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last night

Posted: July 9th, 2010, 10:12 am
by joffmiester
what a nightmare i drew peg 9 on fishpool its only a small lake with 25 pegs around it all looks pretty good and each peg is roped off so no one can edge into the next peg [the main reason for this is to stop the black death flying onto the lake]well last night i thought it was a good peg but i had to use seventeen and a half metres to reach the island  :D :D good job it was only 3hours long Imageanyway plumbed up a nice 7in against the island off we went the tree's and bushes don't hang in the water but do hang over the lake a bite after 5 minutes gone first carp Imagestarted shipping back only to find it had swam into some line hanging off the tree after 10 minute the carp of about 5lb was knackered and on top of the water but i could get this line from around it that had a method feeder hanging on to it  Image Image Imageeven the anglers either side helped any way it was my rig that snapped in the end and the loss of a MW float  Image
that must of taken the best part of half a hour  Imageagain i started i had three smaller ones no problem there
the line was still hanging down and noticed it still tugging  Imageand at this point i hooked another fish it felt a good fish until i realized it had got caught up with this same fish on this method  Image Imageagain my fish was high and dry  Image Imageagain i had to go for broke  Image tried everywhere else in the peg but the fish wanted to be over at the island so i move a long a bit and in the final half an hour i hooked another and guess what  Image Image Imagehooked this same mess this time i thought i'd got to get this out so i waited for the final whistle and asked my mate to bring his pole to my peg where we stuck a Stanly knife blade on the end shipped out to 16metres and tried to cut the line in the right place  :D :D :D after about ten minutes we did it and got the fish out  Image but what a mess it had at least 12lb line on it two hooks Image Imageyes two hooks on the same method feeder and one was barbed  Imageso how long this carp had been hooked god knows
still it was returned safe but who would use 12lb line on the method with two hooks  Image Imagethats a very low way of cheating needless to say i didn't weigh in  :(

last night

Posted: July 9th, 2010, 10:19 am
by joffmiester
stuff commercials now Image Image

last night

Posted: July 9th, 2010, 11:28 am
by bill yards
crappity smack 'em off Image

last night

Posted: July 9th, 2010, 1:16 pm
by Dave C
the loss of a MW float

Image Image Image Stuff the bloody fish. Did you get the MW back, I would have gone in for it if it were one of mine. Image Image

last night

Posted: July 9th, 2010, 6:14 pm
by joffmiester
i know dave Image Imagebut i had such a sh#t night i couldn't be arsed i watched all night drifting in between pegs Image Image Image

last night

Posted: July 9th, 2010, 6:14 pm
by joffmiester
roll on budgies Image Image Image