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Individual league after 7 matches – 8 to go

Posted: June 12th, 2008, 1:20 pm
by TK
Theres just KOD who looks like the only contender with a realistic chance to catch Yamo with just over half the matches left to fish

Placing and points to date

1 Yamo 173
2 KOD 161
3 TK 154
4 Zorro 138
5 Cotti 125
6 Gez 123
7 Heinzer 122
8 Brambles 112
9 HaHa 111
11 Veste 104
13 Tigerbay 102
17 MGB 52

Individual league after 7 matches – 8 to go

Posted: June 13th, 2008, 6:57 pm
by kod
Image Image Image who's that sneaking up in third then Image

Individual league after 7 matches – 8 to go

Posted: June 13th, 2008, 7:50 pm
by TK
Sneaking at the mo................ ;)

but will ruled out of final contention cuss I miss a couple of matches to come :(

Individual league after 7 matches – 8 to go

Posted: June 20th, 2008, 1:08 pm
by TK
KOD inches closer after match 8………….

[table][tr][td]1. Yammo 196
2. KOD 186
3. BDM 184
4. Zorro 166
5. Cotti 149
6. Heinzer 141
7. Gez 138
8. HaHa 137
9. Tigerbay 131
10. Worminator 131
11. Brambles 130
12. Veste 124
17             MGB 73[/td][/tr][/table]

Individual league after 7 matches – 8 to go

Posted: July 2nd, 2008, 12:15 pm
by TK
KOD's disaster on Sat costs him............

[table][tr][td]1 Yamo 216
2 TK 209
3 KOD 202
4 Zorro 192
5 Cotti 170
6 HaHa 167
7 Heinzer 164
8 Worminator 160
9 Gez 156
10 Tigerbay 153
12 Brambles 145
13 Veste 143
17 MGB 87[/td][/tr][/table]

Individual league after 7 matches – 8 to go

Posted: July 2nd, 2008, 12:17 pm
by TK
The battle for the trophy of the total heaviest catch over the seasons matches hots up..............

Yamo 134.05.12
Zorro 129.14.10
TK 125.10.02
Worminator 123.03.13
HaHa 108.02.11
Tigerbay 99.10.10
Geoff C 97.15.00
KOD 97.02.09