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Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 12:13 am
by Simple
What a great day... Lots of lovely skimmer bream, not so many pesky carp :DImage

61lb 2oz
I won my section and I think I was 4th overall out of 65 anglers Image Image :D

Pics and small report tomorrow  Image

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 12:24 am
by Woodhouse
fantastic venue.

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 12:49 am
by Mugger
Nice one Simps. Image

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 12:53 am
by Simple
fantastic venue.
Yes it is mate. Not as many walkers as Joff said there was :D
Not often your silvers bag out weighs your carp net Image

Cheers Mugger

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 2:35 am
by Simple
I was asked to fish a team match by Neil Riddy at Barston Lakes in Solihull, having never fished the venue before I accepted. I've heard a lot of good reports about the lake and the possibility of big bags of skimmers/bream which I liked the sound of.

The drive to the lake was straight forward, down the M6 toll because I'm posh  :D :D and then a short journey just off the m42 and were there. I say "were" because Gem was coming along today to do a bit of sun bathing  Image

Arriving at Barston for the first time I was quite impressed with the club house. The car park was full of Jags, Mercs and BMW's  Image Image



We arrived just in time for the draw. I was fishing for intervet team C today. I chose from cards allotted for our team and came away with peg 94. Great news as I was on the side with the car parks and if you have seen the size of this lake you will appreciate been able to drive to your peg  Image

[highlight]Not Far to Walk[/highlight]

[highlight]My peg for the day. Peg 94[/highlight]

[highlight]My new Maver Leg warmers[/highlight]Image

[highlight]Sun Queen Gem[/highlight]

I set up a feeder rod with a 30 gram gripmesh feeder with a 12 inch hooklength with a white ringers shellfish 8mm boilie for bait. GB was 50/50 mix of sonubaits F1 groundbait and Method mix. I also set up a pole line at 13m where it was about 3.5 foot deep  Image Image

[highlight]Clipping up[/highlight]

With the match starting at 11am we had plenty of time to set up which is always a good thing. At the start of the match I cupped out some soaked 4mm pellets and some sloppy gb on my pole line and then whacked the feeder out, I didnt have to wait long before the tip went round but I missed it because Gem was yabbering to me  Image Second cast and another bite but this time I hit the bite. The result was a small F1 in pristine condition  Image

[highlight]Fish on[/highlight]

[highlight]Drynet avoided[/highlight]

[highlight]Nice little F1[/highlight]

Next cast produced what was the start of a good run of Skimmer Bream.


[highlight]Bream on the feeder...Superb[/highlight]

[highlight]Just as Gem said "Are there any Tench in here" the tip went round...[/highlight]

[highlight]Yes I replied[/highlight]  :D

[highlight]Soooo Simple[/highlight]


At the end of the match I guessed I had about 52lb while Gem who had been asleep for some of the match reckoned I had about 65lb  Image

Afterthought:- My pole line had not produced. I had 4 fish off it so stuck it out on the feeder, a good decision I think

The scales arrived at my peg, a quick look at the board and 55lb was winning my section so I thought it was going to be close. I got the small net out first, the carp  Image :D followed by my net of silvers and weighed a total of 61lb 2oz so Gem was closest  :-* :-*

It was back to the club house after for a bite to eat and the presentation. What a place it is too.




Some pictures of the section winners now.. Taken by Gem  Image







The team I was fishing for finished 8th out of 13 I think. Will post the full results if I can get them.

Cracking venue indeed, will not hesitate to fish there again  Image Image

Thanks to Neil for the invite also  Image Image

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 4:27 am
Well done on 2 things Si Image

First your result. Image

Second for actually doing a report Image must be the first 1 since about May. Image Image

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 10:36 am
by Simple
Malc, thanking you :D :D

Thats because its the first time I have fished somewhere other than Rolfs. As I said to Peter I am not doing a blog report on my blog for Rolfs as I do the one for the Rolfs site, I dont have to the time to do 2 separate reports sorry.

I did a report for the SMF match down the cut where I got MINXED, JINXED, DIDDY'D and CURSED all in one match in June, so I do report on the bad un's as well as the good un's Image Image  Image

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 1:35 pm
by TK
Well done Simps - always good to see more than one 'method' in the locker Image Image

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 3:33 pm
by Simple
Afterthought:- My pole line had not produced. I had 4 fish off it so stuck it out on the feeder, a good decision I think
I actually wasted nearly an hour on the pole line so maybe if I hadn't of bothered with it things may have been different, who knows.

TK, Cheers. I was planning on chucking a method feeder over the top of where I was with the cage feeder but saw no reason to change as I was catching Image

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 10:57 pm
by Drynet
Well done mate Image

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 12th, 2010, 9:44 am
by joffmiester
WELL DONE SIMON Imagetop venue i love it but can get anyone to go now because of the price :-[ :-[ :-[ 94 is not the best area either mate you've done well it is a out and out feeder area Imageto your left it juts out these would of been flyers on your match Image Image

top venue like i say and just down the road is packington :o :o :o thats as good and a little less

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 13th, 2010, 8:18 pm
by MarkV
I did manage to walk round it on Saturday Simon, but not until the evening. Long after you'd all gone.

Unless you were responsible for the partying music coming from the club house  :D

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 13th, 2010, 9:04 pm
by Simple
the partying music coming from the club house
Nope sorry but the music in the day was a full brass band for a wedding. It was that loud I could hear it up the far end of the lake. :D

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 13th, 2010, 9:19 pm
by MarkV
It's normally quiet down there Image

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: July 13th, 2010, 9:49 pm
by Simple
It's normally quiet down there
All I could hear during the match was the carp boys bite alarms going off Image

Cracking place though Image

Barston Lakes. Interpharma Match

Posted: March 6th, 2011, 1:03 pm
by Simple
I wouldn't mind getting back here this year.
Shame we couldnt have the SMF site match here and make it silvers only Image Image Image