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Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 10:53 am
by TK
The Cashmores Crew were off to Calf Heath for the opening curse match of 2015 with everyone wanting a short walk peg on the favoured marina mouth

The walking wounded :whistle were already gathering as we arrived at the venue


Apparently these injuries had been sustained whilst Big Col had pegged out the night before. :rofl

A decent turnout of 22 members and 3 guests were fed and watered at the venue. Just what the heck was Daz doing wolfing down a full breckie when he'd been up all night with Montezuma's revenge :o :o :o– would he regret that later on..........

Time for the dreaded draw. :shifty :shifty :shifty 4 walking wounded were ‘sorted out' with those favoured pegs around the marina/walkover bridge...............or should I say 5 of em !!! :P

As I perused the potential of peg 23 for the next 5 hours, hopes were shattered as Tricast trundled past informing me that he'd fished the same peg the week before and struggled for a bite...... fantastic !!!!! :rage Image

Anyway, as a few members are obviously extremely anxious for the results to be posted, :whistle lets cut the waffle and head straight for the ‘tale of the scales' and see who did what from where...........

18 BULLAH 2.4.8
17 MRV 2.7.14
16 BLUES4EVA 3.1.0
15 OBI 2.0.0
14 YAMO 2.1.13
13 HEINZER 2.3.1
12 KOD 2.0.3
8 ABUMAN 2.0.0
7 HAHA 1.14.7
6 JOSH 5.4.0
5 TREV B 0.4.8
4 BIG COL 10.14.0
3 PHIL B 2.7.2
2 BRAMBLES 1.8.10
The walkover bridge
19 MIKE THE PIKE 2.8.0
20 BIG BAZ 2.14.10
21 DEAD PEG 3.2.8
22 ROBERTO 0.11.13
23 TK 4.6.11
24 ZORRO 5.10.0
25 CARLOS 1.0.7
29 STEVE PORTER 2.12.8
30 TRICAST 2.11.2


Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 12:00 pm
by TrevorBeckett
Thanks for the report TK , despite me fishing my one man grueller on peg 5 ( must have been a fortnight out ? ) the match threw up some decent weights and I think the venue is worth a revisit ( pleasure visit - so I can grab a marina mouth peg ? )

Well done to Big Col on his win - I saw ( nearly ) every fish landed as he was next to me ( drawbag )

Regards to all and can I add my name to "guest " on 28/3 match ?


Trevors Top Angling Tips (#3210)– Piked out ? Solve all your pike problems by catching all the predators out your swim the day before the contest ( this requires the gift of second sight ) and removing them to an alternative fishery ( subject to EA approval )

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 12:29 pm
by Biggcol
Tk did I say youde have bread fish off that peg.(I told you so)
I think your going to have to take Carlos under your wing being a senior team member :whistle

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 1:08 pm
by Biggcol
May I say I didn't draw the peg I had the last one in the bag n to be honest didn't want that draw ,too much boat traffic :whistle. Had 2 cross overs just before the whistle one of which stopped in front of me churning my inside line to ribbons >:(
Lines fed n all I could catch was little wasp roach,ashame to catch them actually . Then another boat comes through and a family boarding one outside marina mouth,(would they come my way)?finally things settle down n I manage to trickle a few out from down the track with a couple of bonus perch. Nervs settled but struggling have to go on my far lines earlier than would have liked as we have more boats but the castar line produces some stamp roach around the 10 to 12oz Mark (great)
Then that boat outside the marina mouth reverses straight into Phil's swim then pulls forward n then reverses straight over my far swim stools n churns it up as it pulls forward. I asked him nicely wat he was playing at but typically they couldn't give a dam. :facepalm

Over lines fed again n finally a bit of calm n a few more stamp roach followed to my amazement ,then it goes quiet is that it? Hear we go big carp hooked as it slowly sulks off down the cut,(by-by) luckily leaving my rig in tact back in n I hook a bream around 4lb which flipped over the line n gone (gutted).
Back down the track n a few small perch follow then into two good perch both ov which spit it out at the net,(could it get any worse)?
Back over n snared a few more nice roach n the odd skimmer.
In all can't complain I managed to keep em coming throughout the day but could ov been so much better :tiphat

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 1:28 pm
by Biggcol
May I say a big thanks to Trevor n heinzer for helping me with the weigh in n kod for collecting all monies n organizing draw(top men) :thumsup

Also a big thank you to Karen for getting up extra early to cook all the breakfasts n sandwiches ov which were excellently priced at only £3 breki
Not a bad pint either :thumsup.
In all after giving everyone plenty ov room between pegs I thought it was a close run affair considering the amount of matches on it in previous weeks :thumsup

