Already have banned some Gareth. Banned whole ranges but it continues. Been checking Raw access logs but can't seem to pin point anything.
Since I updated to 2.6 my bandwidth has gone through the roof.
Upgraded from 2.4 on the 10th and you can see the increase in bandwidth.
The increase seems to be coming from a Unknown robot (identified by 'bot' followed by a space or one of the following characters _+:,.;/-) Also random IP's sucking large amounts of page hits and bandwidth.
[tt]Unknown robot (identified by 'bot' followed by a space or one of the following characters _+:,.;/-) 152,931+1085 1.71 GB 30 Jun 2014 - 23:59
Googlebot 59,844+60 703.65 MB 30 Jun 2014 - 23:59[/tt]
[tt]Unknown robot (identified by 'bot' followed by a space or one of the following characters _+:,.;/-) 162,564+1486 15.31 GB 31 Jul 2014 - 23:59
Googlebot 53,330+64 2.99 GB 31 Jul 2014 - 23:59
Unknown robot (identified by 'robot') 30,193+211 2.12 GB 31 Jul 2014 - 23:42[/tt]
1.71 to 15.31 is a massive increase and only happened after I updated the forum
Crazy ::)