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SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 18th, 2015, 8:34 pm
by big_cup
Well today put us back at Lindholme on Laurels, after a fair bit of ice breaking and clearing pegs this is how it ended :shifty :shifty

Matt 14lb 10 4 } 7 pts
Sav 11lb 08 3 }
Big Cup 20lb 14 1 } 8
Joner 5lb 12 7 }
Dave 2lb 12 8 } 10
John ( Sniv ) 15lb 10 2 }
Luke 16lb 15 3 } 11
Paul (Brendan) 5lb 10 8 }
Jim 19lb 00 2 } 12
Dan 3lb 12 10 }
Andy 00lb 08 12 } 13
John H 17lb 10 1 }
Waldorf 8lb 10 5 } 16 (wx2)
Chris 2lb 10 11 }
Clive 00lb 10 11 } 16 (w)
Nidge 8lb 04 5 }
Snedster 00lb 14 10 } 16
John W 6lb 04 6 }
Rob 00lb 04 13 } 17
Burley 9lb 00 4 }
Mick 6lb 14 6 } 19
Chub Tamer 00lb 10 13 }
John M 1lb 11 9 } 21
Mick M 1lb 09 12 }
Steve 5lb 04 7 } 24
Pip DNF 17 }
Wogster DNW 17 } 26
Statler 5lb 08 9 }
Daz DNW 17 } 34
Della DNW 17 }
Trig DNF 17 } 34
Owen DNF 17 }

That's all ya getting today, cans are flowing and screen don't look to good :cheers :cheers :thumsup

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 19th, 2015, 8:50 pm
by big_cup
Pairs to date :-

Rob & Burley 26 87
Luke & Brendan 29 116
Sav & Matt 31 85
Big Cup & Joner 31 99
Chub Tamer & Mick G 32 93
Jim & Dan 37 108
John W & Snedster 41 114
Clive & Nidge 49 127
Statler & Wogster 49 139
John H & Andy 61 161
Daz & Della 63 178
John M & Mick M 72 171
Trig & Owen 72 188
Sniv & Dave 77 197
Waldorf & Chris 79 190
Pip & Steve 82 181

That's ya pairs to date. Feel free to chip in Chubby lad :facepalm :facepalm :thumsup

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 19th, 2015, 9:54 pm
by big_cup
Individual League ( not sure which 24 entered so done them all )

Chub Tamer 8 38
Burley 9 46
Snedster 10 42
Matt 11 41
Big Cup 11 54
Jim 11 54
Luke 12 58
Rob 13 61
Brendan 14 67
Sav 15 44
Joner 15 47
Dan 17 54
Clive 21 61
Steve 22 72
John M 23 77
Mick G 24 81
Nidge 24 82
Statler 24 82
Wogster 24 82
John W 27 84
John H 29 87
Andy 29 87
Owen 30 91
Dave 30 92
Waldorf 31 83
Trig 33 98
Della 35 103
Mick M 36 93
Chris 44 108
Sniv 50 118
Pip 50 118
Daz 64 132

Subject to a stewards enquiry that's ya lot :tiphat :shifty :shifty

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 20th, 2015, 6:47 pm
by big_cup
Fellow mutant muppets are very quiet lately :shifty :shifty perhaps they are still trying to thaw out from Sunday :cheers :cheers
Or just crappity smack off at the lack of bites to be had ::) ::) :whistle :whistle

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 20th, 2015, 11:05 pm
by big_cup
Averages went as low as they have been so far but after breaking ice again and all on one pond it was to be expected.

Only a total of 192lb 09 made the scales :'( :'(

Average of just 6lb 10 a man :-/ :-/

Still for the 8 rounds fished so far 5215lb 09 has been weighed in :tiphat :tiphat

Giving a man average per match of 21lb 03 :thumsup :thumsup

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 26th, 2015, 8:13 pm
by chub_tamer
knock up weds on oasis if anyone is interested :thumsup

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 26th, 2015, 8:17 pm
by Statler
What time

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 26th, 2015, 8:27 pm
by big_cup
knock up weds on oasis if anyone is interested  :thumsup

I might make one. Going to be a bit breezy though :facepalm :facepalm

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 26th, 2015, 8:36 pm
by big_cup
Top decision to move back to Oasis, all blanked on shallow half of bennies Sunday, drew out a hat for section winner :shifty :shifty :facepalm :facepalm

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 26th, 2015, 8:45 pm
by Statler
Get to work:)
You have more holidays than a pensioner. ;)

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 26th, 2015, 8:48 pm
by big_cup
Get to work:)
You have more holidays than a pensioner. ;)

they must give me the holidays to compensate for the shockingly sh!t wages :fistycuffs :fistycuffs

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 26th, 2015, 9:07 pm
by chub_tamer
draw 9 fish 9 45 to 2 45 or 10 to 3 if mr cup weighs in lol :thumsup

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 26th, 2015, 9:07 pm
by chub_tamer
we have 1 section on bennies the match after will that be ok ::)

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 26th, 2015, 9:13 pm
by big_cup
I honestly don't no slim, 35 000lb a fish put in that pond in first stocking, without the pond he halved with Robin and any that's been moved from oasis. Could be a sticky wicket if it fishes like yesterday, but I don't know why it did as other ponds all fished well :-/ :-/

