Here you go ME - hot off the press
A delayed draw greeted 15 expectant fool hardies for this first match thru The Wedge and Golden Balls having an extra round or two of toast with their breckie.
Resident expert MrV had carefully selected a coincidental 15 of the most productive pegs on the pool.
Those in the know were eager to draw the ‘Aquarium’ peg – no 19 but this soon fell into the clutches of Ball it in Baker.
Nearly all done and dusted, 2 pegs left in the bag for MrV and BDM – 20 & 25. BDM had struggled off 25 before so didn’t fancy it and with newly acquired PMA switched on full power managed to pull out 20. This left MrV will yet another end peg……….but this one wouldn’t do any damage this time………………would it?
The whistle blows (later than usual -!!!! tut tut The Wedge) and all get their heads down for a good day.
BDM feeds 3 punch lines – 1 at 7 mtrs at the back of some pads 2.5 ft deep, same depth at 9 oclock at 11 mtrs under overhanging willow and straight out at 11mtrs in slightly deeper water…………….well about 3ft deep.
5 mins pass
10 mins pass
15 mins pass
Nowt off all three lines
Time for method B.
A little bit of carefully mixed and riddle groundbait with a few offerings cupped in all all 3 lines.
Double pinkie starts causing some damage at the back of the pads…………………….1/2oz (or less) rudd are coming at 3 minute intervals
A call from SS offering a bit of advice, keep putting the caster in.
A few more bits, but nothing on the scale of Zorro (one of only 3 in BDM’s gaze due to bushes and islands) who has been catching steadily from the off.
Ball it in Baker has been given crack info from HaHa – main tip is to feed sparingly from the off and feed to bites. However his nerve had cracked after 20 mins and he reverts to his nickname and starts balling it in. As a result of the feeding BDM on next peg has to shallow up two inches.
Disaster……… 12 noon. BDM is seen off by a beastie at the back of the pads. The creature was hooked, ‘walked’ into clear water, before realising it was hooked and making its bolt for freedom. How costly would that prove,
Now I’ve tried to make this report as interesting as possible but it is extremely difficult – because not a lot happened next. Reports were mixed from ‘they are bagging up the top end’ to ‘it’s a load of DW’
Vestie was dry when he snared a bream with an hour and a bit to go. Zorro had stopped catching and Ball it Bakers best endevours with his favourite hot dog sausages had failed and he was still dry off the cock peg. HaHa also next peg to BDM was owning up to 3 oz when he also snared a get out of jail bream followed by a couple of bits.
Whistle goes for the end. Despite it being ‘hard’, the 4 hours have fled by.
After the first few pegs it’s all looking tight………ounces are making big differences in the grueller points.
Half way round it’s the same………….
With only one left to weigh, MrV, its as tight as a gnats……..
Well let’s spill the beans……..
1. MrV (peg25) 4-2-0
2. Zorro (peg16) 2-14-14
3. Vestie (17) 2-12-2
4. BDM (20) 2-11-12
5. HaHa (19) 2-9-9
6. Yamo (24) 2-5-6
7. Heinzer (7) 2-2-0
8. The Wedge (8) 2-1-15
9. Cotti (3) 2-1-12
10. The Worminator (23) 1-13-4
11. Golden Balls (11) 1-11-4
12. KOD (12) 1-8-5
13. Brambles (5) 0-9-11
14. Phil B (6) 0-8-6
15. Ball it in Baker (19) Dry
It just begs the question – who will turn up for Grueller No 2
Grueller Match 1 Pictures