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The Broads Angling Festival

Posted: July 28th, 2010, 11:04 am
by Waveney_One
This was a brilliant match.

The main idea of the match was to raise funds for research into gastrointestinal cancer at the University of East Anglia following John Platton's recovery from major surgery 3 years ago. It was a brilliant weekend with fantastic fishing and well over £3,000 raised for the charity.

Saturday on the N&DAA waters on the R.Bure and Sunday on the Gt Yarmouth AA stretch of the R. Yare with points being awarded for sections of 9. There were 54 entrants and the overall winner was Tommy Bolton, one time tackle dealer and exile from Essex. Fished for Essex County years ago. Tom had a perfect 2 section wins weighing in over 20lb on both days. He certainly didn't have the largest weight on either day or overall. Lewis Murawski and Chris Jakubowski (those poles can't half fish :) both had a first and a second in sections but Lewis made second place on weight and Jacko third.

Day 1.
Top 8 on the R Bure Saturday were.

Robert Hubbard 47lb 1oz
Glenn Hubbard 37lb 10oz
Lewis Murawski 34lb 11oz
Mark Haverson 26lb 6oz
Will Freeman 23lb 13oz
Tom Boulton 23lb 7oz
Dave Reeve 23lb 01oz
Chris Jakubowski 22lb 01oz

I had skimmers all day yesterday but they were not very large for 17lb odd. There were loads of 20lb weights including 2 in my section of 9 so I was 3rd in the section.

Day 2 R. Yare

The Boards was the section where most of the bigger bream were but not so many skimmers and I was luckily enough to be drawn on the Boards. 3 of the top 5 came from there. But every section was won with over 20lb. The river is still very coloured and there was 10.5 inches registered on my colourometer.

1st Chris Jakubowski, peg 66 maybe 67 with 34lb 15oz
2nd Tony Anderson, peg 61 with 33lb 14oz
3rd Andy Moss, with 31lb 13oz
4th Kevin Paynter with 31lb 9oz
5th Will Freeman peg 64 with 30lb 5oz

The best pole weight that I heard of Dave Reeve with over 22lb of roach in the 20's all the other weights were bream and skimmers.

On the Boards the lead changed 2 or 3 times during the match as far as I could see. Andy Wilson Sutter was admitting to 12lb after 45 minutes and 20lb after and hour and a half. I suspect that after 2 hours at high water I was in the with 23lb but both Andy and my pegs dried up with Andy weighing 22lb something and me with 27lb 4oz whilst Jacko kept catching. Tony Anderson had 3 large fish in the last half hour for another 10lb and if there had been another 1/2 hour of the match may have had a few more.

Anyway, a brilliant weekend, I have had 45lb of bream and skimmers in 2 days and am totally worn out!

The final table was:-

Tom Boulton Nisa Feeders 18 points 47lb 8oz
Lewis Murawski Lewis's A Wrld 17 pts 60lb 11oz
Chris Jakubowski Lewis's A Wrld 17 pts 56lb 0oz
Doug Bottley Diawa Ang Direct Essex 17pts 41lb 12oz
Nick Larkin, Nisa Feeders, 16pts 50lb 6oz
Kevin Paynter, Gt Yarmouth, 16pts 49lb 09oz
Robert Hubbard, Diawa Ang Direct, 15pts 67lb 14oz
Will Freeman Preston Suffolk 15 pts 54lb 02oz
Mark Haverson Diawa Ang Direct 15pts 47lb 07 oz
Dave Reeve Gott Baits 15 pts 45lb 14oz

Courtesy of the NDAA website -

There were a number of sponsors including
Eurolink Marketing Services
Angling Direct
Cordy’s Fishing tackle
Lathams Fishing tackle
Lewis Anglers World
Nisa Feeders

The Beauchamp Arms who provided free refreshments after the Yare match and donated £150
Preston Innovations via Will Freeman
and many others.

The Broads Angling Festival

Posted: July 28th, 2010, 12:35 pm
by TK
Welcome aboard the 'Waveney One' Image

Cheers for the report - sounds like some cracking results there - always pleasing to hear of them from 'naturals' Image

The Broads Angling Festival

Posted: July 28th, 2010, 3:06 pm
by Waveney_One
Thanks for the reply and I will post some of the others as they happen

The Broads Angling Festival

Posted: July 29th, 2010, 11:21 am
Welcome Waveney One !
Please let the site know about this match next season as it sounds great and maybe a few of us could come and fish it ! Fancy a weekend in Norfolk Bill ! baggin on a river !!!!!!
I know I do !!!!!!

The Broads Angling Festival

Posted: July 29th, 2010, 2:39 pm
by bill yards
there was 10.5 inches registered on my colourometer.

What the crappity smack is a colourometer, - Is it a Norfolk thing? Image Image

The Broads Angling Festival

Posted: July 29th, 2010, 4:19 pm
by Waveney_One
Ahhh! thought that would catch the interest of one or two :D It certainly interests the girl who takes the breakfast orders in the Beauchamp Arms on match day when I am often greeted with ''How is it hanging today Richard!'' and I reply with ''11 inches''. When it gets to 18 inches it may stretch (get it) credibility.

You know how everyone has different views of how much colour is in a river at the draw? One will say it is a bream day or another a roach day. Well I have taken the discussion to pseudo scientific levels.

Take a plummet, preferably a Nisa Feeders one, and drill through from top to bottom (rubber eye to the sponge bit for the hook). Pull some white fly line backing braid through it and mark it off in one inch intervals with a different colour every foot. Paint the plummet white and there you have a colourometer! Patent Pending ;)

To use, just drop it down slowly into the water and when the plummet becomes invisible read off the distance at the water level.

To be honest this year the Broads rivers have been so coloured it hasn't really been worth using but as the guys ask I have to use it. It has been useful on the local commercials though. This probably sounds rubbish to most of you guys but the Broads rivers tend to colour up when it is warm and dry and lose their colour when there is rain. There is no run off from hills - we don't have any, it is all peat so any extra water is filtered by peat before it goes into the river. This year we have had only 5mm of rain so the rivers are coloured. Also the temps here in the south east have been pretty high so the larger bream have moved out of the Broads themselves into the Broadland rivers.

Come late August and September when the rivers clear the roach fishing will be superb. I have had loads of roach weighing 12oz to a pound and a quarter on the feeder. Soon it will be all pole fishing for roach. As the Broads rivers are tidal there is always a good flow. As other rivers struggle, the last few years on the Broads have got better and better! There was hardly a weight under 10lb on either day last weekend.

Matches are every Saturday through to the end of September and the walks are pretty good these days, all gates. 38 pegs is the furthest that you need to walk and that is to a really hot peg!

This last match wasn't advertised at all as we didn't have too many pegs available on the Bure. Next year the Thurne and maybe the Ant will be used as well. N&DAA match Secretary Tony Gibbons says that both rivers are fishing very well. It will be advertised properly.

They were brilliantly organised matches and the draws were really smooth as all the tickets were purchased up front and the pools collected before the draw.

The Broads Angling Festival

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 10:48 am
by Dodge
Good stuff Waveney One Image

A colourometer ????? Image Image Image Image Image

;) Image 8-)