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Float fishing deep swims Trent.

Posted: June 23rd, 2018, 5:02 pm
by 123dicky
Mine is not a simple question, but I'm sure some kind sole will help me out. I'd like to set out to fish for Roach this season with the float. I've taken my share of barbel over the years, and fancy something finer with the Dace and Roach. Sadly I've tried stick float fishing for them and have failed, I maybe fishing a stick, when a waggler should be better. So my question is this.

Roach fishing. Swim 8'-10' 3.2 line 2.6 bottom with small hooks 18s 16s fishing casters and hemp. Simply not getting bites, in swims I know others do. I find it difficult to get the depth exactly right, as the current is fast, and sinks the float too quickly with even a heavy plummet. But I do trot it though until I find bottom and drag. But mostly the wind seems wrong, and control is all, I gather in stick float fishing. I'm using 8 to 14 no 4 floats with the main weight down the line, bulked, with a no 4 or 8 18'' from the hook, but I move this too.

I'm just wondering until I get a bit more confident, should I use a waggler, say 3AA to a 2 swan straight type. Swims are always snaggy in this part of the Trent.

Any help please would be acknowledged. Or if there is a float expert willing to show me on the Trent, then I'm happy to travel for a few hours help.

Thanks all.
