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Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 17th, 2010, 10:46 pm
Bill or Queenie can you give some info on the venue, bait list, do you get your bait there or best taking it ? Is it mainly pole with a little feeder fishing ?
Any help would be great, many thanks.

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 18th, 2010, 9:43 am
by joffmiester
the way your drawing they'll tell you n'out Image Image

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 18th, 2010, 5:46 pm
by bill yards
Info on Lough Muckno:................

It's wet!

See if Q responds, I am a mere mortal Image

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 9:33 am
by bill yards

In a nutshell it depends what sections are in.

Concra is mainly pole.
Toome can be pole or feeder.
Black Island can be feeder or pole depending what end you are, mainly feeder.
White Island is pole; there are a couple of feeder pegs but they have not been so productive over the last two or three years.
Church is pole.
Virtually all the pole areas can be fished with waggler; some do well on it. There are years when the whip scores well too.

Pole rigs, you don't need too many. I used 1-2.5 grams set around 8 feet deep with a big round bend hook and caster. You might need a deeper rig for Toome if it is in. It is all personal choice, Kev and Baz Smith do really well there and fish it heavier, you can't argue with what they catch.
Nuddy uses maggot and catches a million small roach each match; caster does consistently catch bigger fish though.
You might loose the odd rig on pike.
On feeder it is basic stuff and an easy chuck worm and maggot/caster, feeder is mainly confined to Black Island though.
You do need a good contact for bait because you need a fair few casters; I generally take 3-4 pints per match and pad them out with a fair bit of hemp (six hours matches), lots don't bother with hemp though, I get it cheap! You need some maggots as well for hookers and some woms for chopping and hookers.
Q might do things a lot different. He spends quite a bit of time now doing walking excercises now though. Image If he don't respond you might be better guiving us a ring and asking what you want. Image

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 11:24 am
Thanks Bill, I will be in contact regarding bait etc shortly Image

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 12:21 pm
by joffmiester
WHO'S your partner choppy ,don't tell me you've got tony to spend some money  Image Image Imageor is it like your team fishing undecided Image Image

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 5:37 pm
by Dodge
A lot of anglers who do well @ muckno use floats that dont break (plastic jobbies) ie when you have pike trouble or are bagging etc Image ;) Image

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 7:42 pm
by bill yards
Drennan Tipo or similar

I use Fox Euro
Anything like Dodge says.

Pike aint always a problem but are a right tw4t if they are. They are big fookers.. You need plenty of gb, it is a ball it job. Image

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 9:35 pm
Joff you stick to your club matches on a sundays mate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Institute matches etc Image Image
My partner is me mucka Pete Jayes.

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 20th, 2010, 9:45 am
by joffmiester
Joff you stick to your club matches on a sundays mate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Institute matches etc  Image Image
My partner is me mucka Pete Jayes.

Image Image Image Image Imagei hope a get a bite like that tomorrow Image Image Image

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 22nd, 2010, 7:45 pm
by Muckno_Mafia
Pike aint always a problem but are a right tw4t if they are. Image

If that why you sit 6ft off the water over there?

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 22nd, 2010, 8:51 pm
by bill yards
Mister Muckno Mafia :-[

On the odd occasion you see me sitting high on my stand is easily explained 8-) You see I do like a few jars at night and and I don't know what the crappity smack happens but sometimes I can't find my way out of the pub. On those occasions I feel I need to be clearly visible to other competitors because I may be in mortal danger of falling in. Now every body knows if you tumble in you make a splash. wing to my aching bones I feel I would need to make a BIG splash so people could hear me and I could be rescued as my size 14s would soon get full of water. In the old days of wicker baskets there was no real problem as you could leave the lid up and sit in it with the knowledge that it would be very difficult to fall in; that would stop me falling in. see what mean?? Image Image Image Image

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 22nd, 2010, 9:11 pm
by Dodge
Bill Yards is sh!t scared of pike !

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image :D

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 22nd, 2010, 9:30 pm
by Muckno_Mafia
I forgot Tony, you enjoy frequenting that gay bar in Castleblaney ;-)

Can I draw your section this year, I've had your mate in my rotation the last 3 years and think I'm due some comedy......

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 22nd, 2010, 11:08 pm
by bill yards
I didn't think North West anglers drank or is it they just don't like paying for it Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Is Martin going this time?

Heard they are putting a road in at Black Island (not for this year though).

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 23rd, 2010, 6:38 pm
by Muckno_Mafia
Martin only goes on 6 peg OAP / club matches these days...............Ireland is no where near as much fun when he's not dressing up as you.

Mr Breeze tells me there's only 20 pairs booked on this year.

Oh and come on, why build a road to black island? Remember when someone tried to drive over the barrier the other year and knackered their gearbox?

As for buying a drink, where we all going on Saturday night then as the Castle is shut?

Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 24th, 2010, 5:48 am
by bill yards
As for buying a drink, where we all going on Saturday night then as the Castle is shut?

The Castle used to serve the worst Guinness in Ireland, - it was crappity smack shyte.
I'm not surprised at the turnout although I heard 30 pairs. If that is right I shall finish much higher than I usually do; might just creep in the top 60.
I know some regulars who have been going for years that ain't going this time because of the crappity smack up with the cost. Coothill is also on the same week.
Tell Martin to get his crappity smack wig in gear and get over there.
They could have the draw at a pub in the town; they do that for the other matches there.

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Muckno Pairs !

Posted: August 25th, 2010, 8:21 pm
by Muckno_Mafia
Which pub in the town though? You mean the one down the opposite end to the Castle where some lads stay?