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Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 5:56 pm
by bill yards
What do you reckon is a fair price to pay for a peg fee on

A) A canal

B) A non-commercial lake/pool/river

C) A commercial

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Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 6:00 pm
by Woodhouse
A. £2

b. £2

c. £5 (As long as every other peg is in)

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 6:09 pm
by bill yards
Bout right. In some cases C should pay you for going there Image

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 7:17 pm
by lloydy
spot on Image

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 7:44 pm
by Chris V
I remember paying £5 a peg for a canal match run by Milton Keynes 2 years ago on their open matches before the Winter League semi >:( >:(.
To cap it off i had to weigh in 25pegs,surely if you charge a fiver a peg you should provide scalesmen.

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 7:50 pm
by lloydy
All the cuts round here Chris are £2 or £3 quid a peg and solid Image Image

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 7:56 pm
by diddy
if i remember rightly chris they did'nt give a toss about anything to do wiv the match and just intrested in making a few bucks at our expense. Image Image Image Image

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 8:51 pm
by TK
There are a couple of waters falling into category 2 where I'd certainly be prepared to pay at least the same, if not more more that cat 3

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 8:56 pm
by bill yards
I think, at times, some aren't too bothered about peg fees but they should be.
It really effects the payouts Image Image
a lot more than punters think

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 9:07 pm
by lloydy
On the drennan at gold valley one lad said it cost £25 pools won his section won £20 Image Image Image Image

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 9:16 pm
by endpeg
A. £3

b. £3/4

c. £6

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 9:17 pm
by me
A) A canal £1 - £2

B) A non-commercial lake/pool/river £2 - £4

C) A commercial Depends on the facilities, pegs, and stocking levels so id class some in the price range as B if they have no facilities, poor pegs and low stock levels, for a decent commercial id say £5 - £8

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 9:55 pm
by richard_broomhall
a 2 quid
b 3 quid
c cant be bothered with commys too expensive
too many rules
same peg wins most matches
lets get back to cuts and natural waters and do some proper fishing

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 10:16 pm
by bill yards
£2 is plenty enough for a canal.
Clubs, in the main, are paying less for their canal rents than they were ten years ago; in some cases far less.

Our peg fees are £1 or £1.50 but we sometimes charge £2 to cover parking in fields etc whereas we have to pay the landowners for use of.

Only in very extenuating circumstances (eg Nationals with the extra amount of hard graft that has to go in) are our pegs £3.

Twelve years ago our club cleared £9,000 in three consecutive years of open matches. What is there to stop others doing the same.

Don't we all know what the answer is???????????? Image Image Image Image

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 10:32 pm
by Woodhouse could be greed, then again it could be because of demand, then again it could be both.

As soon as a venue starts fishing well a lot of anglers pressure the organisers to run matches at every available opportunity, the organisers start thinking $$$$$ and get greedy.

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 10:53 pm
by FORDY_1
Venue owners aint greedy,when i did me first double ton 12 years ago the day ticket went from £5 to £10 over night. :'(

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 11:16 pm
by bill yards
Good point that Mr Ford.
Just a few short years back Paul Turner had over 100 lb at Autherley on the Shropshire Union Canal.
The peg fee for Autherley os £1.50.
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) Image Image Image Image

Peg fees

Posted: September 26th, 2008, 11:18 pm
by bill yards
That should have read 'the peg fee was and still is £1.50' - my crappity smack up ::) ::)