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Posted: December 14th, 2009, 5:57 pm
by joffmiester
right lets hear your views on the subject
one or two things have happened this year and i feel that B/J matches don't have the same pull Image Image it seams more and more anglers think its expensive and with money at a all time shortage i see more league around our neck of the woods turning to squatt and pinkie leagues with no B/J allowed
wigston are running a league and have nearly sold out
market harborough does not allow it either
yet yesterday we had 54 anglers on our canal for the canal champs but because it was heavily coloured and raw it fished very hard and quite a few moaned saying that its not worth fishing these matches as its so peggy and if you don't draw these areas it doesn't matter if you have 10kg of B/W you still ain't going to catch
now i tried hard yesterday as we all know you can't have 54 good pegs in a line so i made them 5 peg sections so you could win your money back plus paying the top 6
i'm wondering if we didn't fish B/J would these anglers of expected it to be that bad and thought nothing of it :-/ :-/what do you think


Posted: December 14th, 2009, 6:57 pm
by lloydy
You'll never win mate, you've gotta run matches the way you want to. Some anglers don't wont fish joker matches and some wont fish squatt matches full stop, some canals need worm and joker and some don't, after the weather this week Lee's canal was awsome yesterday, it wouldn't have been that good with squatt but some canals like norbury seem just as good with or without joker.