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is it time

Posted: September 1st, 2009, 10:04 am
by joffmiester
i'm seriously thinking of either stopping competitive fishing or stopping match organising and at the moment even opening the shop 7 days a week Image for the time and effort that goes into my fishing each week just to draw crap endless phone calls book me on and then at 11pm by text on a Saturday night say your not coming so you reshuffle the pegs leaving no gaps only to get someone else texting you while you are driving to the venue Imageyou get there early so you can at least have a breakfast and everyone wants to pay or know what pegs you've put in Image Imageand then you take the money only to fined some scum bag has given you a dodgy £20 note Image Imagecheating fellow anglers out of there winnings how on earth i didn't spot it as it was that bad Image
then i drew crap and the worest thing you want to here is "you'll have a days fishing" Image Imagethen you fined out the only peg not drawn is a flyer Image Image Image Image
its time to make decisions as its effecting my own fishing :-[ :-[ :-[
why go fishing when i can make twice as much opening the shop :-/ :-/ :-/

is it time

Posted: September 1st, 2009, 10:28 am
by bill yards
Becuz you luv it :-*

is it time

Posted: September 1st, 2009, 2:33 pm
by joffmiester
Image Imagewrong anwser

is it time

Posted: September 1st, 2009, 4:28 pm
by Dodge

You have loads of quality venues and plenty of teams in your area mate, you should try the NW circuit ........
its crap!! Image Image Image

Match fishing has a habbit of kicking you in the nuts several times a season especially for the lads who have their own buisness or work long hours, time with the family etc ,this leaves little time to get prepared for the weekends match and when you draw sh!t it makes things even more frustrating. Been there done that loads of times mate but always come back for some more lol Image Image Image

is it time

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 11:14 am
by joffmiester
i know what your saying but i seam to be into everything at the minute and i know its because i love the sport but i'm getting tired of a small minority of anglers that often do nothing yet are lucky enough to fish two or three times a week and still voice there opinions over trivial matters and it seams to be effecting my angling sorting everyone else out perhaps some of these anglers should give up one days fishing to run matches unlike me who can only fish one day at the minute.drawing crap an't helping at the minute as well
i'l get over it mate just seams to be taking forever Image