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Grueller match 12

Posted: February 7th, 2015, 5:44 pm
by TrevorBeckett
Grueller 12   - Terry Butcher lookalike wins Calf Heath Marina Match !

Big Cols usual methodical pre-match preparation routine was totally disrupted by a road rage incident on Friday , leading to a hospital visit and several stitches to a nasty head wound , his bandaged head reminded me of Terry Butcher in that famous 1989 World  Cup Qualifying match between Sweden & England .

Despite this ,  Bog Col rallied from his sick bed to lead 7 battle hardened Gruellerites to their first Grueller visit to this interesting venue which is controlled by Wolverhampton AA .

The draw saw Blues take his now " usual " end peg ( peg 1 ) in the much fancied marina mouth area , the other anglers  walked to their pegs in eager anticipation of another " nip & tuck " match . Pegs 1- 4 were ice free and pegs 5 to 7 were totally iced over leading to Messrs Beckett , KOD and OBI taking half an hour to clear even nominal fishing pegs .

The whistle for the off saw much activity in pegs 1/2/3 where Blues /Tricast and Big Col hit a rich supply of small roach to give the contest a fast start . Pegs 4/5 were a bit quiet ( as can be confirmed by Trev & Phil B ) whilst pegs 6/7 were the arena for a close " inter match " contest between KOD and OBI which initially consisted of them moving large sections of ice away from their peg and towards their opponent – this game of " ice tig " may have cost each angler dearly in the end ?

The match turned possibly on the first boat of the day which cut the ice after about 2 hours – this lead to much merriment on pegs 6/7 as KOD and OBI had to deal with  thousands of ice sections bobbing about their swims and much landing net activity was required to restore even small area of fishable canal . The return of the barge and an interesting 36 point turn to get back into the marina led to Tricast deciding on an early bath as his swim was somewhat disturbed ( aka dead as a dodo )

The final whilstle blew shortly after Big Col netted what turned out to be a MVS ( most valuable skimmer ) ,  the tense weigh in confirmed the following tales of the scales :

Peg 1 Bluesforever          7-9-0         2nd
Peg 2 Tricast                4-11-9        3rd
Peg 3 Big Col                7-13-0         1st
Peg 4  Phil B                 0-8-13
Peg 5 Trev B               0-11-11
Peg 6 KOD                    2-3-11
Peg 7 OBI                      2-0-3

As the venue bridge and parking were controlled by a recently reopened pub the Gruellerites retired to the pub to discuss whether TK had been kidnapped by Aliens , whether  anyone could remember when Blues did not draw an end peg  and if future Gruellers should all be in fancy dress  ?( and whether this should be restricted to England Football players or could possibly include  other famous people )

Congratulations to Big Col on his win and well done to all anglers for what was a good days winter canal fishing , the venue is certainly worth a return visit in 2 weeks time .

PS - Get well soon Big Col .

Trevors Top Angling Tips ( #16) -  Waterproof clothing for fishing is expensive – avoid this cost by restricting your angling trips to sunny August days

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 7th, 2015, 5:44 pm
by Biggcol
Oooooops - clock daint go off   :D. Honest guv   :shifty
:nono :nono what do you alway preach to us about   :toungeout

He's a wast of time kod. He's missed about 6matches now n what does he always moan about,"if you ain't coming phone me" .
I've paid the toll for the bridge for these lot who book in and don't turn up
it'll have to go on the peg fee for future matches Image

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 7th, 2015, 5:53 pm
by Biggcol
I tell you what Trev your getting quite good at this write up lark :thumsup

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 7th, 2015, 11:17 pm
by Biggcol
I must say a big thank you to all the lads who turn up whatever the weather is
Once again great banter always a good atmosphere.
Thanks to the lads helping with the weigh in plus a big thank you to kod n criss for assisting everybody over the bridge .

I'm sure Karen much appreciated everyone goin for a pint after the match :thumsup :tiphat

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 7th, 2015, 11:27 pm
well done dump truck n unlucky chilly will good day out fo all  :thumsup :tiphat pics sent to boss to put on  :thumsup

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 12:00 am
by Biggcol
For those who are coming from cannock/brownhills follow the A5 to gaily island turn right onto the a449 towards penkridge. Stay on the a449 for approx 2miles and you will come to the m6 j13 carry on under the motorway bridge on the 449 until you come to a little painted island this is about 1oo yds from motorway . Turn right down the lane n keep going and you will come to the canal bridge go over it for another 100 yds and its the last turn on the right before the fields start into the estate .
I'll try n get street names in the week n post them for you. :thumsup

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 12:39 pm
by TK
The clubs new scribe......


Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 12:40 pm
by TK
Phil B


Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 12:50 pm
by TK
OBI on another flyer


Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 12:52 pm
by TK
Terry Butcher was on another flyer


Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 12:54 pm
by TK
KOD (not) in action


Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 12:56 pm
by TK
OBI again - a study in concentration


Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 1:07 pm
by TK
Tricast had sent me a catch shot of Chill Will on his flyer too

But its vanished overnight  :rofl

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 1:09 pm
by TK
what does he always moan about,"if you ain't coming phone me" .

I know - dow it p*ss you off Big Col  :P :nana :rofl

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 1:14 pm
by TK
Tricast had sent me a catch shot of Chill Will on his flyer too

But its vanished overnight  :rofl

Its reappeared :D


Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 1:59 pm
by Biggcol
Lovely basket of fish that Gaz,never seen you smile so much.
Glad to see you've learnt to keep them perch on :thumsup
Oh by the way it's 10/10 end pegs now.

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 2:05 pm
by Biggcol
Terry Butcher was on another flyer


If she says put the kettle on ,put the kettle on!

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 2:19 pm
To all that fished yesterday well done ,congrats to Col on winning :thumsup

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 3:05 pm
by Biggcol
Thanks Mike,pleased off that peg. Still can't draw that elusive end peg ,greedy bloke that Gary chalk 10/10 now

Grueller match 12

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 4:46 pm
by kod
OBI again - a study in concentration


As you can see big cols peggin out again :rofl :rofl :rofl