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Posted: December 3rd, 2009, 10:18 am
by joffmiester
:o :o quite a eye opener !! pike fishing on the loughborough canal  :o
what a lovely afternoon i had plans to go on my own with the dogs and do a bit of spinning .but i mentioned it to a customer in the shop and he said he'd like to go as he goes quite regularly on the river but hadn't tried the canal for pike
so off we went the lovely thing about spinning is your tackle is as light as you like and all in a rucksack with a flask  ;) tony on the other hand had more tackle than most match anglers but all fitted in a proper rucksack
spinning is not just about casting out and reeling in as i found out  from tony but what did surprise me was the amount  of takes we had off perch as well as pike it was really enjoyable and i would recommend it to everyone to have ago by the end of the afternoon we had walked about 3 miles and had caught 7 pike not big ones probably 7to 10lb the biggest and a 2lb 8oz perch which had a even bigger perch chasing it :o the dogs were knacked so when we called into the pub on the way home they sat in front of the fire while we had a couple of pints Imagewhat a great afternoons fishing  Image


Posted: December 3rd, 2009, 12:02 pm
by joffmiester
if you think match anglers have hundreds of floats ::) ::)well pike anglers have hundreds of lures,plugs and floats
i really enjoyed the afternoon and ithink you could do it with the kids Image Imagewhether you catch on them is another matter Image Image


Posted: December 3rd, 2009, 2:29 pm
I am very concerned about what you lot do over there, is there a need to livebait your kids, or does it pick up the bigger samples :D :D Image


Posted: December 3rd, 2009, 2:43 pm
by joffmiester
the bubbles burst choppie not a sole on the river today even the foreigners about Image Image


Posted: December 4th, 2009, 10:05 am
by TK
Something I need to restart as well Joffie.

6 or 7 years back I used to pop out for an hour or so every weekend spinning on the cuts round here.

Always used to end up with a at least a jack, using my old heavy feeder rod.

Decided to treat myself and I went and bought a dedicated Daiwa spinning rod and a ruck load of plugs.

Guess what - the rods never seen the bank and has sat in the spare bedroom for the last 6-7 years Image


Posted: December 4th, 2009, 10:31 am
by bill yards
The only lure I have is the boozer Image


Posted: December 4th, 2009, 10:56 am
by two shakes
I love spinning for pike and perch,but keep losing lures on all the dead bodies in the Cov cut. :D


Posted: December 4th, 2009, 2:48 pm
by joffmiester
Something I need to restart as well Joffie.

6 or 7 years back I used to pop out for an hour or so every weekend spinning on the cuts round here.

Always used to end up with a at least a jack, using my old heavy feeder rod.

Decided to treat myself and I went and bought a dedicated Daiwa spinning rod and a ruck load of plugs.

Guess what - the rods never seen the bank and has sat in the spare bedroom for the last 6-7 years Image 
loved it TK give it ago mate Imagei be going over christmas mate Image Image


Posted: December 4th, 2009, 3:43 pm
by TK
Will do Joffie - that new rods gunna get an outing during Dec Image


Posted: December 4th, 2009, 3:51 pm
by MarkV
The last two times i've fished the Extension TK, my keepnet has been assaulted. Loads of pike in there.

I also played and lost a fish i'd estimate at about 8lb. Had it on for ages, bloomin nuisance.

It's amazing how much stick balanced tackle can take with just a no3 elastic though.


Posted: December 4th, 2009, 4:34 pm
by TK
The last two times i've fished the Extension TK, my keepnet has been assaulted

Big Baz's net was on Sunday too Image

I know what pegs to start with ;) Image