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Who's fishing where

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Who's fishing where


Unread post by Conna »

Where are you fishing this week TK/Ratbag?
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Who's fishing where


Unread post by TK »

Got an invite to fish a small private pool in Abbotts Bromley. Hopefully the silvers will play ball and I'll be satisfied with double figures of them.......should be enough to frame, but not win.
Negative ain't I :D - 'spose that's what team fishing did to me :D
To be bluntly honest, I'd rather be busy catching bits than sitting for a bite an hour..........that's my game plan........ although I'll try to keep my eyes and ears open and react accordingly. Dare say I'll have a throw away carpie line or two and have periodic peeks on them.
Might pop down RMS to see how you fare on Sun.........all the best Image
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