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How was your match fishing year 2009 ?

Posted: November 28th, 2009, 11:58 am
by Dodge
This should be an interesting topic as nearly all the lads on here have fished at the top end of the match fishing scale this year, all the highs, the lows and the totally forgetable lol.

How was your match fishing year 2009 ?

Posted: November 28th, 2009, 12:42 pm
by Dodge
2009 was imo for all teams in the north west going to be a real real struggle. A lot of doors have been closed up here on the team fishing front, a lot of venues have gone downhill, its just steadily got worse. We had a long rethink about things at Sensas NW last winter as we were looking at a dire situation.... with some help, advice and backing we decided to knock on a few new doors to open up a few new avenues so to speak, a couple of new leagues which we had not fished before opened up for us plus the evcellent Div 1 National practices and to be honest it has been a breath of fresh air ! It kept everyone fishing at a high level week in week out plus we managed to pick up a few good anglers up along the way. Personally for me it was brilliant how a few mates could stick together and achieve some success both individually and teamwise on new venues albeit a fair distance geographically from where we would like to be. The canal circuit we have fished this spring / summer and autumn has fished fantastically well ...... squatt fishing heaven ..... dont think i can remember catching so many 6, 7, 8s and a few double figure bags of squatt fish, it was an absolute joy. The downturn workwise has made it difficult for a lot of lads to keep doing what they do each weekend but most have managed it somehow, nice one fellas Image

The winter fishing in the west midlands has started really well ....... you guys really dont no how lucky you are ! lol ;) :D you have loads of brilliant venues for sure.

Were already booked on for a couple of canal leagues next spring and summer plus there is a very tempting squatt national on the Erewash canal to sort out. Plenty of effort has been put in this year and for next and things are looking much much brighter, really enjoyed myself this year, caught loads of fish and picked up a couple of bob along the way lol .......

Thanks again to all the lads that have rallied around and made things happen

Image Image Image Image Image 8-) 8-) 8-) :)

How was your match fishing year 2009 ?

Posted: November 28th, 2009, 5:00 pm
by endpeg
It aint over yet!

How was your match fishing year 2009 ?

Posted: November 28th, 2009, 7:56 pm
by bill yards
crappity smack crap Image

That's the price you pay for running matches properly. Image Image Image Image

How was your match fishing year 2009 ?

Posted: November 30th, 2009, 10:11 am
by joffmiester
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image i can't get my breath Image Image2009 i'd like to forgetĀ  :'( :'( all i've heard is brilliant match well run Image Imagemy fishing was sh#t Image Image Image Image
roll on next year

when some other crappity smack can do it Image Image