PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: March 28th, 2009, 10:17 am
I am seeking financial advice and I am completely at my witts end at what to do.
You see I have come into some money. I have just received a letter from one of my Pension Companies. The bottom line is that I will now receive an extra 8p per week on one of my weekly pensions.
What should I do with it, invest it or fish matches where the pool money ends with 8p. Maybe I should get an extra 8p of squatts from Boos. Please help, this is concerning me?
You see I have come into some money. I have just received a letter from one of my Pension Companies. The bottom line is that I will now receive an extra 8p per week on one of my weekly pensions.
What should I do with it, invest it or fish matches where the pool money ends with 8p. Maybe I should get an extra 8p of squatts from Boos. Please help, this is concerning me?