v Blackpool, 15:00
Nott'm Forest v Portsmouth, 15:00
Southampton v Coventry, 15:00
Watford v Middlesbrough, 15:00
West Ham v Hull, 15:00

2011 / 12 Football Fixtures

Posted: June 18th, 2011, 2:31 pm
by me
league 1

Brentford v Yeovil, 15:00
Carlisle v Notts County, 15:00
Charlton v B'mouth, 15:00
Huddersfield v Bury, 15:00
MK Dons v Hartlepool, 15:00
Oldham v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Preston v Colchester, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Rochdale, 15:00
Stevenage v Exeter, 15:00
Tranmere v Chesterfield, 15:00
Walsall v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Wycombe v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Saturday, 13 August 2011
B'mouth v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Bury v Carlisle, 15:00
Chesterfield v Stevenage, 15:00
Colchester v Wycombe, 15:00
Exeter v MK Dons, 15:00
Hartlepool v Walsall, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Tranmere, 15:00
Notts County v Charlton, 15:00
Rochdale v Huddersfield, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Preston, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Brentford, 15:00
Yeovil v Oldham, 15:00
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
B'mouth v Stevenage, 19:45
Bury v Sheff Wed, 19:45
Chesterfield v Preston, 19:45
Colchester v Charlton, 19:45
Exeter v Brentford, 19:45
Hartlepool v Huddersfield, 19:45
Leyton Orient v Wycombe, 19:45
Notts County v Tranmere, 19:45
Rochdale v Carlisle, 19:45
Scunthorpe v Oldham, 19:45
Sheffield Utd v Walsall, 19:45
Yeovil v MK Dons, 19:45
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Brentford v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Carlisle v B'mouth, 15:00
Charlton v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Huddersfield v Colchester, 15:00
MK Dons v Chesterfield, 15:00
Oldham v Rochdale, 15:00
Preston v Exeter, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Notts County, 15:00
Stevenage v Hartlepool, 15:00
Tranmere v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Walsall v Yeovil, 15:00
Wycombe v Bury, 15:00
Saturday, 27 August 2011
B'mouth v Walsall, 15:00
Brentford v Tranmere, 15:00
Bury v Charlton, 15:00
Colchester v Oldham, 15:00
Exeter v Chesterfield, 15:00
Huddersfield v Wycombe, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Carlisle, 15:00
MK Dons v Stevenage, 15:00
Preston v Notts County, 15:00
Rochdale v Hartlepool, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Yeovil v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Carlisle v MK Dons, 15:00
Charlton v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Chesterfield v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Hartlepool v Exeter, 15:00
Notts County v B'mouth, 15:00
Oldham v Huddersfield, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Colchester, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Bury, 15:00
Stevenage v Rochdale, 15:00
Tranmere v Yeovil, 15:00
Walsall v Brentford, 15:00
Wycombe v Preston, 15:00
Saturday, 10 September 2011
B'mouth v Chesterfield, 15:00
Bury v Rochdale, 15:00
Carlisle v Hartlepool, 15:00
Charlton v Exeter, 15:00
Colchester v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Huddersfield v Tranmere, 15:00
Notts County v Walsall, 15:00
Oldham v Stevenage, 15:00
Preston v Yeovil, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Sheff Wed v MK Dons, 15:00
Wycombe v Brentford, 15:00
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Brentford v Colchester, 19:45
Chesterfield v Bury, 19:45
Exeter v Notts County, 19:45
Hartlepool v Preston, 19:45
Leyton Orient v B'mouth, 19:45
MK Dons v Charlton, 19:45
Rochdale v Scunthorpe, 19:45
Sheffield Utd v Huddersfield, 19:45
Stevenage v Sheff Wed, 19:45
Tranmere v Carlisle, 19:45
Walsall v Oldham, 19:45
Yeovil v Wycombe, 19:45
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Brentford v Preston, 15:00
Chesterfield v Carlisle, 15:00
Exeter v B'mouth, 15:00
Hartlepool v Bury, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Oldham, 15:00
MK Dons v Huddersfield, 15:00
Rochdale v Charlton, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Colchester, 15:00
Stevenage v Notts County, 15:00
Tranmere v Wycombe, 15:00
Walsall v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Yeovil v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Saturday, 24 September 2011
