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Canal kings (soho loop)

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Moderator: bill yards

Shrubbery AC
Shrubbery AC
Posts: 80
Joined: July 8th, 2014, 5:10 pm

Canal kings (soho loop)


Unread post by grasshopper66 »

Saturday match
Lots of small roach showed to punch with canal ace Simon Mottram (Drennan Northwest) winning with 6-5-12 catching at 11m and 13m second place went to P.Whitehouse (Canal Kings) he had 4-13-0
1.S.Mottram (Drennan Northwest) 6-5-12
2.P.Whitehouse (Canal Kings) 4-13-0
3.T.Bowen (Canal Kings) 4-12-0
4.P.Murrin (Browning) 3-11-0

Sunday Match
Fished the same lots of roach coming to bread punch Norman Wilson (Good Intent) won with 7-8-12 catching at 5m second came to Simon Mottram 6-1-0
1.N.Wilson(Good Intent) 7-8-12
2.S.Mottram(Drennan Northwest) 6-1-0
3.G.Owen (Good Intent) 5-10-7
4.T.Bowen(Canal Kings) 4-11-0
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