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 8:13 pm
by kod
May I say I didn't draw the peg I had the last one in the bag n to be honest didn't want that draw ,too much boat traffic :whistle.  Had 2 cross overs just before the whistle one of which stopped in front of me churning my inside line to ribbons  >:(
Lines fed n all I could catch was little wasp roach,ashame to catch them actually . Then another boat comes through and a family boarding one outside marina mouth,(would they come my way)?finally things settle down n I manage to trickle a few out from down the track with a couple of bonus perch. Nervs settled but struggling have to go on my far lines earlier than would have liked as we have more boats but the castar line produces some stamp roach around the 10 to 12oz Mark (great)
Then that boat outside the marina mouth reverses straight into Phil's swim then pulls forward n then reverses straight over my far swim stools n churns it up as it pulls forward. I asked him nicely wat he was playing at but typically they couldn't give a dam. :facepalm

Over lines fed again n finally a bit of calm n a few more stamp roach followed to my amazement ,then it goes quiet is that it?  Hear we go big carp hooked as it slowly sulks off down the cut,(by-by) luckily leaving my rig in tact back in n I hook a bream around 4lb which flipped over the line n gone (gutted).
Back down the track n a few small perch follow then into two good perch both ov which spit it out at the net,(could it get any worse)?
Back over n snared a few more nice roach n the odd skimmer.
In all can't complain I managed to keep em coming throughout the day but could ov been so much better :tiphat

Nice write up col just a couple of observations,
"You didn't want to draw there" :-/ seem to recall you singing and dancing all round the car park and to your peg :rofl

"Had two cross overs before the whistle"
Next time send them to me will ya so I can catch like you :nana
"Your Castar line" Image
Is this a posh caster line :toungeout
"I asked him nicely wat he was playing at"
Was that nicely like the canoeist the other day or the chap on the Trent and Mersey that was going a little too fast for you. :rofl :rofl :rofl
"(Could it get any worse)?
YES you could have drawn my peg :rofl :rofl :rofl
"The day could ov been so much better "
Double the weight of second place and still not happy :toungeout :toungeout Image

Good write up other wise mate Image

Note to myself must ask treasurer to purchase plastic draw discs :whistle
Those magnetic implants you've got in your fingers are working to well :rofl :rofl :rofl

Ps did you get email?

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 10:38 pm
by Blues
Just like to remind everyone that of the 4 matches at calf health
big Col as drew in the marina mouth 3 times then the other time he sat on 18lb of roach :whistle :whistle

And he calls me a draw bag ....... Shame on you :facepalm :facepalm

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 10:48 pm
by TK
Just like to remind everyone that of the 4 matches at calf health
big Col as drew in the marina mouth 3 times then the other time he sat on 18lb of roach   :whistle :whistle

And he calls me a draw bag ....... Shame on you  :facepalm :facepalm

I usually have last peg in the bag - well its sometimes a dust up between me and KOD for it when all the flyers have gone........looks like we both got blagged out of that ::)

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 11:01 pm
by Biggcol
To be fair criss I did have the last peg in the bag so I didn't need my magnetic ring :whistle. To be honest I really wanted Tk or dens peg or anywhere from bulla to yamo would have done me ,also fancied Steve n criss by them cables as chub had showed the week before ::).

I mean just look at the sympathy I got as people rolled up and saw me in my sling n crutches :facepalm the only person to show any thought was heinzer :thumsup as were everybody else said "short walk f off" I mean Phil had to keep an eye on his tea to make sure nobody poisoned him for his peg :P

I mean wat else can I do criss ,I give free lessons ,rigs. Tell people wat to expect off their pegs knock groundbait up ,prepare bait and give tips n all my little secrets n I get called a jamy t wat :facepalm

You know what they say criss "the cream always comes to the top" :thumsup

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 11:05 pm
by Biggcol
Just like to remind everyone that of the 4 matches at calf health
big Col as drew in the marina mouth 3 times then the other time he sat on 18lb of roach   :whistle :whistle

And he calls me a draw bag ....... Shame on you  :facepalm :facepalm

I usually have last peg in the bag - well its sometimes a dust up between me and KOD for it when all the flyers have gone........looks like we both  got blagged out of that  ::)

Sounds like there's some sore arses this weekend :nana :rofl :rofl

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 11:11 pm
by Biggcol
O criss I did get email in the end bit thick on these things pestered Tk all weekend for results :fistycuffs I phoned him other day to see if he wanted a lesson but it sounded like he was still looking for his dummy Image Image Image Image Image :rofl :rofl

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 11:13 pm
by Phil B
Despite the banter this has to be the best canal venue I have fished in 40 years as a member.
Ease of access, relatively close to home for most members, and a café/bar on the canal side, served by very pleasant staff, Not least a very healthy head of fish, Not all in the basin. Big Col won with 18Lb on a grueller as far away from the basin as you want. Purchased a ticket on the strength of this winters catches

