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Posted: December 30th, 2008, 10:21 am
by bill yards
Any competitor that walks, other than for obvious means od ablutions and illness, will be disqualified. They are, in effect, allowed to walk but they must take their kit with them and stick it in a vehicle or off the match course. In other words they are not allowed to conitinue participating.
This rule has been implemented by Paul Turner and myself for several years now, without problem I may add. It is also in agreement with the NFA Rules.

I think it should apply in all our canal matches; an angler can 'dump' a peg; go and annoy others, come back and win. This has happened in loads of matches in the past and in my book is not right; call it gamesmanship, call it what you want.

There is nothing personal in this and I am not advocating stopping bank walkers, that is entirely different.

What does the panel think?

The sooner we fish to ALL NFA Rules the better. Image Image Image


Posted: December 30th, 2008, 10:24 am
by me
the NFA dont exist any more (about time) so whos rules are you fishing to ???????


Posted: December 30th, 2008, 11:15 am
by bill yards
The NFA do exist; they had to dissolve, like the ACA, Sea Anglers and others because of all the money issues etcetra.
The NFA and ACA are now part of Angling Unity.
The NFA are still ultimately responsible for all the 2009 National Championships, Divs1-3, Ladies, Veterans, Disabled, Juniors, Cadets and Intermediates.
Feel free to check out the NFA website; it will tell you a lot more
plus Rules and the like.


Posted: December 30th, 2008, 11:43 am
by me
bill i aint got no time for the nfa (Not For Anglers) as they do sod all for the everyday angler.
I was in the understanding that all the make shift bodies ie NFA ect ect had all been done away with and now evrything was going to be done under the 1 body of Angling Unity. If The NFA and othe jumped up bodies still exist just under a big umbrella called Angling Unity then i can see Angling Unity getting as much support as the NFA did (fcuk all) as the do sweat fa for the every day angler.


Posted: December 30th, 2008, 12:02 pm
by bill yards
I worked close with the NFA throughout last year and will do this year.
You are entitled to say what you want but I see as I find!!!! There is a massive difference there!!!!!!

In my book Angling Unity is the best thing that has happened in fishing in recent years. It is impossible for one small voice like the NFA, ACA or whoever to have any sort of say with the huge issues in angling. One big voice is far better that six or seven small ones that tend to end up falling over each other.

I meant to put this offering under another category, my crappity smack up! Image


Posted: December 30th, 2008, 12:04 pm
by bill yards
A meant to put it under GENERAL. Image Image Image


Posted: December 30th, 2008, 12:11 pm
by me
Bill so what does the NFA or Angling Unity offer the everday angler. I dont mean the match men who fish the Nationals or fisho mania ect but the little old man who goes a few times a year when the weathers nice, or the pleasure angler, or the young kid who goes down a cut or small pool with a bag off maggots ???????


Posted: December 30th, 2008, 12:35 pm
by bill yards
Ay up Me,
I'll try and answer your points.
The NFA do run all these contests; after all someone has to.

There are NFA coaching schemes for youngsters and novices although there are are probably more local ones. I spent a lot of last year helping 'youngsters with learning difficulties' on these courses although I am far from fully qualified. I did these through a local scheme at Stafford called CASTS. They involved the Police and to be honest they were very rewarding; it was brill to see these kids off the street corners doing things positive. I have since seen them on their own down our cut so these schemes do work to an extent.

Although I was involved with the original Angling Unity story loads of water has passed under the bridge since then but like I said before one body, one voice will certainly go a long way to get things done with fishing issues in Parliament and the like. One of the first issues I believe is to bring in some legislation about the Eastern European sector and sort that out. This and many other issues, take up loads of time and work you and I will never see, we can only hope that Angling Unity grows big as that will mean more members, more money and more clout; to that aim all anglers, whatever they class themselves as, should gain.

As for personal gain other that addressing issues I believe there is a scheme to make buying some gear and your Rod Licence at a cheaper rate. You also get a personal insurance. I think the cost is £20 per annum

I fish matches but I also really enjoy my pleasure fishing, an unusual combination I know. I am certainly not asking you or anyone to join Angling Unity. I have because I consider it to be the best we have for the future of fishing.


Posted: January 1st, 2009, 12:35 pm
by Paul_Murrin
like I said before one body, one voice will certainly go a long way to get thingsdone with fishing issues in Parliament and the like. One of the first issues I believe is to bring in some legislation about the Eastern European sector and sort that out. This and many other issues, take up loads of time and work you and I will never see,  

Well said that man....................... Image
fingers  crossed


Posted: January 1st, 2009, 1:20 pm
by Dodge
Bill, with the original question about the antics of walkers (competitors) on canal matches i agree with you 100% mate, think i have touched on the issue a couple of times on here without trying to upset anyone. It goes on for sure and happened a couple of times near me on a recent match in the West Midlands before and during the match although completey wasted on me as i am more than capable of fooking my own peg up !!!!

;)     Image


Posted: January 2nd, 2009, 8:30 am
by Irkthepurists
T'was banned on the Wigan Winter League and will also apply to the Spring League too....  Almost as annoying is lads getting off there boxes for a walk prior to the 'all in' skylining rival anglers....   Image


Posted: January 2nd, 2009, 9:52 am
by bill yards
I can see no problem with anglers that want to 'dump' their peg and leave it for an hour or two hours.

If they remained on their peg and kept quiet for that amount of time they would probably have the same reaction from the fish.

The problem arises when they get up and walk, annoying other anglers with no thought that they may be catching or for that matter MIGHT have just started catching.

How many times have you been catching in the cold winter months until some crappity smack comes along and crappity smack it up. How many times have you heard in the pub after the match 'I was catching until so and so came along.' Do these so and sos ever get told, do they crappity smack. Easy answer no walking. Image Image Image

Anything we do to avoid any gamesmanship in match fishing just has to be right.

The very same thing happened to me last Wednesday on the T&M. The prat knows what I think because he will more than likely read this. Image Image Image Image


Posted: January 2nd, 2009, 10:15 am
by joffmiester
this is a growing problem on our canal bill it seams one doe's it they all do it .this dumping used to work on our canal and might in certain areas now work but from the results and hearsay of the last few weeks the little and often is working and these are the anglers that suffer from these walkers


Posted: January 2nd, 2009, 10:23 am
by endpeg
Ive never been one for walking unless its an absolute no-hope day and I would never walk on an important team match. The only person I saw walking on the last Loughborough match was part of a 'made-up' team. Food for thought? I know one other member of that team that's normally off his box after 30 minutes :-X. The same guy rang me after just 10 minutes :o on the Fred Latham Memorial cos he hadnt had a bite! Still dont know if he caught in the end or not as i havent seen any RESULTS!


Posted: January 2nd, 2009, 1:18 pm
by swampy
me thinks jon wants the results putting on here lee! just a Image Imageguess


Posted: January 2nd, 2009, 2:09 pm
by Woodhouse
what results?


Posted: January 4th, 2009, 7:15 pm
by frank
he made sure they where in sats Express and Star 03/01/09 + the the loughborough result.Think he wrote it LOL


Posted: January 4th, 2009, 9:49 pm
by Dodge
We dont get the Express and Star in Manchester Image Image


Posted: January 4th, 2009, 10:01 pm
by Guest
I like cheese and onion walkers


Posted: January 5th, 2009, 9:26 am
by ropa
Walkers crisps , the only decent thing to come out of Leicester Image Image Image