B'mouth v Hartlepool, 15:00
Bury v MK Dons, 15:00
Carlisle v Stevenage, 15:00
Charlton v Chesterfield, 15:00
Colchester v Walsall, 15:00
Huddersfield v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Notts County v Rochdale, 15:00
Oldham v Brentford, 15:00
Preston v Tranmere, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Yeovil, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Exeter, 15:00
Wycombe v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Brentford v Huddersfield, 15:00
Chesterfield v Colchester, 15:00
Exeter v Oldham, 15:00
Hartlepool v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Preston, 15:00
MK Dons v Notts County, 15:00
Rochdale v Wycombe, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Charlton, 15:00
Stevenage v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Tranmere v B'mouth, 15:00
Walsall v Carlisle, 15:00
Yeovil v Bury, 15:00
Saturday, 8 October 2011
B'mouth v Rochdale, 15:00
Bury v Exeter, 15:00
Carlisle v Brentford, 15:00
Charlton v Tranmere, 15:00
Colchester v Yeovil, 15:00
Huddersfield v Stevenage, 15:00
Notts County v Hartlepool, 15:00
Oldham v MK Dons, 15:00
Preston v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Chesterfield, 15:00
Wycombe v Walsall, 15:00
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Brentford v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Chesterfield v Notts County, 15:00
Exeter v Huddersfield, 15:00
Hartlepool v Wycombe, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Bury, 15:00
MK Dons v B'mouth, 15:00
Rochdale v Colchester, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Stevenage v Charlton, 15:00
Tranmere v Oldham, 15:00
Walsall v Preston, 15:00
Yeovil v Carlisle, 15:00
Saturday, 22 October 2011
B'mouth v Bury, 15:00
Charlton v Carlisle, 15:00
Chesterfield v Hartlepool, 15:00
Exeter v Rochdale, 15:00
Huddersfield v Preston, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
MK Dons v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Notts County v Brentford, 15:00
Oldham v Wycombe, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Colchester, 15:00
Stevenage v Yeovil, 15:00
Tranmere v Walsall, 15:00
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Brentford v Stevenage, 19:45
Bury v Notts County, 19:45
Carlisle v Sheff Wed, 19:45
Colchester v B'mouth, 19:45
Hartlepool v Tranmere, 19:45
Preston v Oldham, 19:45
Rochdale v Chesterfield, 19:45
Scunthorpe v Huddersfield, 19:45
Sheffield Utd v MK Dons, 19:45
Walsall v Exeter, 19:45
Wycombe v Charlton, 19:45
Yeovil v Leyton Orient, 19:45
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Brentford v Chesterfield, 15:00
Bury v Stevenage, 15:00
Carlisle v Oldham, 15:00
Colchester v Notts County, 15:00
Hartlepool v Charlton, 15:00
Preston v B'mouth, 15:00
Rochdale v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Tranmere, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Exeter, 15:00
Walsall v MK Dons, 15:00
Wycombe v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Yeovil v Huddersfield, 15:00
Saturday, 5 November 2011
B'mouth v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Charlton v Preston, 15:00
Chesterfield v Yeovil, 15:00
Exeter v Carlisle, 15:00
Huddersfield v Walsall, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Hartlepool, 15:00
MK Dons v Rochdale, 15:00
Notts County v Wycombe, 15:00
Oldham v Bury, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Brentford, 15:00
Stevenage v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Tranmere v Colchester, 15:00
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Brentford v Charlton, 15:00
Colchester v MK Dons, 15:00
Huddersfield v Notts County, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Stevenage, 15:00
Oldham v Chesterfield, 15:00
Preston v Rochdale, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Hartlepool, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Carlisle, 15:00
Tranmere v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Walsall v Bury, 15:00
Wycombe v B'mouth, 15:00
Yeovil v Exeter, 15:00
Saturday, 26 November 2011
B'mouth v Oldham, 15:00
Bury v Preston, 15:00
Carlisle v Colchester, 15:00
Charlton v Huddersfield, 15:00
Chesterfield v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Exeter v Tranmere, 15:00
Hartlepool v Yeovil, 15:00
MK Dons v Wycombe, 15:00
