What did he catch ?
I know its ridiculous, but this year is the first year i've had a proper warm fishing coat ! I was as warm as toast
except for my hands towards the end. Didnt realise how good they can be.
This is what I PM'd TK with ...
Went down to fish the extension today but arrived without thinking about the ice !
The slightly warmer temperatures are what stirred me into going out, before it gets very cold again and I hadnt given ice much thought lol.
It was pretty much covered and quite thick. I was thinking about going home and staring at some clear water DIRECTLY under Pelsall new road bridge, thinking I could at least get a float in when along came MGB.
After a chat he pointed out there was a gap in the ice where the inflow comes off the road by the new bit of wooden fence. Didnt fancy that because of salts off the road etc. After he'd gone I sat in my car and decided to give it a go rather than head for a small river.
Fished six pole sections, which was as far as I could and usd W&J leftover from the last match !
Had plenty of bites, small roach, a skimmer about half a pound and a hybrid well over a pound.
A pike took a roach on the retrieve and bit it off while a chap was watching. Clearly saw the pike which took near the surface over my feed. Another bigger fish also showed later near the surface.
Had my keepnet attacked 3 times, twice violently, top ring bouncing up and down.
I lifted the keepnet with pike hanging on twice, getting the pike half out and half in the water. Dont know if teeth were stuck in the net or were just hanging on. One of them was a heavy fish.
All in all plenty of action bites wise and very surprising by the inflow, I thought.
The chap who came along just after i'd started, said he'd had 'loads' of small roach recently on punch, down by the grove ?? Thought he meant not far along the bank.