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The Glen and Welland Pairs

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Moderator: bill yards

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Match Team/ Club: SENSAS

The Glen and Welland Pairs


Unread post by joffmiester »

here are the weigh sheet from the match i haven't the full result yet in the pairs just fingers crossed for the last match
Traveling around the country to matches is a big talking point its so easy not to bother in the winter but i must say this is a venue where you can double up in a Van in fact it helps with the parking on the Welland  five or so miles apart it's easily done with time to spare
The fishing is outstanding for the time of year and if your thinking about fishing remember there are limited pegs  :thumsup



i made a few errors on the day wanted o catch on bread  :rage but had to change to G/B pinkies to keep up  :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

here's the Wellend this section fish brilliantly but the other section didn't  :whistle :whistle


Can't tell you how good it is to catch fish every run down at this time of year although a few mistakes still the best part of 7lb and fishing against some of these anglers there is no room for errors :shifty :shifty :whistle :whistle

The River Glen freezing cold ice around the edge and a Baltic down stream wind not the best conditions  :thumsup

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