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my week in Holland

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 10:49 am
by joffmiester
finally i have discovered why i couldn't get my photo's off my camera probably the fact that on the second day i managed to spill a tub of tracix all over my camera and hadn't cleaned it well enough
i really look forward to Holland as its time away from work kids and the tank commander and every man needs that space once a year at least ;) ;) ;)the group i go with have been together for the last 10 years since the days of Ireland some new faces make appearances from year to year and sometimes the group is up to 14or 15 anglers Imagebut this year we had come down to the real backbone of the group just eight making the trip :-/ :-/still hopefully next year things will be better plus it made it easy four in each house
like other years the younger ones normally go in one and the older boys in the other Image
this year like last i returned to the younger ones Image Image
every year we share any money between the house and hopefully like last year we would win enough to pay for next year Image Image
the older boys are brilliant mostly feeder men with the odd go on the pole after each match we would go into the town square and have a few pints and just listen to there days fishing and of corse the older storys Image Image Image
this year the weather did get better of us with rain and gales for most of the it looked like the older boys could be on song
the voorne is very straight and catches the wind like nowhere else and as you are on fishing platforms its quiet hair raising hence the reason for not many photo's
this year has been probably the worest yet the week before it was sunny all week with fish coming shallow in one or two areas and i must say normally the weather is good for us just not this year Image
on arrive we always take alook at who's fishing the canal and this year the dutch could fish our festival so there was lots of dutch on the bank fishing

my week in Holland

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 11:18 am
by joffmiester
needless to say allot of them had worms which is not allowed until June or coloured baits and are banned in the festival along with catties as they are deemed as a weapon in holland and if seen using them could land you in a load of trouble with the police Image Imageand you dont want that Image Image
one thing we did notice the dutch were catching a lot of fish on the feeder with cheered the older boys up
saturday was our first practice day so we all did something different just to see if we could get a little start on the others
but the funny thing is we all bagged up on anything we did and after balling in 25 to 30 balls of G/B the feeder did catch some quick fish while it settled

the voorne canal low 200s

adey getting ready to try the pole


here is festival winner pete marlow getting into the fish straight away

kieth found afew on the feeder

my week in Holland

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 11:31 am
by joffmiester
by the end of the practice i'd had between 25 and 30 bream and lost a dozen i really thought we'd caught the canal right
pete's catch


and mark the otherside of me


thats the last time the sun glasses were out :-[ :-[

the saturday night the storm of all storms came it turned cold and i mean really cold and rain it rained non stop for the next two days Image Imageand the wind took its effect on the canal
sunday was the day before the festival started no one really wanted to fish
we sat around drinking coffee having breakfast and then more coffee

who would want to go fishing after that

mark catching up with the election thats sad

adey saying we've come all this way we've got to fish today too keen sometimes Image Image


pete checking everyones kit who's got what


my week in Holland

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 11:53 am
by joffmiester
well we did go on sunday but let me tell you this i was on the bank for just over two hours and that was it kit was wet through clothes dripping wet that was it sod fishing lets go drinking Image Image Image Imageadey stayed for a bit longer and won the knock up with 46lb i didn't have the camera from this point until the presentation Image Image Image
Monday Image Imagethe weather was just the same as Sunday Image but we had got to fish in it well i drew next to the pegs we had practiced Image i thought here we go get afew here on the bomb and feeder Image Image Imageafter two maybe three hours don and andy wildsmith walked down to me soaked to the skin i hadn't had a bite nor had they
so i thought i'd try for a roach or two around the platform as the whole section at this point was being won with 1 single bream and a daddy ruffe so out came the roach rig never had we ever done this before it was about 8ft off the platform and i had feed sloppy G/B there was thats what the G/B had turned into :-[ :-[ j/f float 0.8 one white maggot pulled dead
after 10 minutes a thought what a tw#t for trying it when it went under Image Imagea roach in half half hour i had three so up the bank it went back came don and andy and asked had i caught i said yes three roach and showed them how .well crappity smack me both stood there laughing at me Image Imageand said thats put you thid at the minute in your section Image
i will say both went back and tried it and both caught a daddy ruffe to my shock my three roach went 90g and don and andys one fish went 100g Imagestill they were in another section to me and i ended up 5th in the section with one of the old boys Kieth winning the section with two bream sorry tying first Image