Notts County v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Rochdale v Brentford, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Stevenage v Walsall, 15:00
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Brentford v Hartlepool, 15:00
Colchester v Bury, 15:00
Huddersfield v B'mouth, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Exeter, 15:00
Oldham v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Preston v Stevenage, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Carlisle, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Rochdale, 15:00
Tranmere v MK Dons, 15:00
Walsall v Charlton, 15:00
Wycombe v Chesterfield, 15:00
Yeovil v Notts County, 15:00
Saturday, 17 December 2011
B'mouth v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Bury v Brentford, 15:00
Carlisle v Wycombe, 15:00
Charlton v Oldham, 15:00
Chesterfield v Walsall, 15:00
Exeter v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Hartlepool v Colchester, 15:00
MK Dons v Preston, 15:00
Notts County v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Rochdale v Yeovil, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Huddersfield, 15:00
Stevenage v Tranmere, 15:00
Monday, 26 December 2011
Brentford v B'mouth, 15:00
Colchester v Stevenage, 15:00
Huddersfield v Chesterfield, 15:00
Leyton Orient v MK Dons, 15:00
Oldham v Hartlepool, 15:00
Preston v Carlisle, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Bury, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Notts County, 15:00
Tranmere v Rochdale, 15:00
Walsall v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Wycombe v Exeter, 15:00
Yeovil v Charlton, 15:00
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Brentford v MK Dons, 15:00
Colchester v Exeter, 15:00
Huddersfield v Carlisle, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Charlton, 15:00
Oldham v Notts County, 15:00
Preston v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Chesterfield, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Hartlepool, 15:00
Tranmere v Bury, 15:00
Walsall v Rochdale, 15:00
Wycombe v Stevenage, 15:00
Yeovil v B'mouth, 15:00
Monday, 2 January 2012
B'mouth v Wycombe, 15:00
Bury v Walsall, 15:00
Carlisle v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Charlton v Brentford, 15:00
Chesterfield v Oldham, 15:00
Exeter v Yeovil, 15:00
Hartlepool v Scunthorpe, 15:00
MK Dons v Colchester, 15:00
Notts County v Huddersfield, 15:00
Rochdale v Preston, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Tranmere, 15:00
Stevenage v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Carlisle v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Charlton v Bury, 15:00
Chesterfield v Exeter, 15:00
Hartlepool v Rochdale, 15:00
Notts County v Preston, 15:00
Oldham v Colchester, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Yeovil, 15:00
Stevenage v MK Dons, 15:00
Tranmere v Brentford, 15:00
Walsall v B'mouth, 15:00
Wycombe v Huddersfield, 15:00
Saturday, 14 January 2012
B'mouth v Notts County, 15:00
Brentford v Walsall, 15:00
Bury v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Colchester v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Exeter v Hartlepool, 15:00
Huddersfield v Oldham, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Chesterfield, 15:00
MK Dons v Carlisle, 15:00
Preston v Wycombe, 15:00
Rochdale v Stevenage, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Charlton, 15:00
Yeovil v Tranmere, 15:00
Saturday, 21 January 2012
B'mouth v Tranmere, 15:00
Bury v Yeovil, 15:00
Carlisle v Walsall, 15:00
Charlton v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Colchester v Chesterfield, 15:00
Huddersfield v Brentford, 15:00
Notts County v MK Dons, 15:00
Oldham v Exeter, 15:00
Preston v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Stevenage, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Hartlepool, 15:00
Wycombe v Rochdale, 15:00
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Brentford v Wycombe, 15:00
Chesterfield v B'mouth, 15:00
Exeter v Charlton, 15:00
Hartlepool v Carlisle, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Colchester, 15:00
MK Dons v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Rochdale v Bury, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Stevenage v Oldham, 15:00
Tranmere v Huddersfield, 15:00
Walsall v Notts County, 15:00
Yeovil v Preston, 15:00
