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heather mills
Posted: January 15th, 2010, 1:41 pm
by joffmiester
heather mills has put in an official complaint to the dancing on ice producers
saying it was insensitive to make her dance to
heather mills
Posted: January 15th, 2010, 1:44 pm
by Simple
heather mills
Posted: January 15th, 2010, 1:45 pm
by bill yards
Joff that's terrible,
Hope she take you to court.
YOU wouldn't have a leg to stand on
heather mills
Posted: January 15th, 2010, 1:47 pm
by Simple
Just sent you a joke Joff, I didnt know if to stick it on here or not
heather mills
Posted: January 15th, 2010, 1:56 pm
by me
stick on here, ii promise i will not ban or lock your account, in fact im totally bord sat here so think all site should hve a bit of fun and just have a massive free for all with NO sensorship
heather mills
Posted: January 15th, 2010, 3:16 pm
by Simple
Joffs already posted it
heather mills
Posted: January 15th, 2010, 4:37 pm
by me
see joff aint a scardy cat
heather mills
Posted: January 16th, 2010, 11:27 am
by joffmiester
heather mills
Posted: January 16th, 2010, 4:41 pm
by mburgess
heather mills
Posted: January 17th, 2010, 5:02 am
by bill yards
Last time I heard of HM she had tripped up doing one of those US 'come dancing' farces.
She started coughing and spluttering so she went to the quacks.
He gave her some pills (pills for mills) and told her to take them as prescribed and she will be OK.
She asked the quack what he thought was wrong with her and he said he thought she was in the first stages of leg in air disease