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worrying facts

Posted: September 18th, 2009, 5:34 pm
by joffmiester
just looked at the matchfishing website and there is a new report out about the state of uk rivers
26% of our rivers are deemed to be in good condition leaving a massive 76% in a bad condition  Image Image no surprises there then  Image it's not rocket science why my river the soar is on the list the non navigable stretches are full of washed in tree's broken tree's decorated in every sort of plastic bag imaginable slit lies like sand dunes a long the banks and penny-wort showing its ugly head again i wonder when the E A last took a look or even walked down the banks  Image Image and i wonder when we have really bad floods who will they blame ::)globe warming surpose Image Image

worrying facts

Posted: September 18th, 2009, 5:42 pm
by lloydy
They'd come and cut the bankside veg if boaters needed it done Image