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this made me laugh

Posted: May 10th, 2010, 1:24 pm
by joffmiester
last week in the festival on the third day i drew next to pat mcevoy 324 we had a right laugh as these pegs are not so good as the low 300s the matches are only 4 hours long so time flies towards the end of the match a couple of cars pulled up as they had seen my sensas bucket with joffmiester on them the lads all said they read the site and the info on the voorne was helpful and fancied a go at the festival so i passed them on to pat he gave them all the info and hopefully they will be fishing
anyway these lads drove off to fish the pegs we had been on the day before,course pat was happy and couldn't believe they read the internet and our website.just as he said that another car with some dutch anglers pulled up and said the very same thing Image Image Imageyou should of seen pats face Imagebut the funniest part they asked if i was using the joff van floats and where could they get them Image Imageit was brilliant in the end pat just sat there still he did take a euro off me 16kg to 14kg Image
then at the presentation on thursday it all kicked off again this time it was set up Image Image Image Image

this made me laugh

Posted: May 10th, 2010, 5:10 pm
by bill yards
Image Image Image Image Just remember the copyright Joff Image Image Image Image

this made me laugh

Posted: May 10th, 2010, 5:15 pm
by joffmiester
i new you'd like that bill it was brilliant it really was mate Image Imageit just goes to show who looks in on this site Image Image