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No news from....

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 10:49 pm
by Woodhouse
Holland then?

I wonder if Joff has given Motters a shag yet....pair of Gay boys!

No news from....

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 11:54 pm
by bill yards
You might be right there.
I've just heard he has had his first 'twitch' of the week.

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

No news from....

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 4:39 pm
by Dodge
Rumour has it Motty & Joff were last seen holding hands in a back street of Amsterdam Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

No news from....

Posted: May 11th, 2009, 4:41 pm
by joffmiester
Rumour has it Motty & Joff were last seen holding hands in a back street of Amsterdam  Image Image Image  Image Image Image      Image

Image Image Imagewe saw some sexy ladies :D :D :D

No news from....

Posted: May 11th, 2009, 4:42 pm
by joffmiester
Holland then?

I wonder if Joff has given Motters a shag yet....pair of Gay boys!
never on the first date lee i'm not like that Image Image

No news from....

Posted: May 12th, 2009, 8:22 pm
by craftytafty
now we knowwhy you were late for the draw on thursday!!! :o :o

No news from....

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 7:36 pm
by Dodge
Motty has been very quiet Joff ??

Did he blank ? Image Image Image Image Image

No news from....

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 9:51 am
by joffmiester
dodge anyone could of blanked that week anglers were drawing pegs that had 45 kgs off them the week before and returning with two or three fish the moat was a different kettle of fish the clearer the moat got the worst it got  :(unless you new how to catch  resident
carp Image Image] it took abit of getting used too Image Imagegot broke twice on 0.11 line moved up to 0.13 losed one about 20lb at the net just couldn't get it in the net i had  Imagethat rolled over and broke me then i went straight through to 6lb [thats the heavest i had with me] and got one out 15lb15oz went for a walk to get some proper gear off one of the lads only to get nomore biites from them ::) ::)went back to the lighter line to finish off with two bream Image Image on the hole dodge the weather went a lot colder and with gala force winds the back end of the week i felt we had missed the best fishing :-/still we have had 3 cracking years on the voorne sooner than later we were going to catch it wrong :( :(
still i'l be there next year if they will have me Image Image 
dodge i have noticed motty on site but i've not heard anything on how he did Image Image

No news from....

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 10:22 am
by bill yards
Joffy and Motty

aka Two Lips from Amsterdam

Image Image Image

No news from....

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 11:22 am
by simon_m
ended up 12th overall dodge was lookin good untill last day then couldnt improve on a 6th in section which i wanted to drop as my worst result had a good week though won one of the knock ups at the weekend b4 the festival and won a sectionin the week

No news from....

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 3:33 pm
by joffmiester
motty the lads fishing this week have emptied the canal 69kg won yesterday Image Image

No news from....

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 4:04 pm
by craftytafty
That's cos they were probably fishing the same pegs everyday and trust me they won't have been fishing 4 hours. A lot of lads go over and don't book pegs, they have knock ups and fish 6 hours.

Should have said Joff, I'd have sold you a method with some proper gear on. Image Joff I use a 20" preston fine mesh net and have had carp to 17lb in it,think you need to spend a few days carping with us to put you right.
And next year you should leave your girly silver fish nets and 0.11 line at home Image Image

No news from....

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 6:39 pm
by Dodge
ended up 12th overall dodge was lookin good untill last day then couldnt improve on a 6th in section which i wanted to drop as my worst result had a good week though won one of the knock ups at the weekend b4 the festival and won a sectionin the week

Nice one Motty ;) Image Image

No news from....

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 9:47 am
by joffmiester
That's cos they were probably fishing the same pegs everyday and trust me they won't have been fishing 4 hours. A lot of lads go over and don't book pegs, they have knock ups and fish 6 hours.

Should have said Joff, I'd have sold you a method with some proper gear on. Image Joff I use a 20" preston fine mesh net and have had carp to 17lb in it,think you need to spend a few days carping with us to put you right.
And next year you should leave your girly silver fish nets and 0.11 line at home Image Image

the way fishing is going taf you might have to show me Imagewhats it called a method Image
taff i don't know if you are interested but Ivans memorial weekend is on 27th and 28th of may its being fished at the glebe .at the moment there are a few tickets left both days mate Image i'l be there on the sunday Image Imagetrying to catch carp Image Image

No news from....

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 12:24 pm
by craftytafty
Can't do Ivans match but thanks anyway. Take a proper landing net won't you

You can't stand in the way of progress matey. You'll have to have a day off and go to makins for a practice. Mind you it's a bit more difficult than catching those pairs of eyes on the Loughborough canal ::) ::) ::)

No news from....

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 12:38 pm
by simon_m
the best i saw the voorne fish is when we fished the same pegs every day i really think that the dutch dont want us there for whatever reason which i think is why they are makin it har d for us regarding the rotation of the pegs which i think is the biggest factor of it fishing patchy , i hope they can sort things out coz it will defo put people off going there on the festivals,

No news from....

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 12:56 pm
by joffmiester
spot on there matey Image
i thought the dutch were watching our every move Image Image
making sure we started at the right times i feel for jan van shedfull as he really trys to get it sorted every year Image

No news from....

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 1:19 pm
by craftytafty
Jan told me he doesn't think they will move on the 4 hours or the rotation.
If it stays like it is it will always be patchy