Saturday, 4 February 2012
B'mouth v Exeter, 15:00
Bury v Hartlepool, 15:00
Carlisle v Chesterfield, 15:00
Charlton v Rochdale, 15:00
Colchester v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Huddersfield v MK Dons, 15:00
Notts County v Stevenage, 15:00
Oldham v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Preston v Brentford, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Walsall, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Yeovil, 15:00
Wycombe v Tranmere, 15:00
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Brentford v Oldham, 15:00
Chesterfield v Charlton, 15:00
Exeter v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Hartlepool v B'mouth, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Huddersfield, 15:00
MK Dons v Bury, 15:00
Rochdale v Notts County, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Wycombe, 15:00
Stevenage v Carlisle, 15:00
Tranmere v Preston, 15:00
Walsall v Colchester, 15:00
Yeovil v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
B'mouth v Leyton Orient, 19:45
Bury v Chesterfield, 19:45
Carlisle v Tranmere, 19:45
Charlton v MK Dons, 19:45
Colchester v Brentford, 19:45
Huddersfield v Sheffield Utd, 19:45
Notts County v Exeter, 19:45
Oldham v Walsall, 19:45
Preston v Hartlepool, 19:45
Scunthorpe v Rochdale, 19:45
Sheff Wed v Stevenage, 19:45
Wycombe v Yeovil, 19:45
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Brentford v Carlisle, 15:00
Chesterfield v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Exeter v Bury, 15:00
Hartlepool v Notts County, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Scunthorpe, 15:00
MK Dons v Oldham, 15:00
Rochdale v B'mouth, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Preston, 15:00
Stevenage v Huddersfield, 15:00
Tranmere v Charlton, 15:00
Walsall v Wycombe, 15:00
Yeovil v Colchester, 15:00
Saturday, 25 February 2012
B'mouth v MK Dons, 15:00
Bury v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Carlisle v Yeovil, 15:00
Charlton v Stevenage, 15:00
Colchester v Rochdale, 15:00
Huddersfield v Exeter, 15:00
Notts County v Chesterfield, 15:00
Oldham v Tranmere, 15:00
Preston v Walsall, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Brentford, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Wycombe v Hartlepool, 15:00
Saturday, 3 March 2012
B'mouth v Charlton, 15:00
Bury v Huddersfield, 15:00
Chesterfield v Tranmere, 15:00
Colchester v Preston, 15:00
Exeter v Stevenage, 15:00
Hartlepool v MK Dons, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Walsall, 15:00
Notts County v Carlisle, 15:00
Rochdale v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Wycombe, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Oldham, 15:00
Yeovil v Brentford, 15:00
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Brentford v Exeter, 19:45
Carlisle v Rochdale, 19:45
Charlton v Colchester, 19:45
Huddersfield v Hartlepool, 19:45
MK Dons v Yeovil, 19:45
Oldham v Scunthorpe, 19:45
Preston v Chesterfield, 19:45
Sheff Wed v Bury, 19:45
Stevenage v B'mouth, 19:45
Tranmere v Notts County, 19:45
Walsall v Sheffield Utd, 19:45
Wycombe v Leyton Orient, 19:45
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Brentford v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Carlisle v Bury, 15:00
Charlton v Notts County, 15:00
Huddersfield v Rochdale, 15:00
MK Dons v Exeter, 15:00
Oldham v Yeovil, 15:00
Preston v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Sheff Wed v B'mouth, 15:00
Stevenage v Chesterfield, 15:00
Tranmere v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Walsall v Hartlepool, 15:00
Wycombe v Colchester, 15:00
Saturday, 17 March 2012
B'mouth v Carlisle, 15:00
Bury v Wycombe, 15:00
Chesterfield v MK Dons, 15:00
Colchester v Huddersfield, 15:00
Exeter v Preston, 15:00
Hartlepool v Stevenage, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Brentford, 15:00
Notts County v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Rochdale v Oldham, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Charlton, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Tranmere, 15:00
Yeovil v Walsall, 15:00
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
B'mouth v Brentford, 19:45
Bury v Scunthorpe, 19:45
Carlisle v Preston, 19:45
Charlton v Yeovil, 19:45
Chesterfield v Huddersfield, 19:45
Exeter v Wycombe, 19:45
