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Rayne lodge 21st may 2011

Posted: May 22nd, 2011, 10:42 am
by Dave C


Re: Rayne lodge 21st may 2011

Posted: May 22nd, 2011, 11:33 pm
by Mugger

The Top Lake at Rayne Lodge just outside of Braintree in Essex is the venue for what is the second Marsh AC club match of the year. A quick glance through the curtains confirmed that the forecaster hadn't been kidding last night and it promised to be a fine sunny day  8-), so shorts and tee shirt were the order of the day. Cats fed and coffee drunk I loaded up the car and set off round to Dave's house where I met up Chris and Dave for the trip down to the fishery. An accident on the way to the Dartford Tunnel meant we had to divert round it making us a little late, but we still pulled into the car park just after 8am.

Soon all the kit was transfered down the hill to the lake and discussions were underway about the prospects for the day ahead. Vic( SHANGER) Nugent was fishing his first club match with us since joining and had brought his partner Diane along to fish as well  :), while Keith had brought workmate Mick along as his guest once more. Into the draw and peg 14 was mine for the day (one away from the one I had on my last visit here)......


while Keith drew peg 14A to my left......


with Kevin and partner Jean to my right on peg 12 and Al next up on peg 11A......


I have to say that the lake looked cock on, There were plenty of fish showing, however they just appeared to be mooching about and it looked as if they were getting ready to spawn to me.

With us fishing from 10·15am till 4·15pm today there was plenty of time to set up, so everything got an outing today. 2 pellet waggler rods and a method feeder set up came out of their ready sleeves along with 3 top kits for the pole. The top kits were set up with 2 Sackup CX 4x12 pencils on 0·16 Ultima Power Match finishing with size 16 Guru MWG's and a NG 0·3 XT Sampson margin on 0·16 Ultima Power Match finishing with size 16 Guru MWG for the margin line. Feed was 6mm hard pellet, with dampened pellet for the method while hook baits were 6 & 8mm hard pellet, corn and a selection of GOT Baits soft hookers.

Jean kindly provided me with my customary coffee and a bonus today in the shape of a freshly cooked sausage & bacon roll  Image so I was well set by the time Dave sounded the All-In at 10·15am. A pot of pellets and corn onto each my selected lines then I shipped a banded 6mm pellet out to 7mtrs. A minute later and the float slid away and carp number 1 was on its way to the net  :). Unfortunately it was only a couple of ounces, not quite the stamp I was looking for  :(. A better example of around a pound was next up and this was followed by a couple of skimmers and I got the impression that the fish I was really looking for weren't present in any numbers.

I'd started catapulting a few pellets across to the corner of the island and after around an hour took a look with the pellet waggler after re-feeding my pole lines. There were fish there alright, I could see them cruising, but after half an hour I'd only managed 3 small carp for my efforts. A quick look with the feeder was unproductive so it was back to the pole.

At this stage nobody appeared to be running away with it, and the word was that it was generally fishing slow. I started to get a few carp interested on my 7mtr line, nothing remarkable, but enough to make me feel that I was holding my own against Keith  :). Another coffee and sausage & bacon roll from Jean was most welcome  Image, so having been re-fed myself, I re-fed the swim and took a quick stroll to try and see what was happening elsewhere.

Keith was starting to find a few on a more regular basis, though he was ruing the loss of a 'Double' that had taken off out of his swim and just kept going  :o......


Simon appeared to be ticking along nicely picking up fish by alternating between on the deck and up in the water in an attempt to keep in touch with the fish......


Diane was playing a fish as I passed and seemed to think that she might have the beating of Vic  Image.......


...... and although Vic was also playing a fish, a quick chat revealed that he was far from confident in gaining the upper hand today   :( ......


Terry on peg 22 claimed to be struggling, though he was playing a fish while we chatted. while Eddie on peg 1 appeared to be ticking along nicely and enjoying his first day out on the bank for a while  :) ......


Dave had started to catch fishing floaters under the tree to his left and while he was having trouble feeding due to the resident geese he seemed to be getting a decent stamp of fish  Image, and it seemed that Martin had followed his lead and was starting to catch a similar stamp of fish from peg 6 round the corner from Dave  :) ......


Clive was claiming to have a mare, but the fact that he was happy to pose with a small roach that he caught led me to believe that he might just be sand bagging about how his match was going  Image.....


I found Mick in the corner on peg 11 and was shocked to see him fishing the waggler, but he was having a bit of a lean time and figured that it was the best way to tempt a few  :-/ ......


As I got back to my peg Keith was into another fish so it was time to get my head down and concentrate. First put in and the float buried as a carp intercepted the bait and although the sport was never fast or furious, I managed to keep the fish coming on a reasonably regular basis by keeping the pellet going in to hold the fish. It was nip and tuck between me and Keith right the way to the end with a bit of banter back and forth between the two of us  :D right up till the end when Dave called the All-Out at 4·15pm while I played a final fish that took my total up to 51 carp.

As we packed up I knew it would be to close to call between Keith and I and with the weigh in starting on peg 1 it had made it's way round to Martin on peg 6 before I caught up with it to find Dave leading with a fine 114¾lbs which would prove to be good enough to take the win on the day Image as Martin's net came up a little short at 103¾lb, but still good enough for 2nd Image. Clive had indeed been economical with the truth as his net came in at a level 89lbs for 3rd overall Image. Al managed 64½lbs while my fish weighed a total of 73lbs giving me the section and just edging out Keith's 71½lbs  ;). Simon's 64½lbs allowed him to tie for 6th with Al  :). Round to peg 20 where Diane placed a level 48lbs on the scales to take the decision from Vic's 34½lbs, though of course we were all full of sympathy for him  Image ................NOT  Image Image Image

Back up the hill to the car park for the results and the section monies and that was it for another match  Image. The next match is at Mill Barn Reservoir on June 11th where I'll be defending a narrow 1 point lead from Al and Clive with Keith just a point further back.

Rayne lodge 21st may 2011

Posted: May 25th, 2011, 7:24 pm
by Mugger
Well I enjoyed it Dave, even if it seems nobody else did. Image Image Image
I take it we will be re-booking for next year. Image

Rayne lodge 21st may 2011

Posted: May 25th, 2011, 8:30 pm
by Simple
Great reading Mugger.
I like the picture of Clive showing the kind of fish his beastmaster is more suited too Image Image Image :D Image

Rayne lodge 21st may 2011

Posted: May 25th, 2011, 8:35 pm
by Dave C
I dont see why not Peter. Its got plenty of fish reasonably sheltered and very picturesque.
The only downsides are that damned hill on the way back and the pleasure anglers behind your peg waiting for you to pack up.

Im still trying to find another Essex water of compareable standards to our regular ones.

Surprising that there hasnt been one comment so far. Image Image ( Though Im sure there would have been plenty if I hadnt got the results up quickly.)

Rayne lodge 21st may 2011

Posted: May 25th, 2011, 9:16 pm
by Simple
By the way... Well done Dave Image

Rayne lodge 21st may 2011

Posted: May 25th, 2011, 9:47 pm
by Dave C
Thanks Si. Image

Rayne lodge 21st may 2011

Posted: May 25th, 2011, 10:48 pm
by Clive
I like the picture of Clive showing the kind of fish his beastmaster is more suited too  Image Image Image :D  Image

I swung it in as well 8-)

Rayne lodge 21st may 2011

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 12:44 am
Good read Peter Image

But surely the following is a mistake " 51 Carp for 73lb " Image Image

I thought they were Born at 5lb :D :D

Rayne lodge 21st may 2011

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 10:51 am
by mburgess
Well Done BENNY HILL top bombing Image Image Image