my week in Holland

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 11:56 am
by joffmiester
i'l do a bit more monday the rest of the week fished a hundred times better on the whole a weighed 40kgs for 15 points way out really but with these bream you can win from anywhere especially this year
i've got some picture of the presentation night to come Image Image

my week in Holland

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 1:08 pm
by joffmiester
by the final day we new pete was in with a chance having 3 pionts if he dropped his worest result and a good peg was needed for him
he pulled 379 which was a good peg as it was near the slush yet the begining of the next section so game on my festival was a story of wrong ends to the section 5th on the first day hit a 5th the second day then 11th with my best weight of the festival 15kg then the finalday being in pete's section yes you guset it the far end yet managed a 5th 14kg all caught in the last half hour Image Imagei was ready to pack up i had already taken a walk to see how pete was doing and thankfully hed caught well and ended up with 17kg for a 3rd in the section Image Image
we new one or two had started the day with 3points and one was hank a dutchman and then news arrived he also had finished on 6 points Image Imagelucky for pete a better overal weight ment he had won the festival Image Image Image

my week in Holland

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 1:10 pm
by joffmiester
at the presentation i thought we all surposed to shave our heads


my week in Holland

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 1:13 pm
by joffmiester
this something you don't see very often a table full of scousers normally there is a couple nicking the wheels off your cars Image Image


brilliant bunch of lads

my week in Holland

Posted: May 15th, 2010, 9:50 pm
by cheslynboy
Brilliant read and not a traffic light float in sight Image Image Image Image Image Image

my week in Holland

Posted: May 17th, 2010, 9:59 am
by joffmiester
this is the winning group


my week in Holland

Posted: May 17th, 2010, 12:30 pm
by craftytafty
Tracix!!!! no wonder your best weight was 15kilo :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

good read, but who was the dodgy geezer on the right at the back of the Scousers photo Image Image

my week in Holland

Posted: May 17th, 2010, 1:47 pm
by joffmiester
taff Image Imageno i didn't use it over there it was what i had left from the last canal match the lid wasn't on properly needless to say i picked it up upside down end result a yellow camera Image Image Image

my week in Holland

Posted: May 17th, 2010, 1:51 pm
by joffmiester
what about these then taff Image Image


and these yorkshire lads


my week in Holland

Posted: May 17th, 2010, 1:54 pm
by joffmiester
taff i've just realised why the scousers sat around that table ,its brownies winning ticket they were after Image Image Image Image

my week in Holland

Posted: May 17th, 2010, 5:49 pm
by Simple
Bloody brilliant reading Joff. The pictures ain't to bad either Image Image

Some cracking fish caught.

my week in Holland

Posted: May 17th, 2010, 5:54 pm
by craftytafty
Good old Don. Smokin and fishin!!!!

you'd need a crowbar to get that ticket off browny

my week in Holland

Posted: May 17th, 2010, 7:30 pm
by joffmiester
Good old Don. Smokin and fishin!!!!

you'd need a crowbar to get that ticket off browny

dons off to packington this weekend for the vets trials
i bet he'l have a fag lit-up for the whole time Image Image

taff are you fishing ivans match on the glebe saturday/sunday

my week in Holland

Posted: May 17th, 2010, 9:08 pm
by craftytafty
no, I'm going to whiteacres for another week.

my week in Holland

Posted: May 18th, 2010, 7:12 pm
by Adzee
this is the winning group


wicked photo joff, thought i sign up and join in on the banter considerin every other forum cough** md's cough** angling times have gone crap.

what about those 18 bream in that last hour eh :D :D :-[wish id have offered a euro bet now

my week in Holland

Posted: May 19th, 2010, 10:13 am
by joffmiester
good to see you mate there is always good banter on here Imageand safe banter no one takes it seriously which makes a differents Image Image Imagesimples the man behind it all top site Image Image