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 27th, 2015, 6:27 pm
by big_cup
How many you got salad dodger?? :-/ :-/ :shifty

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 28th, 2015, 9:26 pm
by big_cup
Well where do we start on todays match :shifty :shifty

9 O'clock draw, we all sit and stare at one another thinking we have all gone mad, that thought would indeed be correct :tiphat :facepalm :facepalm. Finally a few pegs are thrown in a bag and off we go. Big cup and Jim spy the rain and have a brain wave that a staked down brolly facing the wind would be the ideal shelter :whistle :whistle hmmmm torrential rain and 100mph wind soon had us wrestling like crappity smack with said brolly and big cup threw the crappity smack towel in, brolly back in van. How was the rest getting on :shifty :shifty well Mick comes running past and Big cup wonders what the crappity smack is going on, he's only lent some nets off Andy and the lots gone for a swim to the far bank ::) ::) :rofl, surely that's the end of the miss haps, hold on a minute, what the crappity smack is Statler doing wading out to the waste, does he not know it can not pass your knee :shifty :shifty surely it isn't warm enough for hemp and tare :whistle :whistle. Finally things quietened down and everyone got set up on what was now a sunny blowy day :tiphat :cheerleader :cheerleader All in shouts gobshite Snedster and off we go :cheers :cheers Eyes look up and down :shifty :shifty lads that fetched maggots and casters and catching one a bung :cheerleader :cheerleader Lindholme specialists are catching crappity smack all :fistycuffs :fistycuffs :fisticuffs hmmmmm, Big cup is off his box an hour and half in with only an F1 and a couple of little roach :'( :'( tale of the tape after walk was nobody is " catching owt " ( every single one except Alan ) strange that as I was sure I was seeing roach being swung etc :-/ :-/ :-/ well back ont box and tip goes round, 4 F1s in half hour, get the crappity smack fags out its in bag, nobody is " catching owt " :cheers :cheers then comes Statler, appears the Hemp wasn't working :whistle :whistle " Give Andy a ring " why what's up?? " His phones in drink " :facepalm :facepalm on that nowt up walks Andy with watter dripping from each sleeve and trouser leg :rofl :rofl :rofl " I've got mi phone back " is the few words he put together between dithering :-/ :-/ " Get mi nets off Mick I'm off home ". Big cup catches 2 more F1s ont tip, quick rub a the hands as " NOBODY IS CATCHING ". Up comes Snedster with only an hour to go, Micks got 10lb, " I'll have 10lb " and Dans got more he says. WTF???? is my reply, I thought NOBODY WAS CATCHING............ Last 15 tip goes round with 2 more F1s a skimmer and a net roach. Got in my head I've 12lb and thought well maybe I can just creep in top 3 :-/ :-/ :-/

So off I toddle with the scales to see what the truth is for the " NOT CATCHING " crew :shifty :shifty :shifty

First up is Waldorf on end peg 23 DNW ..... he really wasn't catching
Next up Statler peg 21 with another DNW .... Hemp hadn't worked :'( :'(
Then comes Alan on 19 with 15lb 04, he did say he had some when I walked but still weighed more than I thought he had :fistycuffs :fisticuffs
Next up Billy liar Snedster on 17, troubles scales to 14lb 10... hmmm nice 10lb :nono :nono :nono
Then " NOT CATCHING DAN " on 15, what would you know 19lb 04 with a couple of big fish and 100+ roach :rage :rage :rage
Andy was next on 13 and obviously DNW as he had gone wet through
Mick was on 11 and chucks 16lb 12 on scales, 3F1s and 100+ silvers :facepalm :facepalm This had by now took the biscuit, not catching my crappity smack wobbly cheeks >:( >:(
Jim was on 9 who also hadn't been " CATCHING ", you guessed it with just 1 F1 and silvers he puts 17lb 06 ont scales, at a guess 150+ silvers but he hadn't been catching " just an odd roach " My mistake it was 151 one then :rage :rage :fistycuffs :fistycuffs :fistycuffs :fistycuffs :fistycuffs :fisticuffs
Big cup rocks up on best peg in match with an honest 8 declared f1s and lb of bits to give him 14lb 06 and learnt that even though we was only on a knock up with a few a lads, they are nowt but a lying set a bastards :tiphat :tiphat

Ah well lesson learnt and will hopefully be put right for Sunday :-/ :-/

Jim and Dan will be going into Sunday's pairs buzzing and full of confidence after todays 1st and 2nd placings :thumsup :thumsup

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 28th, 2015, 9:41 pm
by Statler
Very poetic Me Cup
You now know who tells the truth

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 28th, 2015, 9:55 pm
by big_cup
Very poetic Me Cup
You now know who tells the truth

Very few :facepalm :facepalm

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 9:34 pm
by big_cup
Percentages for reasonable points or gamble good / bad points, what's it going to be for you this weekend fellow muppets??? :-/ :-/ :-/

SACS winter league round 8

Posted: January 31st, 2015, 6:49 pm
by chub_tamer
sh!t or bust me thinks :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana