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who invented this

Posted: December 21st, 2010, 1:26 pm
by joffmiester

who invented this

Posted: December 21st, 2010, 1:51 pm
by bill yards
Benny Ashurst ::) ::)

who invented this

Posted: December 21st, 2010, 3:28 pm
by joffmiester
have you read the book then Image Image Image Image

who invented this

Posted: December 21st, 2010, 3:32 pm
by Simple
Bloody hell Joff that picture is so blurred its making my eyes go funny Image Image

who invented this

Posted: December 21st, 2010, 3:34 pm
I know a bloke who still uses a butt indicator, maybe Bill is right as I am not sure who invented it, I think the Clayton's invented the 'swing tip' as for the quiver tip not sure again, maybe someone on this site knows, however there are plenty who claim to have been the first !
Common Bill, who invented the quiver tip !
Now I did here the lads from suffolk invented the feeder, (someone from Jim Randall's gang) they were made from hair curlers.
I remember Steve Toone telling me when they came to the Trent, they were the first to ask if they could use them !
Maybe Kingfisher might know !

who invented this

Posted: December 21st, 2010, 5:33 pm
by bill yards
Common Bill, who invented the quiver tip !

He used the butt indicator for years at Rudyard.

Pretty sure it was Benny Ashurst again.

He used hair curlers for feeders well before they were invented too. Image

who invented this

Posted: December 21st, 2010, 5:33 pm
by bill yards
Jack Clayton brought out the swingtip I think

who invented this

Posted: December 21st, 2010, 6:53 pm
by Waveney_One
I think the hair curler thing started on the Thames but it could still have been Essex County and Jim because he didn't move up here until later.

who invented this

Posted: December 22nd, 2010, 12:02 am
by bill yards
1948/49 Benny was messing about with a very primitive type of feeder, - honest Image Image Image

I think he gave up on the idea though

The first even more primitive 'type of feeder' was in Izaak Walton's Compleat Angler believe it or not.
It is there for all to see. In one of the paragraphs he suggests tying a sod of fresh earth to a length of twine and dropping it in the swim, obviously full of worms and insects and co; that aint that far removed from the original idea of the feeder.
In the same book he also mentions using pellets (are you there mugger!) Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
and also relates how to make a paste that will keep for ages.

Needless to say he came from the best place in the world, my home town Image Image Image Image[center][/center]