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Peace at last?

Posted: February 13th, 2011, 5:34 pm
by Dave C
My son has been very very busy today.

Packing up all his gear and clothes and has finally moved out into a shared rented house. Image Image Image Image Well when I say moved out 75% of his stuff will still be “stored” here in “HIS” room.

Its not the first time he has gone, he moved out for 3 years at university and then did another 2 years travelling in Australia. Image Image Each time we have just got used to being on our own when he comes back again . So what do you think the chances of it being permanent this time are? Image Image

Peace at last?

Posted: February 13th, 2011, 6:07 pm
by Simple
Ahhh cant beat living at home Image Image Image

Peace at last?

Posted: February 13th, 2011, 6:24 pm
by nomorelongwalks
Watch out Dave,now he has moved out Glady's will put your housekeeping up Image

Peace at last?

Posted: February 13th, 2011, 7:05 pm
by Gem
I moved out and not gone back home, as yet after 2yrs. Even though it was 130+miles away, who knows what your son will do Dave! If its within 10mile i say theres a chance he will be back. Image Maybe once having to discover the washing machine if he didnt do it before ;)

Im guilty of having my area in the 'storage room' at mum and dads of my things hehe.

Is it with friends he is living or people he doesnt know? I hope it all works out for him. Out of interest how much is he paying in your neck of the woods?

I couldnt move back home much as i love my family. You get your own sense of achievement, independence, and set in your ways, well i do anyway. Although it can be dull the things that used to annoy you not being there any more (siblings and moaning lol).

Simon, i am not saying nothing. Image

Peace at last?

Posted: February 13th, 2011, 7:28 pm
by Dave C
Gem, he is 28 and well able to look after himself. He will only be about a mile away and I think arrangements have already been made with mum regarding his washing. ;)

He was looking for a while and managed to find a room with shared living room kitchen etc with 4 other guys. He didnt know them but it turns out they all went to his old school 2 years above him. They all knew his sister from then. Also the godparents of one of them live next door to us.

Its a very small world isnt it.

As for price Gem he is paying £500 a month for the room, shared amenities heating etc. Very reasonable for this area.

Peace at last?

Posted: February 14th, 2011, 2:41 am
Could go either way Dave  ::)

I left home at 4 years of age then went back for 2 months aged 15 and then for 6 months aged 41 but did take the wife and 3 kids with me that time lol

So you never know whats round the corner  Image

Peace at last?

Posted: February 14th, 2011, 9:05 am
by joffmiester
CAR BOOT COMING UP DAVE Image Image Image Image