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 16th, 2015, 11:47 pm
by Biggcol
Just like to remind everyone that of the 4 matches at calf health
big Col as drew in the marina mouth 3 times then the other time he sat on 18lb of roach   :whistle :whistle

And he calls me a draw bag ....... Shame on you  :facepalm :facepalm

I usually have last peg in the bag - well its sometimes a dust up between me and KOD for it when all the flyers have gone........looks like we both  got blagged out of that  ::)

Sounds like there's some sore arses this weekend  :nana :rofl :rofl

Actually gaz I was the first one out the marina on the tins,2 to your left because you was the one in the marina next to tricast  ::)
The next match I was the last one to draw n everyone was running to the marina pegs wen I was the furthest away from it.who was laughing 18lb later :D
The next match was the only time I've drew in the marina wen I was on the perch peg(victory 3)
N last but not least first out the marina again 2crossovers one boat reversed over my peg several lost fish ,fishing 14m into an easterly wind hands like blocks ov ice nose covered in snot drops ,the rest is history  ;)
Book a lesson I'll do it cheap :nana :rofl :rofl :rofl

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 7:47 am
by abuman
just a word nice to see some old faces again really enjoyed my day had a few fish, great breakfast,  and two loverly pints of lemon dream I think I will buy one of those nice houses in kings road :D

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 8:59 am
by Biggcol
just a word nice to see some old faces again really enjoyed my day had a few fish, great breakfast,  and two loverly pints of lemon dream I think I will buy one of those nice houses in kings road :D

I think you better get some overtime in then John :thumsup

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 9:16 am
by Biggcol
Despite the banter this has to be the best canal venue I have fished in 40 years as a member.
Ease of access, relatively close to  home for most members, and a café/bar on the canal side, served by very pleasant staff, Not least a very healthy head of fish, Not all in the basin. Big Col won with 18Lb on a grueller as far away from the basin as you want. Purchased a ticket on the strength of this winters catches

Joking apart Phil you can't go far wrong with a wolves ticket.
They've got miles of cut with some fantastic spots n Paul Turner doesn't run matches on one peice of canal over n over he moves people around which keeps things fresh :thumsup. For £15 or£10 for oap you can't complain n it's on our doorstep. O n u don't need loads of joker n worm either so in all its a cheap match ,plus we've all been catching fish which often helps :thumsup

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 2:05 pm
by MrV
Having to shoot home to collect my "forgotten" seat box trays, I got back just after the draw, and missed Mr merediths usual opening ceremony speech....anybody tape it??
Seriously though, great to see so many on our first match of the season, and a few visitors to catch up with too :thumsup
For me, it was a mega walk to peg 17. Had to have a break after 5 minutes, and eventually reached the peg absolutely cream crackered :o :o
Thought I was bad, but Yamo then showed me a piccie of OBI flat on his back having walked to peg 15....lightweight :nana.
To say it was tough fishing up that end is an understatement. Took a lot of chopping and changing rigs to get some fish together, but alas, we seemed to be away from the "bonus fish" areas. :'(

Well done the framers :tiphat :tiphat

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 2:15 pm
by Biggcol
Having to shoot home to collect my "forgotten" seat box trays, I got back just after the draw, and missed Mr merediths usual opening ceremony speech....anybody tape it??
Seriously though, great to see so many on our first match of the season, and a few visitors to catch up with too  :thumsup
For me, it was a mega walk to peg 17. Had to have a break after 5 minutes, and eventually reached the peg absolutely cream crackered  :o :o
Thought I was bad, but Yamo then showed me a piccie of OBI flat on his back having walked to peg 15....lightweight  :nana.
To say it was tough fishing up that end is an understatement. Took a lot of chopping and changing rigs to get some fish together, but alas, we seemed to be away from the "bonus fish" areas.  :'(

Well done the framers  :tiphat :tiphat

Cheers Paul ,I know there were some walks but those pegs r fliers normally mate.It's where I wanted to be myself if truth be known. Anyway we was all told youde got 2 bream for 8lb by fatty Kendal, must ov been looking out his dodgy eye ;) :rofl :rofl

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 6:41 pm
by Obi
piccie of OBI flat on his back having walked to peg 15....lightweight Image

It was having to carry all that extra bait for somebody who had to go home because they forgot half their gear :nana

Curse match 1 2015 - Who wants a short walk......?

Posted: March 17th, 2015, 6:48 pm
by Obi
Had 2 cross overs just before the whistle one of which stopped in front of me churning my inside line to ribbons Image:(">
pulls forward n then reverses straight over my far swim stools n churns it up as it pulls forward. I asked him nicely wat he was playing at but typically they couldn't give a dam. Image

Moan Moan Moan..just no pleasing some people is there :toungeout :toungeout :toungeout :nana :nana :nana