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1973 woodbine

Posted: May 21st, 2011, 12:58 pm
by joffmiester
<embed id=VideoPlayback src= ... en&fs=true style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 21st, 2011, 10:43 pm
by Simple
Sorted it out for you Joff Image

[html]<embed id=VideoPlayback src= ... en&fs=true style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>[/html]

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 22nd, 2011, 8:50 am
by Guest
Excellent that. Proper fishing too.

"We stopped of in Bristol and bought 12 1/2 p off maggots"

Wonder how many they got for that ??

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 9:44 am
by joffmiester
CHEERS SIMON Imagebrought back some memories
how fishing used to be :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/
if only we could turn back time
when the only G/B was white bread or brown if you were lucky you had two float rods and a feeder rod
you made most of your own floats bred your own hook baits and all jumped into a mini bus all for a days fishing and if you were really lucky a trophy at the end
[the word commercial hadn't been invented ]

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 4:08 pm
by Simple
Joff do you want that other video you binned bring back ?
I have added the code again for you. If so what title do you want ?

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 4:32 pm
by joffmiester
Joff do you want that other video you binned bring back ?
I have added the code again for you. If so what title do you want ?

other video's Image Image i take it the subject was fishing Image Image Image

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 4:56 pm
by Simple
The one with the subject "Test"

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 6:47 pm
by joffmiester
its on face book but its that small i thought it might be bigger on the site :o :o :o

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 9:47 pm
by Paul_Murrin
That film was a little gem..... best half hour classic then i rang captain Round for a  catch up as i had been away.I told him it was a must see i bet he wells up when he sees the film, when we spoke he said he fished the match that day, he had about 28lb all roach on stick, i was only 10 lol.... he also said he and dave rossi and ivan had a right rollocking cause they where late for the begining presentation before the draw............ Image Image Imagehope he comes on to share his wonderfull history lessons  Image masters of the Art ............. fine line running water anglers Image Image

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 27th, 2011, 7:39 am
by bill yards
i was only 10 lol....

You've never been crappity smack 10 Image Image Image Image Image Image

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 27th, 2011, 12:34 pm
by Paul_Murrin
You've never been crappity smacking 10 Smiley Smiley
That film was a little gem..... best half hour classic then i rang captain Round for a catch up as i had been away.I told him it was a must see i bet he wells up when he sees the film, when we spoke he said he fished the match that day,

i know lol some say i was born ten Image Image

having talked to alan today when i collected my bait,
he watched the film and said absollutly brill sorry for the bum imfo when he checked his diary he fished it in 74...... brill memories for him though. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 29th, 2011, 11:16 pm
by LarryTeepot
i hear Kenny Giles has now sold all his tackle and stopped Coarse fishing....ill miss those mints.always got one of him Image proper gent

1973 woodbine

Posted: May 30th, 2011, 9:00 pm
by two shakes
Great video this.At 12.09 theres a clip of my old next door neighbour Eddie Cameron,a real gentle giant.Whe we were kids we'd always be poncing floats and other bits from him or his sons.
Still drink with a couple of his lads now,although i don't ponce tackle off them these days pmsl.

1973 woodbine

Posted: July 11th, 2011, 11:20 am
by grover
brilliant vid,,love to know the total of all fish weighed in? wot a venue!! and the size of the fish they were swinging in, is there more of this stuff about.

1973 woodbine

Posted: July 11th, 2011, 7:22 pm
by Waveney_One
brilliant vid,,love to know the total of all fish weighed in? wot a venue!! and the size of the fish they were swinging in, is there more of this stuff about.

Every Saturday throughout the summer on the R. Yare ;)

An excellent video and all joking apart when you think of the tackle those guys were using what would they have caught today with the gear that we have?