Hartlepool v Oldham, 19:45
MK Dons v Leyton Orient, 19:45
Notts County v Sheffield Utd, 19:45
Rochdale v Tranmere, 19:45
Sheff Wed v Walsall, 19:45
Stevenage v Colchester, 19:45
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Brentford v Rochdale, 15:00
Colchester v Carlisle, 15:00
Huddersfield v Charlton, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Oldham v B'mouth, 15:00
Preston v Bury, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Notts County, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Chesterfield, 15:00
Tranmere v Exeter, 15:00
Walsall v Stevenage, 15:00
Wycombe v MK Dons, 15:00
Yeovil v Hartlepool, 15:00
Saturday, 31 March 2012
B'mouth v Yeovil, 15:00
Bury v Tranmere, 15:00
Carlisle v Huddersfield, 15:00
Charlton v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Chesterfield v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Exeter v Colchester, 15:00
Hartlepool v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
MK Dons v Brentford, 15:00
Notts County v Oldham, 15:00
Rochdale v Walsall, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Preston, 15:00
Stevenage v Wycombe, 15:00
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Brentford v Bury, 15:00
Colchester v Hartlepool, 15:00
Huddersfield v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Notts County, 15:00
Oldham v Charlton, 15:00
Preston v MK Dons, 15:00
Scunthorpe v Exeter, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v B'mouth, 15:00
Tranmere v Stevenage, 15:00
Walsall v Chesterfield, 15:00
Wycombe v Carlisle, 15:00
Yeovil v Rochdale, 15:00
Monday, 9 April 2012
B'mouth v Huddersfield, 15:00
Bury v Colchester, 15:00
Carlisle v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Charlton v Walsall, 15:00
Chesterfield v Wycombe, 15:00
Exeter v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Hartlepool v Brentford, 15:00
MK Dons v Tranmere, 15:00
Notts County v Yeovil, 15:00
Rochdale v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Oldham, 15:00
Stevenage v Preston, 15:00
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Brentford v Notts County, 15:00
Bury v B'mouth, 15:00
Carlisle v Charlton, 15:00
Colchester v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Hartlepool v Chesterfield, 15:00
Preston v Huddersfield, 15:00
Rochdale v Exeter, 15:00
Scunthorpe v MK Dons, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Walsall v Tranmere, 15:00
Wycombe v Oldham, 15:00
Yeovil v Stevenage, 15:00
Saturday, 21 April 2012
B'mouth v Colchester, 15:00
Charlton v Wycombe, 15:00
Chesterfield v Rochdale, 15:00
Exeter v Walsall, 15:00
Huddersfield v Scunthorpe, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Yeovil, 15:00
MK Dons v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Notts County v Bury, 15:00
Oldham v Preston, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Carlisle, 15:00
Stevenage v Brentford, 15:00
Tranmere v Hartlepool, 15:00
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Brentford v Sheff Wed, 15:00
Bury v Oldham, 15:00
Carlisle v Exeter, 15:00
Colchester v Tranmere, 15:00
Hartlepool v Leyton Orient, 15:00
Preston v Charlton, 15:00
Rochdale v MK Dons, 15:00
Scunthorpe v B'mouth, 15:00
Sheffield Utd v Stevenage, 15:00
Walsall v Huddersfield, 15:00
Wycombe v Notts County, 15:00
Yeovil v Chesterfield, 15:00
Saturday, 5 May 2012
B'mouth v Preston, 15:00
Charlton v Hartlepool, 15:00
Chesterfield v Brentford, 15:00
Exeter v Sheffield Utd, 15:00
Huddersfield v Yeovil, 15:00
Leyton Orient v Rochdale, 15:00
MK Dons v Walsall, 15:00
Notts County v Colchester, 15:00
Oldham v Carlisle, 15:00
Sheff Wed v Wycombe, 15:00
Stevenage v Bury, 15:00
Tranmere v Scunthorpe, 15:00

2011 / 12 Football Fixtures

Posted: June 18th, 2011, 5:37 pm
by Drynet

2011 / 12 Football Fixtures

Posted: August 8th, 2011, 4:42 pm
by bill yards
Stoke's first three games are now on Sundays.

This is obviously due to their successful missions in conquering Europe Image Image

2011 / 12 Football Fixtures

Posted: August 8th, 2011, 5:19 pm
by Dodge
Stoke's first three games are now on Sundays.

This is obviously due to their successful missions in conquering Europe Image Image

Wait till they are playing every monday night bill Image Image Image Image

2011 / 12 Football Fixtures

Posted: August 8th, 2011, 5:35 pm
by joffmiester
Image Image Image Imagetop draw ME